Partnership Offers Free Breakfast, Lunch For Kids In Cantonment

May 31, 2017

A Cantonment group has gone to work to address childhood hunger this summer.

“The kids I saw were saying that they were hungry all the time,” said Josh Womack of the Cantonment Improvement Club (CIC). “We got to work because we knew there were resources out there.”

The CIC found Feeding the Gulf Coast, formerly the Bay Area Food Bank, to provide breakfast and lunch to Cantonment area children five days per week.

The first meals were served Tuesday and will continue Monday through Friday until school begins in August. Breakfast is served about 10 a.m. and lunch is served about noon at the Carver Park Resource Center at 208 Webb Street in Cantonment. The meals are free for teens and children under age 18.

The CIC is also working to provide tutoring and learning opportunities in the resource center during meal service times.

Pictured: The first meals were served Tuesday under a new partnership between the Cantonment Improvement Club and Feeding the Gulf Coast. Photos for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Partnership Offers Free Breakfast, Lunch For Kids In Cantonment”

  1. Calvin qualls on June 2nd, 2017 9:48 am

    Why do someone always have to find something wrong with what we are doing for our community great job C.I.C

  2. 429SCJ on June 2nd, 2017 7:38 am

    Having a breakfast at 10am, then lunch at noon.

    A brunch and a lunch. If logistically possible I would serve those meals at wider intervals.

  3. Elmo on June 1st, 2017 11:58 am

    A big thank you goes out to Josh Womack and his group for all that they do for the kids.
    This is only a small part of all they do in the community! Again, thanks!!

  4. fisherman on May 31st, 2017 8:21 am

    First let me say thank you to CIC for doing a great job.
    First meal at 10:00 and second meal at 12:00 that doesn’t make any sense. Two hours between breakfast and lunch they shouldn’t be hungry. Do it at 10:00 and 4:00 that makes more sense. I’m not knocking the program just making an observation n times meals are served. They would go 22 hours with out a meal if these times are followed.