Brewton Sex Offender Arrested For Murder Of Naomi Jones

June 8, 2017

A convicted sex offender from Brewton, AL, has been arrested for the death of Naomi Jones.

Robert Letroy Howard, 38, is being held in the Escambia County Jail in Pensacola. He is charged with first degree murder, kidnapping and failure to register as a sex offender.

Authorities say Howard was living with his girlfriend in the same apartment complex in which Jones lived in the 1400 block of East Johnson Avenue. He lived in a nearly adjacent apartment to Jones. She was last seen May 31 in that apartment complex.

Jones likely died within 24 to 36 hours after her May 31 disappearance, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said. Her body was then later dumped into Eight Mile Creek, some 4-5 miles away, where it was found days later by two men looking for a fishing location.

Morgan said investigators believe Howard acted alone.

Howard was convicted in 1999 on two counts of first degree rape to two adult females in Escambia County, AL. One of the victims was 19-years old at the time. He served 15 years.


98 Responses to “Brewton Sex Offender Arrested For Murder Of Naomi Jones”

  1. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2017 9:45 am

    Try that again:
    Fools’ names, like monkeys’ faces,
    are always seen in public places.
    (or something like that, don’t know why he looked at ME when he quoted it, though)

    This does not mean every public figure is a fool or that everyone who hides his name is wise.
    Proverbs 17 (ESV)
    28 Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise;
    when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.
    It didn’t mean he was wise, just that he managed to hide his foolishness by not showing it.

    By the way, I am not calling anyone a fool — even if the shoe fits — just pointing out erroneous thinking.

    And regarding the idea that people should never judge any action to be wrong, that would, if followed blindly, mean killers should never be stopped from killing, never be punished for hurting children. Taking the totality of what Christ said rather than cherry-picking verses, I do not believe He meant that because the indifference is a violation of the principle of loving your neighbor — not just in word, but in our deeds.

    David for understanding

  2. JC on June 13th, 2017 6:31 am

    Regarding a lack of wisdom;

    Of course He said something about that stone, but it did require some insight. See, if you don’t cast the first one, you cant make it to your…. pick a number.

    Flash cards for knckl hds

  3. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2017 5:35 am

    “as the ol saying goes, fools’s names and fool’s phrases are often seen in public places.”

    Mr. Pettis used to quote it as:
    Fool’s names, like money’s faces,
    always show, in public places

    Proverbs 26 (NIV)

    4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    or you yourself will be just like him.
    5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
    or he will be wise in his own eyes.

    ” the one w/o sin cast the first ston”


    And it was thrown long ago. Jesus didn’t say anything about the 4,384th stone.

    David for wisdom

  4. David pellizzeri on June 13th, 2017 12:07 am

    All will be judged by GOD

  5. JC on June 12th, 2017 5:55 pm

    Hey dhg, how about the one w/o sin cast the first ston, Hercshiser!

  6. JC on June 12th, 2017 5:54 pm

    Mr Green, Do you honestly hope to change people’s views, you are a fountain of useless facts. But as the ol saying goes, fools’s names and fool’s phrases are often seen in public places.

  7. David Huie Green on June 11th, 2017 9:02 pm

    “David green, get down off your soap box.”

    Why? The view is nice up here.

    “We get tired of hearing you cry about dealers…it’s apples to oranges.”

    It’s okay. I didn’t realize you needed it but you have my permission to not listen if you are offended by me bad-mouthing those sweet drug dealers.

    “This guy is 1000% worse than a dealer, after all”

    Naomi’s killer killed one innocent child.
    I’m not interested in forgiving him; I leave THAT up to those who insist we can’t judge him no matter what Christ declared about those who hurt children.

    Illicit drug dealers killed about 17,000 people.
    ( )
    I’m don’t see why you want to justify them, but that’s just me.

    “what is cvs, walgreens. Legal dealers”

    Pharmacists dispense medicine to adults as prescribed by physicians for the express purpose of healing, reducing pain, protecting health.

    Dope dealers sell mind-altering chemicals of unknown quality, purity, sterility to people of all ages for the money they can make — with no regard whatsoever for the lives of their customers or the people they may also harm.

