Woman Charged With Murder After Missing Man Found Buried In Backyard

June 29, 2017

A 23-year old woman is facing charges for murder after the body of a missing man was found buried in the backyard of a Warrington home.

Desiree Jean Tedder is behind bars in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and is awaiting extradition back to Escambia County for the murder of 23-year old   Drulmauert Depodrek Mims. She is being held on a second degree murder charge, but that charge is expected to be upgraded to first degree murder once she is back in Florida.

Mims was reported missing on March 29, 2017. His 2007 Cadillac CTS was found unlocked and unoccupied on April 1 on Lakewood Drive in Pensacola.

Authorities have not released a cause of death pending the results of an autopsy.



9 Responses to “Woman Charged With Murder After Missing Man Found Buried In Backyard”

  1. Bama on July 1st, 2017 12:52 am

    @ Chris and nod. That would mean not even Indians could live here.

  2. Nod on June 30th, 2017 12:12 pm

    I am a native american of european decent. Born and raised here i was. I agree with chris.

  3. Robinhood on June 30th, 2017 7:18 am

    Mims was arrested numerous times (8 times) and was last arrested on 1/26/2017 for possession of COCAINE. Just maybe IF he had turned away from crime just maybe he would still be alive. When you live that life style you either DIE or go to PRISON. That did not give that stupid woman a right to kill him but she is involved with drugs as well and probably why he got killed ….. over dope. STUPID. Turn to JESUS CHRIST and he will save you and provide a much better life. As I have said before, The life style they chose has not gotten them anywhere in life and just maybe if they would give JESUS a chance they just may turn their lives around for the better. I know some that were in ROCK BOTTOM and they turned their lives around by going to Church and accepting the LORD into their lives. They are working now, not in to drugs anymore and living a prosperous life and much happier life as well.

  4. chris on June 30th, 2017 5:53 am

    @jennifer: I’m sure every Native American would agree with your statement.

  5. Mike on June 29th, 2017 10:15 pm

    ” I wish there was some kind of grandfather law that if you weren’t born here or lived here for at least 20 years you’d have to go back from wherever you came from.”

    If that was the case, Pensacola would plunge into the 19th century agriculture with no influx of talent attracted by the location.

    Number 2. Who are these folks committing crimes? Immigrants from other areas/countries or long lived Pensacola residents?

  6. Nana of 16 on June 29th, 2017 3:17 pm

    Unfortunately Sir it is a sad affair seeming everywhere now. Even in little places like Washington Co. Alabama.
    Get right with God please I don’t think he’ll let all of this go on for to much longer. Just my opinion and prayer.

  7. Sedition on June 29th, 2017 3:00 pm

    If “law enforcement” isn’t going to do anything, perhaps it’s time that “we the people” clean house.

  8. jennifer rabren on June 29th, 2017 12:33 pm

    This is the kind of crap that happens when we became over populated with a bunch of idiots. I have lived here all my life and there was a time when it was a safe place to live. I wish there was some kind of grandfather law that if you weren’t born here or lived here for at least 20 years you’d have to go back from wherever you came from. I am tired of the higher crime rates, the traffic, and the all around crap that goes on around here lately.

  9. TJ on June 29th, 2017 11:59 am

    It’s sorry state of affairs in Pensacola lately and I am afraid it’s going to hell in a handbasket!