How Much Did It Rain Last Week? Radar Map Shows Estimates

June 26, 2017

Radar rainfall totals are in for Tropical Storm Cindy last week.

Most of northern Escambia County north of Molino received 6-8 inches of rain, including areas around Molino, McDavid, Century and Walnut Hill. The radar estimated that areas Cantonment south in Escambia County received 8-10 inches of rain. A few isolated areas in Escambia County, including parts of Cantonment, received between 10-15 inches of rain.

Some 10-15 inches of rain fell apart a large portion western Santa Rosa County in Florida and southern Mississippi. A few areas in coastal Mississippi had 15-20 inches of rain.

Isolated areas may have received significantly more rainfall that displayed by the radar estimate.


One Response to “How Much Did It Rain Last Week? Radar Map Shows Estimates”

  1. Louis O'Rear on June 26th, 2017 1:09 pm

    We received a hair under 10.75 inches in my Cantonment backyard.