Sex Crime Charges Dropped Against Jay Woman

April 5, 2017

Sex crime charges against a Jay woman have been dropped, but she is still headed to prison on a previous conviction.

State Attorney Bill Eddins announced Tuesday that the charge of unlawful sexual activity against 46-year old Kimberly Ann Seevers has been dismissed by the state.

Seevers was charged on April 12, 2016, for the pending case. The case was scheduled for judge trial before Circuit Judge John Simon later this week.

The victim met with prosecutors Tuesday and expressed that he did not want to return to Florida to testify. He also indicated that he was satisfied with the prison  sentence Seevers had received and wished to move forward with his life.

Seevers was previously arrested on November 24, 2015, for the same charge involving another minor. In that case, Seevers entered a plea of no contest and was sentenced on January 17 to 38 months in state prison by Circuit Judge Ross Goodman.

With no further charges pending, Seevers will be transferred from the Santa Rosa County Jail to the Florida Department of Corrections to begin serving her prison sentence.


20 Responses to “Sex Crime Charges Dropped Against Jay Woman”

  1. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2017 10:43 pm

    “David, I think the main point here is that a person in a position of authority had sex with a minor in a position of submission (no pun intended). That’s why it can’t be considered consensual even if the boy were yelling Yes! Yes! The age gap is pretty large too, all things considered.”

    There are many “main point”s for different folks. For many, it is sexual equality.

    Quite possibly the “victims” only had intercourse out of pity, her being so old and all. Even if they yelled, “Yes! Yes!” and high fived each other, it was likely because they didn’t want to hurt her feelings, them being so tender-hearted and all.

    Unless she held direct authority over the innocent children in question, she didn’t really place them in a position of submission. If they took her classes and their grades depended on extra credit, yes, she did something worse than just have intercourse with Jay boys — disgusting though that sounds.

    You assume that was the reason they involved themselves with her, I have my doubts. It was bad, but maybe not worth killing her over. A’s aren’t that hard to get.

    David for A+

  2. No Excuses on April 7th, 2017 9:42 am

    David, I think the main point here is that a person in a position of authority had sex with a minor in a position of submission (no pun intended). That’s why it can’t be considered consensual even if the boy were yelling Yes! Yes! The age gap is pretty large too, all things considered.

    It’s an unfortunate event all around.

  3. A on April 7th, 2017 12:08 am

    She’s one desperate creeper we can do without!

  4. David Huie Green on April 6th, 2017 11:20 pm

    “That’s because someone who is underage cannot actually give consent… not legally.”

    If that were so, a 17 year-old could not commit rape at knifepoint or gunpoint if the other party were over 18. The act would be the same but the victim reversed.

    In 1989, 13-year-old Joe Sullivan was convicted of the brutal burglary and rape of a 72-year-old woman in Pensacola. They did not charge the woman with statutory rape even though he was a minor and she was an adult.

    David for reason

  5. David Huie Green on April 6th, 2017 10:55 pm

    “Actually we do… Florida Statutes are pretty clear. Adults cannot have sex with a person under the age of 18. Regardless of whether or not you think these boys are victims, according to the law, she committed Statutory Rape. SHE is the perpetrator and the boys are still the victim.”

    Actually, that is incorrect because Florida law makes exceptions when age difference isn’t that large or when the victim is drugged without prior knowledge. Sure, after the tenth or 20th drugging, she should grow suspicious and it is unreasonable to even think these upstanding young children would ever do anything wrong, but without personally knowing their impeccable character, we don’t personally know they didn’t. (After all, their grandparents might have come from a more sinful place.)
    “4 (d) When the offender, without the prior knowledge or consent of the victim, administers or has knowledge of someone else administering to the victim any narcotic, anesthetic, or other intoxicating substance which mentally or physically incapacitates the victim.”

    Anyhow, if an adult were unknowingly drugged by a minor and then used while unconscious or otherwise incapacitated, the adult becomes the victim. not the attacker.

    Under the law.

    David for contemplation and repentance

  6. Resident on April 6th, 2017 8:20 pm

    As I have noticed there are a lot of comments on here from usual people that comments on a lot of post and giving there opinion on situation that they know nothing about. Get your facts correct before you start commenting and let the individuals involved and courts decide everything out. For 1…she was NOT a teacher so why are a lot of y’all claiming she was? It has nothing to do with a class room or school. For 2…the old saying is if you don’t have nothing good to say about someone don’t say nothing at all. Yalls parents must have not taught y’all anything. Just saying

  7. Matt on April 6th, 2017 2:17 pm

    “We don’t actually KNOW she was the perpetrator.”

    Actually we do… Florida Statutes are pretty clear. Adults cannot have sex with a person under the age of 18. Regardless of whether or not you think these boys are victims, according to the law, she committed Statutory Rape. SHE is the perpetrator and the boys are still the victim.

    Show me cases where an adult male and a underage female have “consensual” sex and the case is dropped against the male… I can’t think of any. That’s because someone who is underage cannot actually give consent… not legally.

  8. Shay on April 6th, 2017 9:30 am

    Stop blaming the teacher?

    Are you drunk? She is the adult and the person in a position of authority. It is all her fault. It doesn’t matter if a young stud comes on to her. Her job is to say no. Actually to say helllll no!!!! Stop blaming victims and take responsibility for sick actions!!!