    “so david you can’t have it both ways.”

    Yeah, I can maintain there are differences. It is interesting that anyone considers them equivalent.

    David for clear vision

  8. Mr reality on June 11th, 2017 8:40 am

    David green, get down off your soap box. We get tired of hearing you cry about dealers…its apples to oranges. This guy is 1000% worse than a dealer, after all what is cvs, walgreens. Legal dealers…so david you cant have it both ways.

  9. K Draughn on June 11th, 2017 6:59 am

    Anyone found guilty of this after due process, deserves the most brutal punishment. I’m not a lawyer and don’t want to be one. I don’t think I could bear to be the person who has to examine the facts of this case. Right now we don’t have all the evidence that’s why we have trials , so no one becomes a scape goat, and we aren’t arresting and convicting people for political expediency to avoid public furor. After all we just had Boyette running around killing people and that didn’t look very good…….

  10. Jane on June 10th, 2017 3:36 pm

    Regina, i have many pals that work at a local prison. This man will not stand a chance. Prisoners have children. And love them. Even they look at people like this man as folk that need to be taken out of the gene pool. He wont last long.

  11. Jane on June 10th, 2017 3:32 pm

    Regarding Interesting Comments
    Investigators don’t arrest, DAs don’t take cases to trial and Prosecutors dont take cases w/o sufficient evidence. And lets face it, he was guilty before she went missing. You could volunteer to be his legal representation

  12. K Draughn on June 10th, 2017 7:50 am

    Interesting comments.
    Did he confess?
    Irrefutable evidence? DNA?
    Convicted before a trial, how very American…..

  13. Clad in Shadows on June 9th, 2017 10:28 pm

    There is enough outcray for me to say anything that’s hasn’t been said… How something this horrible could’ve happened here. I feel this is a smaller, safer community. My (now) wife and I purchased a house here about four years and now have a few children, because we wanted to live a peaceful life doing things families do! Then you see this… and my wife is now terrified to go to Walmart of Target because what if one of our children is snatched by some maniac?!? I love this area because this kind of thing is rare… but this just goes to show you apparently you are t even save in your own backyard……

  14. DD on June 9th, 2017 2:53 pm

    Tracey …… I don’t know you , just want to say thanks

  15. Regina Lynn on June 9th, 2017 1:29 pm

    PLEASE… Do not say that Robert is sick.. You can fix “sick” but “Evil” oh Lord you can’t fix “EVIL”.. This “EVIL” man needs to be put in a electric chair & fry him… Maybe someone will get him in jail… Make him suffer.. He needs to be were he never sees day light..

    Naomi is everyone’s child… Her story has touched our hearts.. So beautiful Angel you watch us all …

  16. Spudder on June 9th, 2017 10:50 am

    Public hanging

  17. Tracey on June 9th, 2017 1:36 am

    Next month all this will be forgotten.We (americans) have let our whole way of living get out of control. This poor family has a long road ahead,the fishermen have a long road ahead In a blink of an eye things CAN happen. Mothers have to work along side the husband just to make it in this Money trap we call home.That leaves kids to basically raise themselves. The television shows these days, easy access to rude sites like dating sites, Facebook, Instagram, and video games.Kids as early as 11 or 12 have cell phones. Not saying this is bad, but parents need to monitor there conversation and enforce it if it doesn’t quite look rite …TURN THAT TV OFF make these kids leave them phones in there room and go outside, go shopping, swimming, teach these girls to buddy up never walk alone anywhere and NEVER at nite.Say something to a friend or parents if u know 100% that your friend is talking with someone on a site.IF U LOOSE A FRIEND TAKE THAT CHANCE IT JUST MIGHT SAVE THERE LIFE.!!!! GOD BLESS THESE POOR FAMILIES AND SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS…MY HEART IS FULL OF SORROW FOR ALL.

