Remembering, Honoring Those That Served

May 29, 2017

Scouts and 4-H club members placed flags on every grave at Barrancas National Cemetery for the Memorial Day weekend. Pictured are members of the Barrineau Park 4-H Club placing flags at the cemetery on Pensacola Naval Air Station.   Photos for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Remembering, Honoring Those That Served”

  1. david lamb on May 30th, 2017 11:49 am

    Many Escambia County natives died in our wars for our freedom to voice our conservative and liberal views. We are a free people to do what we want, as long as we are willing to accept the consequences of our actions.
    Our fallen hero’s are the ones that have sacrificed to give us that right. Those of us that returned from war with our lives are truly grateful for their sacrifice. Memorial day is more than a cookout or trip to the beach.
    I remembered my three classmates yesterday, Fred Sheffield, Kenny Hatch and a brother of a friend Jeff Hughes. All were Tate Aggies- Kenny and Fred were 1966 Aggies Jeff was a year or two earlier. I remember all of them as good friends with a lot of life to look forward to.

  2. Mike J. on May 30th, 2017 10:35 am

    My son and I were at Barrancas at 7am Saturday with his Boy Scout troop. We have been doing this many times as he has been growing up. I was in the Navy for a few years. I appreciate the sacrifice of our brave military.

    “The Land of the Free, BECAUSE of the Brave”!

  3. sam on May 29th, 2017 5:41 pm

    my uncle i never met due to WW2, died in a bomber over france in 1944. he was 19 years old. his brother, my father was in the pacific fighting the japanese. when both left for service they knew the only way they were coming home was to win the war. Dad made it back after 3 years. my uncle, after the war. my grandparents received a western union telegram about his death. i put small flag at my uncles grave on veterans day, memorial day and the 4th. it’s the least i can do. Thanks uncle.

  4. Sage2 on May 29th, 2017 2:08 pm

    As a daily reader of North Escambia, I find it most interesting and truly heart-breaking that on this day to honor our fallen heroes in wars past and present there is not much comment given to this day by the numerous commentators whose regularly writes their thoughts, feelings or emotions here.
    Why is that?
    However, comments come from every Tom, Dick and Harry if a goat is stolen, a wife beaten or a wreck occurs!
    Why is that the case when being able to post on this site is a freedom and privilege because of our military who has secured the “blessings of liberty” for us to do so?

    If silence were golden…we would indeed be very rich when remembering our fallen.