Escambia County Donates Surplus Office Equipment, Furniture To Century

May 15, 2017

The Escambia County Commission recently voted to donate various surplus office furniture and equipment to the Town of Century.

The county approved the donation of the following surplus items to Century:

  • 6-Drawer Desk (Walnut Finish)
  • Grey Table (approx 6 feet)
  • Grey 4-Foot Table/Desk
  • Credenza (Walnut Finish)
  • 6-Drawer Desk (Walnut Finish)
  • 5-Door Lateral Open File (Legal Size)
  • 5-Door Lateral Open File (Legal Size)
  • 5-Door Lateral Open File (Legal Size)
  • 5-Door Lateral Open File (Legal Size)
  • 5-Door Lateral Open File (Legal Size)
  • Tennsco 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • Tennsco 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • 2-Drawer Lateral Open File
  • HON 6-Shelf Open File
  • HON 6-Shelf Open File
  • HON 6-Shelf Open File
  • HON 6-Shelf Open File
  • DELL Latitude 100L Laptop (reformatted to Windows XP sp 3)
  • 6-Drawer Desk (Cherry Finish)
  • 4-Drawer Desk (Walnut Finish)


7 Responses to “Escambia County Donates Surplus Office Equipment, Furniture To Century”

  1. David Huie Green on May 18th, 2017 10:05 pm

    ” The fact is XP has no update or support from Microsoft. ”

    Although they did release a patch to update XP this week or so to protect from the ransomware problem.

    Also, there are other free operating systems which can replace Windows XP were it necessary.

    David for Chromebooks

  2. Trisha on May 16th, 2017 2:08 pm

    Even Escambia County deserves new furniture at some point. What they are replacing is probably over 20+ years old. I have seen government offices with horrible pieces of junk that the employees have to patch together. Century may need storage for paper files. Yes there is such a thing now days. It takes a lot of time to transfer paper documents to computer documents. Takes people AND data storage along with money of course. So I say good for Century, I hope you can use every single piece of furniture you can touch.

  3. chris on May 16th, 2017 6:17 am

    Then ignore my comments. The fact is XP has no update or support from Microsoft. That may be why the laptop is being given away.

  4. JustMe on May 15th, 2017 8:31 pm

    Ref to below comment on street department using the computer for manual for uniform traffic. This publication is in print as well and from what I have seen when the street department is working on Hwy 29 they need all the help they can get. Very dangerous.

  5. Citizen on May 15th, 2017 1:39 pm

    That’s great.

    The laptop could be useful for downloading manuals for Waste, water or street department, even if it is not used for connecting to the internet. Computers are useful as stand alone. (chris, you are very tiring always finding something negative, it make you look bad btw)

    Something like the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control can be downloaded and the street department can use it for self education about signs and other regulations that the Federal Highway Administration has put out for example. (Century is supposed to be in compliance by (JAN/2018)
    Or the Water Department may have a use. Who knows. I am sure the Town of Century will put it to good use.

    The connection forged with the county is a fantastic bond and the go getter (Hawkins) who showed up to the meeting and asked for this seems to have some common sense as far as I can tell. Nothing wrong with hand me downs at all.

  6. chris on May 15th, 2017 12:21 pm

    RE: “DELL Latitude 100L Laptop (reformatted to Windows XP sp 3)” software that hasn’t had an update available since 2014. I think even the free tablets that council members received had better specs than this.

  7. JEAN KING on May 15th, 2017 9:49 am