  18. Ashley on June 8th, 2017 9:03 pm

    I hope someone in jail shows him what it’s like to feel helpless. What a monster, children are sweet and innocent, a gift from God. So sad, r.i. p., praying for her family. ❤

  19. David Huie Green on June 8th, 2017 8:57 pm

    “Still can’t believe there was no Amber Alert put out for this child!”

    They couldn’t. There must be sufficient descriptive information of child, captor, or captor’s vehicle to issue an alert.

    The child? Yes.
    The abductor and vehicle? No. He seems to have been basically next door.

    Let’s just hate on him a while, be mad at others later.

    David for reason

  20. David Huie Green on June 8th, 2017 8:31 pm

    “they have no problem sending drug dealer away for max 20. No selling drugs are not ok but it’s a choice from one human to another.”

    A drug dealer sells chemicals which alter the function of the brain. Up until it first hits the brain, the user has no idea how it will affect the brain. The pusher/dealer does not explain the risks — sometimes even what it is– if he even knows, just a variation of “Try it; you’ll like it.”

    Afterward, the brain says, “More. MORE! I want more!” and the person is a slave to the addiction. Addicts steal from relatives, friends, strangers in obedience to the addiction. They sell anything they own, anything they can steal, their bodies, the bodies of their children. They kill themselves and those who get in their way. They often addict more unsuspecting or curious victims in a form of pyramid scheme.

    The one who killed Naomi is a monster but no more a monster than drug dealers.

    David for stopping monsters

  21. Bring it on on June 8th, 2017 8:15 pm

    You have to ask yourself, why does GOD let trash like that walk the earth . Hopefully there’s a good hot place for him real soon !
    And I don’t mean Haiti.

  22. Lisa on June 8th, 2017 7:22 pm

    Hang him

  23. SHEILAH J Scofield on June 8th, 2017 6:56 pm

    I hate a young life had to be lost but maybe this will wake the court system up and start taking sex offenders serious he got away with it before with a slap on the wrist and he is not the only one there is a lot of them out there. Once a sex offender always one. The death sentence is to good for him , taking a helpless child’s life my prayers are with the family.

  24. Taylor Cain on June 8th, 2017 6:43 pm

    He should’ve gotten the death penalty in 1999 with the other convictions. Smh

  25. Mr reality on June 8th, 2017 6:19 pm

    Melinda is spot on. If its section 8 they need to pull the support for the girlfriend who had this trash living there. Thats another problem in this county.

  26. EDDIE SMITH on June 8th, 2017 6:14 pm


  27. Suzie B on June 8th, 2017 6:06 pm

    Surveillance cameras on homes and businesses are frequently an aid to catching criminals. I hope more and more continue to invest in them, even if our own homes aren’t targeted. So sorry this happened to this little one. RIP

  28. Shirley Hales on June 8th, 2017 5:15 pm

    I cannot imagine losing a child or grandchild, much less the way this precious child died. This sorry excuse for a man needs to be hung from a tree just close enough so his feet are in an ant bed and leave him there until his stinking a– dies, I have no sympathy for a no good sorry piece of s— like him, may you burn in hell. This precious and beautiful child is in Gods arms now, safe and sound. God Bless Sweet Naomi’s Family.

  29. Melinda on June 8th, 2017 4:26 pm

    If his girlfriend knew he was a sex offender…she should be held culpable for allowing him to reside in her apartment, unregistered, near children. This whole thing is beyond evil. Heartsick for the family

  30. Dorlisa Wilson on June 8th, 2017 4:17 pm

    There is a special place in he’ll for trash like him sick!

  31. Amanda Beasley on June 8th, 2017 4:03 pm

    We should not assume all perverts look like perverts! They look like neighbors, friends, even family members! Once convicted for a sexual crime, I recommend they be tattooed across their forehead as follows: Pervert/Sexual Predator. Everyone deserves to see them for what they are! And once convicted, never allowed to be roaming public streets again. There is too much proof that there is no cure for sexual predators, rapists, and the like! Parents beware! Know what your kids are doing and where they are in the internet. Share Naomi’s story with your kids. This is what happens in the evil world we live in these days!

  32. Ruby fore on June 8th, 2017 3:58 pm

    I told my daughter, give David Morgan and his crew 4 to 5 days.

