FHP, Police Team Up On Pensacola Traffic Crackdown

June 30, 2017

The Pensacola Police Department and Florida Highway Patrol are joining forces to crack down on reckless drivers and traffic crashes within te city limits.

During July, officers from both agencies will work overtime to enforce traffic laws to supplement officers on patrol in an effort to reduce the number of traffic crashes.

“Our goal is to reduce traffic crashes by changing driving behaviors,” said PPD Chief Tommi Lyter. “Our partnership with the FHP will allow us to more than double our traffic enforcement efforts through increased manpower and assistance. We’re very grateful to the FHP for their participation.”

FHP Major Warren K. Fast, commander of Troop A, noted that traffic crashes have a  major impact on the lives of many in the Pensacola area. “It is our responsibility to do all we can to help reduce injury crashes and fatalities. This is an excellent initiative toward this end, and we are pleased to be a part of it,” Fast said.

Among the areas to be targeted during the crackdown are main corridors such as Ninth Avenue between Langley Avenue and Bayou Boulevard, Bayfront Parkway from 17th  Avenue to Spring Street, and Cervantes, Garden and Main streets.


15 Responses to “FHP, Police Team Up On Pensacola Traffic Crackdown”

  1. James on July 2nd, 2017 7:56 am

    Actually to below commenters. There is now a law on slow drivers in the left lane. You (expletive) hold up the flow of traffic and are selfish and ignorant of the fact you CAUSE CARS TO BUNCH UP WHICH INCREASES Chances of road rage and accidents. Just get in the right lane and signal AND WAIT UNTIL CLEAR to move over. The number of morons that signal and immediately move over as if he signal gives them some free move over pass regardless of what’s there is amazing. BUT WHAT WE NEED ARE THESE AGENCIES TO STOP THE BLOCKING IF THE INTEREESECTIONS! There are SIGNS! I emailed all three agencies two years ago EACH. Sheriff himself, too trooper and the chief ALL blamed the over for Langley and ninth. Get your acts together. I know you can make jurisdictional agreements. Ticket these morons for a week or month. Make a ton of money and monitor it in frequently thereafter and you’ll have them scared. These idiots who block. COUNT THE SECONDS YOU ONLY SAVE 20-30. All so you can block others and you never know when someone is having a heart attack and your ignorance and self importance will cause their death. And if law enforcement doesn’t get to it an dthisnis all show by god it’s time citizens get out there and protest and take pictures of the law breakers which they are. They are scum. And let’s make a website and broadcast it. The signs are up. They don’t care about civilized codes and traffic the way of flows quickly when the rules are followed so let’s shame them.

  2. anne 1of2 on July 1st, 2017 9:31 am

    Like the yield sign on E Olive Rd turning right on to 9th Ave. There in NO STOP SIGN! So I also get crazy stares and interesting hand signals ( for leaning on my horn) because people stop and wait! There is a yield lane people – keep on going! Learn to drive or get off the road before you get rear ended by those of us who do know how to drive. Can’t a police car sit at the old car wash and give these morons at least a warning?

  3. joy bryant on July 1st, 2017 6:48 am

    One thing done constantly is when a left turn is being made in a cut thru – they get in the lane closest to them and then THE PERSON MAKING THE LEFT TURN CAN’T SEE!!! you drive on the right side made your turns from the right side- so you can see where you are going -when I get on the correct side of the cut thru to make a turn they look at me like I am crazy – WHAT??!! This is daily

  4. Alan on July 1st, 2017 12:03 am

    If you are not breaking the law you don’t get a ticket!!!

  5. Overit on June 30th, 2017 11:26 pm

    Phillip~ might want to brush up on the laws! Left lane IS for passing or staying with the flow of traffic!


  6. old man on June 30th, 2017 10:42 pm

    if you obey the law they will have no excuse to stop you so if you dont want to contribute to the budget obay the law

  7. Rick on June 30th, 2017 9:37 pm

    Philip you might be right about the laws but most know the left lane is for passing. In most cases aggressive driving is caused by people like you that are in there own little world tying up traffic saying I’m a safe driver when they are really in the way. Safe driving is being cautious and considerate of others around you, knowing the laws dosn’ t make you a good or safe driver, if someone is acting aggressive of foolish, move over and let them go. I’ve been driving for 30 years and have been on both sides of the situation, I agree aggressive driving is wrong and needs to be handled, and I applaud the pensacola police department for taking the matter seriously but they do need to also watch for the one that are in the way.

  8. Fed up citizen on June 30th, 2017 9:28 pm

    This is just a excuse for them to write more tickets to make up there budget.

  9. BG on June 30th, 2017 8:54 pm

    Hay Phillip check your Florida Driving Hand Book…..It says Slower drivers keep right…..That means the right side….Left lane is for passing only

  10. Phillip on June 30th, 2017 7:14 pm

    There is no law against “slow” drivers in the left lane. Look at the laws Susan. The “slow” drivers are not a problem, road rage, tailgating, aggressive driving, speeding (the opposite of slow), and other such activities are the things that need to be addressed. Hit people in the wallet with fines and continue affecting their wallet with points that will cause their insurance to increase.

  11. Dave Twombly on June 30th, 2017 1:27 pm

    Not only using phones or shaving or putting lipstick on while driving But driving so close to the vehicle in front of them. An animal or some one on a bike may make one to hit the brakes to keep from hitting whatever, I have been rear ended three times in the past two years because of impatience and some drivers think they can get you to speed up by touching your bumper.

  12. Reality Check on June 30th, 2017 10:27 am

    Is there any update on the number of drunk drivers arrested at FHP’s last safety checkpoint?

  13. Donna Bell on June 30th, 2017 9:35 am

    Well hallelujah!! I’ve got to make another trip to the cancer center in July and now I won’t dread it so much. When it gets to the point you’re more likely to die at the hands of an aggressive driver than the cancer that brought you there, somebody needs to do something!!

  14. Susan on June 30th, 2017 9:07 am

    How about getting the slow drivers (those that travel below the speed limit) out of the left hand lanes!

  15. mick on June 30th, 2017 9:05 am

    The only way to get drivers to comply with the traffic laws, pay attention, limit the road rage, and STOP THE TEXTING behind the wheel is to hurt them in the wallet with stiff fines. THE EXISTING TEXTING LAW IS LAME AND IT IS NOT BEING ENFORCED!

    When you are stopped by traffic lights look around and observe how many drivers have their faces buried in their phones – even when the traffic starts moving the texting continues . LEO’s could run themselves ragged ticketing drivers texting. It is an overwhelming problem with no solution – stupid people using smart phones texting while driving.