Century Chamber Questions Future Of Economic Development Director

June 2, 2017

The board of directors of the Century Area Chamber of Commerce voted Thursday to seek a county attorney opinion concerning the employment status of  their economic development coordinator.

Chamber President Freddie McCall told the board that Janet Etheridge is repeatedly missing work without notifying him, is not attending board meetings to provide status reports on a regular basis, has not submitted required paperwork to the county and is generally not performing her expected duties.  Etheridge was not present at Thursday’s meeting, and McCall said she did not provide any reason in advance.

Etheridge’s position is funded by a yearly grant to the chamber by the Escambia County Commission. For that reason, McCall will, at the board’s direction, ask the Escambia County attorney’s office to review her employment contract to determine what options are available to the chamber board.

The chamber board expects to call a special meeting on Etheridge once they receive the attorney opinion.

Pictured: Century Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Coordinator Janet Etheridge at a 2016 meeting. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Century Chamber Questions Future Of Economic Development Director”

  1. Wondering on June 3rd, 2017 10:15 am

    Seriously….With any other job, you don’t perform, you get fired. Why do you need to consult an attorney? If she’s provided no documentation as to what is going on, there is no legal reprocussion.

  2. Willis on June 2nd, 2017 4:01 pm

    Do you mean it’s not as easy as no performance no job.