  33. Tammy on June 8th, 2017 3:49 pm

    I think they should go ahead and take care of him axe axe so we don’t have feed and cloth him

  34. Sue on June 8th, 2017 3:28 pm

    Your objections to the EARLY release of offenders MUST be submitted to your political representatives so that it is clear to the Corrections Dept.

  35. Deborah on June 8th, 2017 3:14 pm

    For all of you calling for castration, it has been proven ineffective with these monsters. As rape is more about power than sex. Saying it would take away his weapon is not true.He can and would still rape with objects. Much research has been done, and also this was a common practise at one time in history. It did not prevent rape. There are two choices for these monsters, death, life in prison.

  36. Scarlett Cochran on June 8th, 2017 3:09 pm

    I went to the bridge where her body was foubdctoday. So sad! This man deserves the death penalty. And that would be to easy for him!

  37. Kait on June 8th, 2017 3:06 pm

    He was out for what…maybe 3 years and look what he does again…..this is why scumbags like that should get life.

  38. Diane Clinton on June 8th, 2017 2:44 pm

    I’m from Chicago and followed this case. I wish hanging was a option for this vile man. Keeping her alive for up to 36 hours then strangling this child is horrific. God bless her soul. Heaven just got a little bit better with her in it. My granddaughters in Pensacola are just a bit safer with this monster of the streets.
    I give props to the way this case was handled by authorities. I know God is smiling on all the volunteers.
    To the community keep your eyes open. Watch and hold your babies close. If you see a issue or something just not right report it immediately. Cling together as a community. I’m proud Pensacola to have my daughter and family as residents. You make me proud that they call Pensacola home.
    Dr. Diane Clinton

  39. Rebecca on June 8th, 2017 2:40 pm

    The best punishment for this monster is to convict him, put him in general population in prison, and let all of the inmates know what he was convicted of. The taxpayers would never again have to worry about paying for his prison stay… the inmates would take care of the problem for us. Why let him sit in prison, watching TV, playing on the computer, lifting weights, getting three meals a day, a bed to sleep in and a roof over his head when we have homeless veterans on the streets that don’t get those luxuries. Also, why give this monster extra years on his life while he appeals his conviction. the additional years he’d live would be longer than little Naomi got to. Let the GP know why he’s in prison.

  40. Donzetta Hale on June 8th, 2017 2:32 pm


  41. Loreen Evans on June 8th, 2017 2:25 pm

    A lot of the problem I am having is the failure of facts to be reported accurately. For one thing, this man was not arrested for murder. This man was arrested for not registering as a sex offender in Escambia County, Florida. If we cannot rely on you for factual reporting, that is an issue.

    I would like to see justice served, but if we allow a mob mentality to rule and suspend reasonable skepticism, we may end up allowing the guilty person to go free, while railroading an innocent party.

    I do not have an opinion of whether this man is actually guilty of this crime. I think it is important to mention that he is innocent until proven guilty.

  42. SEEKING..TRU.JUSTICE.NO PACIFIERS on June 8th, 2017 2:10 pm


  43. anne 1of2 on June 8th, 2017 2:07 pm

    Our Lord will take care of Naomi (beautiful, gentle) and her family. He will also handle judging this vile human. Thank the Lord for prayers answered. they caught him!

  44. joy on June 8th, 2017 1:48 pm

    Thanks to all who helped In recovery of this little one special thanks to law enforcementss.

  45. joy on June 8th, 2017 1:44 pm

    Special prayers for this mother and father and their families. A precious Childs life with the Angels. GOD bless these family’s.

  46. My2Cents on June 8th, 2017 1:40 pm

    So he is living right next door with his girlfriend…Who is supposed to be checking up on him? You would think that his parole officer or some government official was supposed to keep an eye on him. Why didn’t that happen?

    This is just sad and sick all around. Single people be wary of who you let into your home. Take the time and a few dollars to check a person out online. Doing a google search on his name revealed his crime.

    Lord have mercy!

