McArthur And Pine Meadow Named All Star Drug Free Elementary Schools

June 15, 2017

Informed Families, a Florida nonprofit devoted to helping kids grow up safe, healthy and drug-free, has announced two North Escambia area school have been named All Star Safe, Healthy and Drug Free Schools for 2017.

McArthur and Pine Meadow elementary schools were among 16 schools across the state to receive the honor.

To be eligible for All Star status, schools must complete the four prevention campaigns Informed Families sponsors throughout the school year:

  • Family Day
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Lock Your Meds
  • Safe Homes, Smart Parties

“Ambassadors”—usually teachers, guidance counselors, or administrators—at each school manage these campaigns on the local level. Informed Families provides ambassadors everything they need and equips them with the information necessary to create a safer, healthier environment that fosters student success, both in the short term and the long run.

Schools and organizations honored as All Stars will receive $1,000 of prevention merchandise from NIMCO, Inc. for the next school year.


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