Convicted Sex Offender Enters Plea In Naomi Jones Murder

June 30, 2017

The convicted sex offender charged with killing a 12-year old girl has entered a not guilty plea, despite an earlier admission to investigators.

The written plea and waiver of appearance were filed in court by the public defender for 38-year old Robert Letroy Howard. With the entry, Howard will not appear in court Friday for a scheduled arraignment hearing.

Prosecutors say Howard kidnapped, murdered and dumped the body of 12-year old Naomi Jones. He remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond charged with first degree premeditated murder. He is also charged with failure to register as a sex offender in the State of Florida.

Authorities say Howard was living with his girlfriend in the same apartment complex in which Jones lived in the 1400 block of East Johnson Avenue. He lived in a nearly adjacent apartment to Jones. She was last seen May 31 in that apartment complex.

Jones likely died within 24 to 36 hours after her May 31 disappearance, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said. Her body was then later dumped into Eight Mile Creek, some 4-5 miles away, where it was found days later by two men looking for a fishing location.

According to court documents, Howard admitted to being at the apartment complex the day Jones went missing and having contact with her at his apartment. He became extremely angry and committed “a violent act” against  Jones causing her death. He then placed her body in the backseat of his Nissan Altima and traveled to multiple locations, including Brewton, AL, before returning to Pensacola and throwing Jones’ body into the creek.


6 Responses to “Convicted Sex Offender Enters Plea In Naomi Jones Murder”

  1. Laura Stromgren on July 2nd, 2017 2:42 am

    I have never commented on here- BUT I agree with all I read above about this GUY & THIS Justice system we have for these no good people with EVIL EVIL EVIL choices they make against incident children. Disgusting – am I also tired the WAY THIS SYSTEM TAKES CARE OF THE CRIMINALS instead of their elderly. These devil worshiper get more help & care then our Children – women & men who are trying to be decent human beings & the elderly who have done good & place & GIVEN ALL their lives for others. These selfish= self=serving, gross humans that take up space for criminal acts against others is sicking me. Glad we only have to stay on this earth so many years. If we have to stay so long- one begins to hear & see so much it can make you sick ! GO TO HELL YOU PERVERT. May you stand for justice for your EVIL choice ! I dont care what happened to you before this—YOU MADE A CHOICE. !!!!! wow, these situations CAN MAKE A GOOD PERSON – TURN MAD, MAD MAD- AT THIS SYSTEM. TERRIBLE – we need to change the LAWS !

  2. Lynn Chandler on June 30th, 2017 12:09 pm

    He should have never been released from prison. Let little Naomi’s (God Rest her precious soul) parents decide his fate. Me personally, I don’t believe he deserves to breath air!

  3. Louise on June 30th, 2017 10:28 am

    I’m not going to insult the animal kingdom by referring to this – whatever “it” is – an animal. “It” is subhuman and apparently the spawn of satan. What is “it” going to claim now – that “it” was temporarily insane and didn’t mean to harm Naomi? What total bunk. I say put “it” in GP in a federal prison and let the other prisoners know the charges. They will take care of “it” permanently. RIP Naomi

  4. Jim on June 30th, 2017 8:51 am

    Forensic evidence should be plentiful and will hopefully end this evil persons time outside of four prison walls.

  5. Mike J. on June 30th, 2017 8:08 am

    In my opinion, every convicted murderer deserves the death penalty. If this man is convicted, then he should be executed in the same manner that he killed his victim. If this man is convicted, then his time on Death Row should not be 20 to 30 years. He should only have to wait 5 to 10 years before execution.

  6. Furious Mom on June 30th, 2017 7:45 am

    You are a monster and should be treated as one! I’d rather the court system throw you in the middle of the street-at East Johnson Ave & Jernigan Rd-I can promise you justice would be served in the proper manner.

    And he pled “Not Guilty”…unreal. At least, admit your guilt you despicable piece of trash! May God have mercy on your soul….because we in Pensacola sir DO NOT! May you burn in hell as you should – for taking this precious child’s life. I continue to pray for Naomi’s family, I cannot imagine the pain you must feel.