  47. Pops on June 8th, 2017 1:23 pm

    “I pray they have the right person and not just name him because he has a pass record please make sure he did it”
    They have surveillance video of him near the creek, from a nearby business.

  48. joy on June 8th, 2017 1:08 pm

    Well this man was in the projects next door to this precious child!
    This proves this could have been avoided if this would have been a gated community, monitored visits.. Family supervision is very important, also is near the interstate. schools out now children are out playing…. this man needs to stay behind bars… Parents stay close to your children and love them. Should have NEVER been living or visiting near any children.

  49. JWood on June 8th, 2017 12:56 pm

    Hopefully they have the right man……many times someone is sentence wrongly for lack of evidence and quick to close a case and years later, the right one found…….but if this is the right man, I hope he lies in a cell for the rest of his life, wishing he were free……he took a child’s innocence and life…..the worst thing anyone can do.

  50. JC on June 8th, 2017 12:56 pm

    If they let his tail swing from some gallows in the middle of town, folks would think twice before doing mess like this

  51. Frannie on June 8th, 2017 12:51 pm

    He is doomed either way in jail or in prison if he makes it there,those brothers ate in jail and prison for all sorts of crimes, but they hate sex offenders, child preadators and baby killers. My heart goes out to this child and her family. I just pray he didn’t make this precious baby girl suffer long. Its just grips my heart to think what was going on in her poor little mind when she realized what was going to happen to her. Lord keep your hands upon all the innocent children in this world. R.I.P Naomi You will never be hurt again

  52. Sha Mazanec on June 8th, 2017 12:50 pm

    Sad that when she first went missing people were saying look in the apts she lived in as alot of perverts around there…. Maybe if law enforcement would have done that they would have found her alive. And registering as a sex offender is a joke…. They jump the county lines and don’t register….death penalty for any & all sexual predators is the only way to help keep our kids safe

  53. Wood on June 8th, 2017 12:44 pm

    People are hoping he gets the death penalty….I disagree. He needs to be given a life sentence with no chance of parole ever……so he can sit in a small cell alone, thinking what he did…..until he drives himself crazy ….death is too easy for him…over and done with……he needs to suffer ….remembering and knowing he will never ever get out……that would be his torture!

  54. Wood on June 8th, 2017 12:41 pm

    Obviously was not ready for parole and glad he was caught! Every state in the US should have some sort of a data base where the state itself records these criminals electronically and is sent to all landlords and public agencies as schools, etc…….not relying on them to sign up as a sex offender themselves……not many do … may be extra work for the police and state but in the long run, save lives…..because he did not make himself known as a sex offender…he was allowed to live there…..or perhaps he only moved in with his girlfriend who was renting……at any rate…this crap needs to stop…..these types do not belong anywhere….and need to stay in prison…..they will only be released to rape again….or as in this case..murder. ..they are like evil wolves and don’t deserve to be in society.

  55. rebecca on June 8th, 2017 12:36 pm

    @thomas, I totally agree!! he should be tortured! ! how dare him #1be able to live in a complex full of women and children, #2 shame on his girlfriend for having him around all of these innocent females and #3 feed his testicles to gators while still attached. ..

  56. Nwo on June 8th, 2017 12:29 pm

    Please jail staff housed him in GP and see how long he will last this punk will be place in protective custody feed him to the wolves you sick coward. No mercy!

  57. Tera on June 8th, 2017 12:24 pm

    My prayers go out to the family for this sweet angel. And I pray he gets everything he deserves and more when judgement comes. Fly High sweet naomi

  58. Chris in Molino on June 8th, 2017 12:20 pm

    Now save the time of a trial, put in general population. Som eone will give this punk what he deserves. I know these bastards are everywhere but I tell you, if I knew for fact I would be housed with him, I’d commit a crime and go to jail myself. It would be so lovely to let him feel my hands. However, they’ll keep him protected. Despite the trashy character of people locked up, they don’t accept this kind of evil.

  59. Phil on June 8th, 2017 12:16 pm

    The idea of castrating an offender may sound good, but the Supreme Court,in Buck v Bell (1927) outlawed sterilization as a punishment. Sorry, folks, it can not be done.

