Escambia Man Gets 25 Years On Drug Charges

June 29, 2017

Bud Chatman was convicted by an  Escambia County jury of trafficking in  heroin over 28 grams, two counts of possession of a controlled substance, and possession of paraphernalia.

Immediately following the verdict, Circuit Judge Jan Shackelford sentenced Chatman to 25 years in state prison.

In June 2016, Bud Chatman sold heroin to a confidential informant while out on work release. In August 2016, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at Chatman’s residence. During the search of the residence, law enforcement  discovered over 90 grams of heroin, several hydrocodone pills, marijuana, $16,000 in cash, and various items of drug paraphernalia.


8 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 25 Years On Drug Charges”

  1. Becky on June 30th, 2017 4:42 pm

    Keep him away from society, please.

  2. The real on June 30th, 2017 12:22 pm

    Truth of the matter is not makes you buy heroin. Noone forces you to try it. Yes this guy committed a crime. But taking him off the street will not get rid of the heroin problem. It just opened up turf for a new person to sell, if you want to combat the drug problem take the ones using the drug off the street put them in rehab get them clean and the drug dealers want have a clientele. But as long as there is demand there will be supply. Get rid of the demand and you get rid of the supply.

  3. Muffn on June 29th, 2017 6:38 pm

    Well ona, he should have gotten a real job like the rest of us, he deserves everything he gets.

  4. Sick of Scumbags on June 29th, 2017 3:49 pm

    Woah woah woah there, Ona!? Just trying to provide for his family??? Yeah I also provide for my family, WITH A JOB. I’ve had a very high paying job outsource my work a few years back so you know what I did? Went to work for a pizza place making less than a quarter of what I used to. I now work for a financial institution making good money again, because of hard work and dedication. I didn’t decide to sell crack or smack. Twenty-five years, if anything, isn’t enough. Zero tolerance, lock em up.

  5. Rachel on June 29th, 2017 1:45 pm

    I think that 25 years is fair considering during that time of year there were several deaths from over dosing herion. Does any one know what 90 grams of herion looks like? I don’t but I do know that there are more people in Pensacola on herion than I have ever seen in my life. This drug is worse than anything I have ever tried ur body has to have it everyday to keep from being sick when u try to get off it u have to take a different drug to keep the pain and dierrea away it makes the most honest person steal and lie about everything. Way to go Judge Shackelford and I never thought I’d say that. Good Job!!!

  6. Jason on June 29th, 2017 12:45 pm

    10 prior Felony arrest and a host of other misdemeanor and criminal traffic cases. While many of the Felony cases have been “nolle prossed” due to the lack of cooperation from the victim, a person can only keep thumbing his nose at the court system before their actions catch up with them. Karma caught up with Chatman and now he has a long time to think about the crooked path he chose to follow.

    IMHO, if the court was kind enough to offer him “work release” and he continued to possess and sell drugs while assigned to work release, that didnt send a very positive message to the court – a sorta “Here’s your sign” moment. Ultimately, with this sentence, Escambia County is a little better off tonight.

  7. ona on June 29th, 2017 8:12 am

    so not fair in life today

  8. ona on June 29th, 2017 8:08 am

    he dont deserve 25 years for drugs….maybe killing someone or even sexual predator to a child but not drugs thats not fair….he probably was only trying to provide for his family….smh…!!!!