Inmate Serving Life For Murder Assaults Three Century Correctional Institution Officers

May 19, 2017

Monday, a close custody inmate serving a life sentence assaulted three correctional officers at Century Correctional Institution, according to information just released by the Florida Department of Corrections.

Inmate Matthew Marshall assaulted the officers at approximately 9:10 a.m. Marshall struck the officers, one on his forearm, a second officer in the face and third on their hand. Staff responded, and the inmate was subdued.

Marshall will receive a disciplinary report for this assault. The FDOC did not release any information about the condition of the three correctional officers condition or need for outside medical care.

Marshall was sentenced in November 2016 to life in prison on a Lee County conviction for second degree murder, abuse of a human corpse and obstructing a criminal investigation.

This inmate on staff assault is not related the to the apparent stabbing of an inmate on Thursday (click here to read more).


14 Responses to “Inmate Serving Life For Murder Assaults Three Century Correctional Institution Officers”

  1. Chris in Molino on May 22nd, 2017 7:19 pm

    @Dan—Oh, just wanted to add. My time in prison wasn’t my debt to society, it was my punishment. My debt to society was to change my life, raise a family, and perform selfless act and good deeds in my community at every opportunity. It’s not only my debt, but my responsibility. It actually offends me a little when people offer money in return for a good deed when in fact, I just hope I am helped when I am in need.

  2. Chris in Molino on May 22nd, 2017 5:41 am

    @Dan— No, I was a stupid teenager. I had to be sent to CM1 @ FSP for using my #5 master lock to send a couple fools to an outside hospital for making sexual advances. You’d think it would be the other way around.
    However, I wouldn’t be pointing anything out if you weren’t on my case every time I comment. I haven’t told any lies. Besides, I thank you and appreciate you. You don’t appreciate me. If you’re wife were to have someone Rob or attack her in a parking lot, I’m the guy who’s gonna get involved and stop it.

  3. Dan on May 22nd, 2017 12:14 am

    How much do I make less than half that and I keep you and your family safe on a daily basis that’s sad but what is worse is the fact that you pointed it out

  4. Dan on May 21st, 2017 7:16 pm

    So you didn’t take any college courses while you were in prison. You should’ve used your time to better yourself

  5. Chris in Molino on May 21st, 2017 6:35 am

    @ ProudArmyParent—Seems I know exactly what I’m talking about. Officers get hired at what $29k (then) get on the job training for “months” for their certification, then make almost $31k.
    @Dan– @ PJC, then UWF for two years. About to go back for two more. Oh, and numerous DOT and ACI certs. So thank you. About to start working on 3 mile bridge where I’ll make almost $1,700 a WEEK. How much do you make ?

  6. Gary on May 20th, 2017 5:34 am

    Marshall should have been executed, rather than a prison sentence. He has nothing to lose by assaulting officers. What are they going to do? Give him 10 years? A joke.

  7. Co wife and ex co on May 19th, 2017 9:19 pm

    @chris….these officers go through school just as any county deputy would do. The job can be easy at times just like any other profession. But 95% of the time you are responsible for your fellow officers back, the safety of inmates and not to mention you own back. You have no idea what your talking about and will not until you walk in their shoes. The prisons are understaffed and run by the administration as If it’s an elementary school. No pay raises, no incentives and alot of overtime are expected. And on top of that you are not allowed to take much of your earned vacation. And for all of you who say well then quit….well do you want the job. Most of you would wet your pants when you walked through 1 dorm of 200 inmates who are murderers, rapist, gang members and thugs. These officers need to be recognized and respected for the job they do. Its a different world behind those fences.

  8. Dan on May 19th, 2017 7:02 pm

    @chris in molino
    You can’t even get a job at McDonald’s now days with absolutely no education by the way what institution did you get your degree from

  9. Nod on May 19th, 2017 5:43 pm

    Shawshank prison would be a good model for this type of person. I wonder how he treated his mother. Solitaire confinement for life is a good start for him. Ofcourse if i was a liberal like 429 said the other day i would say the guards were probably trying to ?

  10. john on May 19th, 2017 2:05 pm

    Think of it this way, you have a murderous caged dog that knows he will surely die in prison and has nothing to loose, he is not concerned about a piece of paper. There is no reason they should be kept alive. You couldn’t pay me enough​ to be a co. They all should all walk off the job.

  11. ProudArmyParent on May 19th, 2017 2:02 pm

    @Chris in Molino- it would be so nice if you knew what you were talking about. I’m not a Correctional Officer, but do know they go through months of training. Officers are also given incentive classes. These Officers put their lives on the line everyday, (and I do mean everyday). Correctional Officers do not get to carry firearms like their like their brother Police and Sheriff Deputies, but the one things Correctional Officers do know is that they actually work to keep Convicted Criminals out of the public domain. These Officers walk through a gate to keep Convicted Felons from walking out that very same gate (before their time is served).
    So Chris you think you know so much are you willing to put your life on that same line everyday to keep the public safe?

  12. Chris in Molino on May 19th, 2017 11:04 am

    @Just saying—- But a very easy job to get for the starting pay with no education whatsoever. Granted, officers ought to be able to stomp an inmate to the ground for such behavior. Most inmates are animals anyway. Tallahassee should be behind the officers nomatter what regarding incidents like this.

  13. mq on May 19th, 2017 10:55 am

    A very hard and thankless job for sure, Just saying.
    And nowadays it seems like the foxes are running the henhouses. Sad, when there is no respect for authority. Granted these are prisoners, but still…..

  14. Just saying on May 19th, 2017 8:31 am

    My thoughts and prayers for the officers. Thankfully these werent life threatening injuries but still it shouldn’t happen. This is happening every day in Florida DOC (if every single case was reported the public would be shocked). Correctional officers have been stripped of the authority they once had and can no longer control the inmate population or even protect themselves without fear of losing their jobs. A disciplinary report will do nothing to modify the behavior for an inmate serving life. I worked for DOC, and I have family who still does. It’s a very hard and thankless job.