  60. Mrs. Ellis on June 8th, 2017 12:02 pm

    My heart is so heavy for the family of Naomi.
    It sickens me to think what this poor child went through her last day on earth.

  61. Thomas on June 8th, 2017 11:57 am

    Great work ECSO. It’s crazy that scum like this & others like him continue to roam this earth preying on innocent victims until a tragedy like this happens. I fully support castration for people who commit sexual crimes & fully support the death penalty for murderers. My thoughts & prayers are with this family who has lost a loved one far too soon.

  62. Mad Citizen on June 8th, 2017 11:52 am

    He’s a dead man.. whether inside or outside of the jail/prison..

  63. Linda Lay on June 8th, 2017 11:52 am

    I pray he gets the death penalty

  64. dewey on June 8th, 2017 11:41 am

    capital punishment, speedy trial!

  65. dvincent on June 8th, 2017 11:30 am

    Hell ain’t deep enough or hot enough for a sicko like this pervert!

  66. marcelle perritt on June 8th, 2017 11:11 am

    All rapists/murderers should be kept in prison for ever or get the death penalty..Why let them out to rape and kill again??????????????

  67. LaKeshia Montgomery on June 8th, 2017 11:03 am

    He should never have been let out of prison!!!! He only got 15 years for rape and they have no problem sending drug dealer away for max 20. No selling drugs are not ok but it’s a choice from one human to another. However, no one chooses to be violated, raped, only to have their attacker harm someone else. That’s the system, he should have been sent to death row for rape, after all her murdered their innocence and stole apart of their essences. I hope he’s raped every day in prison for the rest of his life, sick bastard

  68. Upset Grandmother on June 8th, 2017 10:56 am

    It’s been proven over and over again that you cannot rehabilitate a sex offender.
    I consider myself a liberal on most things however, this monster served 15 years and got out to commit this heinous crime against a juvenile.
    Castration must be the only answer to stopping this. I’m sure his stint in prison was wrought with more crimes that I can imagine. But once again his actions prove he “didn’t learn anything” except maybe how to approach little girls instead of women- back when he was 23 he could have made better decisions. Now that he is 38 he is completely unable to make anything resembling a sound decision.
    Lock him up, throw away the key, or castrate him and he can hide in the corner of prison like the little b#$ch he is and someone can make him be their puppet. Rape is about power not sex. Take away his tool of power.

  69. Alex on June 8th, 2017 10:51 am

    Hope he burn in hell for this

  70. Reelucy on June 8th, 2017 10:33 am

    I pray they have the right person and not just name him because he has a pass record please make sure he did it and all point to him. Justice will be taking againt him to the law. Amen. People like this need to be off the street and no freedom.

  71. Carlene Thomas on June 8th, 2017 10:30 am


  72. Sarah White on June 8th, 2017 10:10 am

    I thank Jesus that they apprehended this disgusting pervert. That said, ladies and gentlemen, WE HAVE TO DO BETTER! I know the men and women who serve in every aspect of law enforcement are diligent and hard-working. But he raped two women and only served 12 years. Even if he met every requirement for release he should have been HEAVILY monitored. He hadn’t even registered as a sex offender which he was legally required to do. No one other than Robert Howard is to blame, but this could have been prevented. A little more attention to detail, an extra visit to make sure the “sex offender” is registered and staying out of trouble, these things could save lives. We MUST do better.

  73. Randy lucas on June 8th, 2017 10:06 am

    He was our shift runner at Fountain for awhile when he was there.

  74. bartender on June 8th, 2017 10:06 am

    thank you jesus for the capture of his sick man.he should have been never let out of prison. now if he dont sit on death row for 20 yrs.they should have closure.he should have been casarated or killed in prison.what a sick sick man.god bless the family that has to look at him.

  75. mel on June 8th, 2017 10:02 am

    sad thing is after his trial if he gets the death penalty he will still live longer in prison than Naomi lived her whole life . need to take him out as quick as possible .

  76. jeannie on June 8th, 2017 10:00 am


  77. jeannie on June 8th, 2017 9:59 am

    so happy they got this monster! now for him to get whats coming to him.

