Escambia Man Sentenced To 30 Years For Child Porn

May 16, 2017

An Escambia Count man will spend the next 30 years in prison for possessing child porn.

Circuit Judge Edward Nickinson sentenced Jason Sapp, age 40, to 30 years in state prison for 25 counts of possessing child pornography. He was also designated as a sexual offender and will be required to register as a sexual offender and comply with all statutory requirements.

In October 2015, investigators with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant on Sapp’s computer and electronic devices after they discovered that he possessed child pornography. Several images of child pornography were found.

Sapp was interviewed by investigators and admitted he had downloaded child  pornography but claimed that he had not accessed the images in several years.

Forensic analysis of his devices revealed he had accessed several files mere days before the search warrant was executed.


4 Responses to “Escambia Man Sentenced To 30 Years For Child Porn”

  1. Grand Locust on May 18th, 2017 9:59 pm

    How do we protect children against sexual predators? I do not think this works. One million and five hundred thousand dollars to feed, clothe, shelter, a person who is not a violent criminal. One more bed taken where predators who actually harm children are released and not properly monitored because we lack funds as these type of stories get front page and make people feel good because of the nature of the subject, but the idea that giving 30 years to non violent perps who have not harmed a child, but are simply in possession of child porn with the idea that if we punish the taxpayer and the perp, there will be no market for this filth. It is a flawed idea, which is bankrupting this country filling the jails with non violent scum, and releasing predators without proper supervision. Not a popular position, but if something is not working, it is not working. As usual, taxpayers get the bill, and a non violent perp fills up needed beds and 50k a year.

  2. Not good enough.. on May 17th, 2017 1:36 am

    Agreed Duke… I can hardly give much praise for this prosecution when the “source” of this vile material is free to continue in his/her parasitic ways… I cant understand why more emphasis and the available sources are not geared towards the capture and prosecution of the actual producers of this garbage… Not knocking our local LEO… This just seems the case nationwide over and over again…

  3. Duke of Wawbeek on May 16th, 2017 4:23 am

    429SCJ, could it be that DOJ is dangling a worm as opposed to pursuing the source?

  4. R. D. Mercer on May 16th, 2017 2:32 am

    Why support this guy with our tax dollars in prison for 30 years? Sterilize this piece of human garbage or just rid the world of his face.