Century Increases Water, Sewer Rates By Over 50 Percent

May 2, 2017

Monday night, the Century Town Council officially approved a water and wastewater rate increase that will cost the average family just over $200 per year.

The average family of four customer using 5,000 gallons of water per month currently pays $18.65 for water and $13.00 for wastewater, for a total monthly bill of $31.65. A three-year incremental rate increase approved Monday night totals a a 55 percent ($17.30) monthly increase  for the average user….$21.36 for 5,000 gallons of water and $27.59 for wastewater, for a total bill of $48.95.

The water and wastewater department had a net income loss of $142,022 last year, according to a Florida Rural Water Association rate study. In order to apply for future grants or loans, the water and wastewater systems must be financially viable by implementing the rate increases, according to town officials.

The increase comes of the heels of a 36 percent garbage rate hike of $6.21 per month. Together, the water, sewer and garbage rate increase will cost Century’s average family of four $283 per year. The increase allowed a system that was losing to money to continue to operate at the current service level.

Century is also considering a natural gas rate increase.

The new water rates approved Monday night by the Century Town Council are as follows:

Sewer rates were increased as follows:

Pictured: Century’s water, wastewater and natural gas franchise also serves the Century Correctional Institution. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Century Increases Water, Sewer Rates By Over 50 Percent”

  1. tg on May 3rd, 2017 6:57 am

    Fear not with new industry like the Bingo Hall everything will be fine.

  2. Makes good sense on May 2nd, 2017 9:03 pm

    In all honesty, these new rates are very reasonable and stack up well against other utility rates. Lines, pumps, wells, towers, chlorine, primary and secondary wastewater treatment, labwork, lift stations, alarms, generators, manholes, emergency repairs, meter replacement… all in a day’s operational expenses. And the operators and maintenance crews… hey, they make it happen everyday and certainly deserve a cut in this, too. Quality infrastructure is a core component of good government, economic investment, and neighborhood improvement. It’s not the answer to every woe in Century, but it’s a positive step in the right direction.

  3. Dehydrated on May 2nd, 2017 4:25 pm

    Not sure why everyone is so upset about a water price increase. If the water authority was being run by the private sector the price increases would come with zero input from the public. Water and sewage treatment is one of the most poorly funded organizations across the board. Add to it that society can’t exist without clean fresh water and sanitary elimination of that water. If the city doesn’t at minimum increase prices at the rate of inflation the cost of the service is getting cheaper year over year. If you want the city to run a sustainable operation with a balanced budget you should expect prices increases from time to time. A lack of price increases would make me think they were being fiscally irresponsible not the other way around.

  4. Grand Locust on May 2nd, 2017 2:51 pm

    These type of increases shout that government has not done their job. This should have been done incrementally, and either indicates incompetency or lack of courage.

  5. Century Resident on May 2nd, 2017 2:19 pm

    I think the fact that the town can justify keeping the utility viable by increasing the rates which justifies that the town is eligible to apply for grants because we are incorporated still serves the citizens of Century for their own health and well being. With out this incorporation, the cost for upgrades would be absorbed with even higher rates.

    I for one want to know if my water line has been updated. I want to ensure the water is not passing through old lead pipes and that a new upgrade to modern plastic pipe can be accomplished.

    I want a better consumer confidence report reflecting parameters such as VOC, due to the SWAPP assessments data. What about trace metals, nitrates, nitrites etc… Why does the CCR mostly show inorganic? Surely more is tested under the SWDA.

    Due to the fact the homes already have sewer and water connections, most likely ECUA would take over if the town unincorporated as some have suggested on here.

    ECUA is professional. They offer discounts to senior citizens, have a better web site, recycle, online payment and more, they are also raising rates themselves. I wonder if other costs would be involved such as grinder pumps, sewage meter installations, connection fees.

    True, the citizens of Century can call for a vote and unincorporate, lose a layer of government and come directly under District 5. Is that the best thing for the citizens?

    What unforeseen consequences or advantages will that bring? The unknown, I think residents will be pushed back, code come across the board, roads widened and improved. The employees would be laid off as well as the officials and the mayor. I think most of the citizen who voted for Hawkins want to give him a chance, Identity politics? Maybe? They will not vote or favor to unincorporate. Perhaps citizens do not even understand they have the power to do that but neither will most want to at this time.

    Septic tanks and wells will not be permitted plus the cost to install these are at almost 10K. That will not happen.

    I suppose if the residents do not like the current situation, they have the option to move elsewhere and see if the costs, services are better.

    I wonder about the business model of serving the prison and outlying areas, not with in the town limits, maybe they know more about it than I do.

