Special Olympic Athletes Take Part In Young Athletes Program

April 4, 2017

The Escambia County School District’s Young Athletes Program took place Friday at Escambia Westgate School’s Greenhouse Playground.

The event included an opening ceremony with following a torch run. Nearly 100 athletes took part in the event.

“Our students have been learning these skills throughout the school year and now is the time for them to shine and have fun demonstrating their personal best in each activity,” said event coordinator Mona Burch.

Special Olympics Florida provided T-shirts for all the students, staff and volunteers that are registered participants. In addition, all students received a participation certificate and ribbon at the conclusion of the event.

Partnering with Escambia Westgate in putting on this big event were 31 student volunteers from Tate High School’s Early Childhood Education Academy. They ran each of the activity stations and assisted some of the classes.

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