  78. Michelle on June 8th, 2017 9:47 am

    Hang him!!

  79. Bonnie Exner on June 8th, 2017 9:39 am


  80. Louise on June 8th, 2017 9:34 am

    This vermin deserves to be eradicated immediately and in the most torturous manner possible.

  81. Kim on June 8th, 2017 9:27 am

    This poor baby!!! The sick disgusting person that did this should pay so dearly for what he has done to all the people he has hurt! There needs to be more accountability for these sex offenders and pedophiles!!! People…before you let somebody play a role in your children’s lives for God’s sake research them’ not nobody NOBODY is worth your child being attacked and hurt like this…this poor babies family is forever forever distraught because of this piece of crap!!! There needs to be more done for these kids to be protected!!! God help any other child that might have come in contact with this scum bag!!! Disgust me!!! REST IN PEACE precious Naomi!!!

  82. 429SCJ on June 8th, 2017 9:25 am

    Start, RAPE/MURDER, Loop until;STOPPED!

    The justice system turned this monster loose, I pray that it will now extinguish it!

  83. Jake on June 8th, 2017 9:23 am

    Just a shame.

  84. Bobbie Matthews on June 8th, 2017 9:23 am

    Praying for both families. My heart is even heavier this morning.

  85. molino jim on June 8th, 2017 9:21 am

    Looks like a good week for our LEO’s with the SO arresting this fellow and early in the week the city making an arrest for and old case of murder. Stay safe LEOa’s

  86. Tarrence Wright SR on June 8th, 2017 9:20 am

    Thank god they found this scum bag. I have a daughter I was loosing sleep at praying for her family

  87. Miika on June 8th, 2017 9:13 am

    I normally do not wish anything bad to happen to anyone. But this man deserves every bad thing possible. Taking an innocent childs life. I knew it had to be someone who lived in the same complex. Good Luck in prison bc you’re going to have a hard life in there. This is a shame. But on that note, I am glad they found him. #justiceforNaomi

  88. MiMi on June 8th, 2017 9:12 am

    He needs to be castrated awake!

  89. sam on June 8th, 2017 9:08 am

    our justice system is broken. how could this individual be out walking the streets. he is and was a rapist. he should never have been released. a little girls life was taken as a direct result of a broken system.

  90. David Poole on June 8th, 2017 9:03 am

    Execute his butt! Prayers to the family!

  91. JduB on June 8th, 2017 9:01 am

    Thank you for all the tireless hours worked by the multiple law enforcement agencies to make an arrest of this girls (alleged) killer. May justice be served swiftly and prayers that Namoi’s family gets a little peace having a few more answers & a caputured killer. My prayers continue for this family.

  92. molino jim on June 8th, 2017 8:59 am

    Good work on the part of LEO’s.

  93. so sad on June 8th, 2017 8:54 am

    Just take the TRASH out back and up against a wall, one shot and be done with him,,, so disgusting

  94. Satrina Rush on June 8th, 2017 8:50 am

    This man is sick need to die slowly

  95. Mary on June 8th, 2017 8:47 am

    That precious baby! He is proof that pedophiles CANNOT ALWAYS be fixed! Fifteen years in prison for sex crimes & he STILL had the urge to hurt!
    God have mercy on you Mr. Howard & I pray that you get what you deserve. I also pray that justice is served for precious, beautiful Naomi!

  96. mick on June 8th, 2017 8:46 am

    If in fact this is the abomination that committed this despicable murder he requires an expeditious death penalty. Why is he even walking the streets after raping two women? Sorry excuse for a human being.

  97. Kathy on June 8th, 2017 8:44 am

    So sad glad they caught this dirt bag, patent s need to be more aware if what there children are doing ,and they Don’t need cell phones at her age ,even though it my not have played a part in her murder.RIP little angel.

  98. Gary on June 8th, 2017 8:42 am

    Whoever the judge was who let this low life out of prison should serve the same sentence as the piece of dung who took this precious child’s life. Judges have to be held accountable for their incompetence.