  6. don't understand on May 2nd, 2017 12:38 pm

    sammyjo why is century poverty stricken? Don’t say because of no jobs. That would be just lying. Town of Century is hiring for 2 positions and only got a hand full of applications. the news papers always have adds for truck drivers, they will even pay for your schooling to get your cdl, AND even pay you while you go to school. THATS a win win situation right there, THATS BINGO BABY. There is plenty of jobs out there, might not be what you want but a little something is better than a lot of nothing. The only catch is you have to get off the couch and go earn it. I KNOW IT SOUNDS SCARY, BUT AFTER YOU DO IT FOR A LITTLE WHILE IT’S NOT SO BAD I PROMISE

  7. Jason on May 2nd, 2017 12:24 pm

    Many folks appear mad at the wrong elected officials. The officials you should be mad at are the ones who chose to forego the necessary rate increases which allowed the system to lose money and become dilapidated.

    I hate rate increases. I bemoan them every time I get the notice that rates are increasing. I have always felt that new growth should offset the need for additional revenue. However, I also realize that cost do rise and as such what I pay for the service must also increase. These new rates bring the cost of services in line to what is being charged by ECUA. In some cases they are still a little cheaper. However, these new rates will keep the system operating and financially solvent for years to come.

    Dont blame the current Mayor and Board members for doing what the former Mayor and Board members should have been doing the last few years. Had small rate increases occurred during previous years, it wouldnt require such a large increase at currently being implemented to get things back on the right track.

  8. Retired on May 2nd, 2017 11:53 am

    I think some of the losses in revenue last year were due to the loss of so many homes with the tornado perhaps,

    Century, I advocate that you get a website going and use that forum to reach out and explain things better.

    Not everyone like to go to public meetings and question things–, you know with DWTS on at the same time and other reasons.

  9. RASHEED jACKSON on May 2nd, 2017 11:25 am

    Someone complains about rate increases but then said give raises to the employees. How are you going to give raises when you are losing money?
    It looks to me like the Mayor and Town Council made some tough decisions and they weren’t popular with the residents. We all want the services so we all will need to be willing to pay or them.
    I know there are some that live on fixed incomes and these increases are going to be hard to absorb. but all things have a cost and that cost is passed on to the consumers.
    The City has put off the increases long enough and the City officials had to do a very unpopular thing to keep the City afloat. Good job Mayor and Town Council.

  10. anne 1of2 on May 2nd, 2017 11:18 am

    I’d kill for a bill water that low. It isn’t the water, but the sewer that adds to the bill. But having had an outhouse on a farm in TN, I’ll pay that sewer bill any day, lol.

  11. molino jim on May 2nd, 2017 10:47 am

    @ Don’t understand– you beat me to the same comment. When the water and sewer system is running at a lost there has to be an increased in the cost. Read the article folks. If the system is not supporting its self there will be NO MORE GRANT MONEY. If the grant money goes away then the cost would have to go up even more. One answer is to do away with Century as a town and let everyone put in a well and their own sewer system. The head line said 50% increase — that will amount to less than $18.00 per month to be the increase over a three years period spread. No one likes to see a price go up on any thing– but life and needs are not free. I drive into the downtown area of century some times and look at the boarded up store fronts. Yes Century is a depressed area so maybe the best answer is to call it a day.

  12. don't understand on May 2nd, 2017 10:01 am

    You all want top notch service for bottom dollar prices. Lets go to car city and see if we can buy a Cadillac for the price of a Geo Metro. while we at it lets go see if the Food Giant will sale us a gallon of milk for the same price they sold it to us 10 years ago, and then we’ll stop by the gas station on the way home and try to buy a twenty ounce coke and a little debbie cookie for lets say 2 dollars. something is telling me we’ll be coming home empty handed. Do you all think everything in the country goes accept utilities? Surely the citizens of Century are smarter than that.

  13. sammyjo on May 2nd, 2017 9:20 am

    What are they thinking??????????We live in poverty stricken CENTURY not Atmore, Crestview or other places. Go ahead mayor and council.keep on increasing our rates and you might be giving the town away.!!!! think on that for a while..Give raises to those who work for you. They really deserve it….Tension within the city employees so thick already>>>>> and you think you are making points….who with???????? Pat yourself on the back . Since day one, its been about increasing rates……….Who elected you??? while you sit around patting yourself on the back. Ask yourself………..where did the votes come from that got me in this office?????..

  14. mike on May 2nd, 2017 9:17 am

    BTW, the front yard floods here now, bcuz the powers that be decided we don’t need drainage here, nothing where there used to be a ditch but the side of the road. :D

  15. mike on May 2nd, 2017 9:14 am

    Woohoo Centurions! Everybody now gets a paved road, sidewalks, concrete drainage ditch system! Nice computers on every desktop in every classroom! & skip the concrete pad, a real swimming pool with lifeguard!

    Yeah, right!

    More likely pay raises for gov employees! :D

  16. nod on May 2nd, 2017 7:37 am

    Thank you Mr Mayor. Maybe if we give you more money to spend, you will manage it better. Remember your constituents have a very limited supply of money. Please leave us some.

  17. Sam on May 2nd, 2017 7:07 am

    I will vote for anyone that runs against anyone in the regime at city hall.

  18. chris on May 2nd, 2017 6:14 am

    And…..here comes the gnashing. Just remember who you all voted for.