  9. JustSaying on April 6th, 2017 6:30 am

    She has already been sentenced to 3 years in State prison, which she will have to do most of! Then 3 years probation! This is already in place. Maybe a few months off for gain time, not many! The BOYS have moved on, I’m sure they can still perform on a daily basis without mental stress!

  10. anne 1of2 on April 5th, 2017 9:52 pm

    We won’t have to worry about her being in a classroom again. This is a very biased subject. Too many of us run on the boys will be boys attitude. I know this is wrong, and I know I am guilty of the thought.

  11. Brett and Donna on April 5th, 2017 8:18 pm

    Stop blaming everything on the teacher. Young studs consenting to these sexual acts are as much at fault as she is. If they are of teen age (13 yrs old and older) then they know right from wrong too. The males find it all so cool to be engaged in acts of this nature. Then they brag and the word gets out. The bragger feels he has done something oh so great also.

    @ D Huie: I like your story

  12. Don Neese on April 5th, 2017 2:58 pm

    Something sure seems amiss here. According to the bible any sex outside of marriage is sin….Unfortunately were all guilty.
    But….17 yr olds have gone to war since time began. They have fathered children, committed every crime 40 yr olds have. To a momma a 16 yr old might be her baby. But physically…he’s a man.
    By the time I was 17…I was married with a child and wife to support. I agree…”THOSE POOOOOR HELPLESS BOYS” :)

    I just don’t understand societies reasoning. I by no means approve of this…but the law seems to be perfectly happy letting a 40 yr old man sodomize an 18 yr old and they put Mrs Robinson in prison? Something is amiss!!!

  13. Robert on April 5th, 2017 12:38 pm

    Rick – you are wrong about length in prison. Inmates in Florida can serve no less than 85%.

    Mom- there is no double standard anymore, as the legal system now prosecutes these women. Back when I was in high school, the guys who “scored” with a teacher did not consider themselves victims, but as studs and lucky. We all knew teachers who put out, but were not prosecuted then. Even today, only parents think their sons are victims. The most common way these teachers get caught is by the students bragging

  14. David Huie Green on April 5th, 2017 11:55 am

    “If this was a man, would everyone be so forgiving? I think not. It’s ridiculous that we feel differently when it’ s a woman who is the perpetrator vs a man. Had this been my son, I would be ready to put her out of her misery. “*

    If your son had sexual relations with an older woman because he asked and she didn’t say NO well enough, you would kill the woman? This reminds me of how many Muslims kill their daughters or sisters for “allowing” themselves to be raped. They figure she has dishonored the family by not resisting to the death.

    This seems somewhat harsh.

    We don’t actually KNOW she was the perpetrator. Sure, we have suspicions, but unless we were personally there, we only BELIEVE. (If we WERE there, we are criminals too for not stopping this terrible thing.) For all we know, they may have gotten her drunk each time to lower her defenses then preyed on her. After all, they went to her house. She doesn’t seem to have gone to hers.

    I know some deny there is a difference between men and women, but I can’t see it, rather, I DO see a difference.
    Men don’t get pregnant.
    Men can’t perform sexually without desire whereas women can be used without desire, consent, sobriety or even consciousness.

    I feel for her poor victims, those innocent 16 or 17 year old angels. If only they had a mother to protect them from wanton women. So sad.

    David for differences

  15. Alan on April 5th, 2017 11:48 am

    rick – every prisoner in Florida must serve a minimum of 85% of their sentence. She got 38 months so she will serve 32 months minimum.

    Mom – She got 38 months in prison, not probation. All she can get in prison in gain time and get out in 32 months. I do agree that it should not matter the sex of the offender or the victim.

    Mike – Nice to know folks of your caliber still exist.

  16. Jamie Downham on April 5th, 2017 9:55 am

    Molesting a child is not a mistake, it’s a sick and twisted thing to do to a child. She should’ve gotten a lot longer.

  17. rick on April 5th, 2017 7:54 am

    Maybe I’m wrong, or just too conservative but it seems like 38 months……she will probably serve a lot less than that……….is just not much punishment for sexual assault of a minor. Gender or age is no excuse. IF you do harm to a child the penalty should be severe

  18. Mom on April 5th, 2017 6:47 am

    If this was a man, would everyone be so forgiving? I think not. It’s ridiculous that we feel differently when it’ s a woman who is the perpetrator vs a man. Had this been my son, I would be ready to put her out of her misery. This type of behavior cannot be tolerated from a man or woman! I don’t care what you men think-this can traumatize a young boy just as much as if it were a young girl. Why do some think it’s just “cool” that a young boy “got to sleep with his teacher?”. I hope she thinks about this long and hard while she’s doing her time (which will probably resort to probation only I’m sure).

    Mike Hard-sounds like you have a bleeding heart for this so called woman, why? If she were a man and done this to your daughter-would you feel the same way and speak those same words? I doubt it. Stop with the double standard BS!

  19. Tarrance WrightSr on April 5th, 2017 6:10 am

    I don’t see how them Lil guys running they mouth. I’ve did things like that in school and didn’t say anything till years later

  20. Mike Hard on April 5th, 2017 3:17 am

    Then so be it . People need to accept what and how the court case went and how the outcome is . This woman is sorry for what happened I’m sure and now must do what she has to do ( punishment ) I hope she can do her time and return to live her life .
    We all make mistakes : Godspeed