Scott Visits Local Leaders At Navy Federal

April 8, 2017

Gov. Rick Scott was at Navy Federal in Beulah Friday for financial round table with local government officials and business leaders.  Pictured top: Debbie Calder, executive vice president of Navy Federal, addresses the group including Gov. Rick Scott (seated light blue shirt), Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward (seated, right) and Century Mayor Henry Hawkins (standing, right). Pictured below: Enterprise Florida’s Mike Grissom talks about the importance of partnerships in diversifying and stregthening Florida’s economy. Photos for, click toe enlarge.


5 Responses to “Scott Visits Local Leaders At Navy Federal”

  1. Retired on April 8th, 2017 10:35 pm

    Glad Mayor Hawkings is networking, even though the politics run deep and wide and I am still a fan of the Bow Tie. Takes a special style and confidence and perhaps a bit of being unique and unapologetic. Glad to see him there.

  2. gatorbait on April 8th, 2017 3:48 pm

    Welcome to Rick Scotts world. Just another photo op taking credit for something he did not do. Thankfully the legislators stopped his corporate welfare , funneling our tax dollars to his corporate buddies. Rick Scott
    I would appreciate it a lot more if you would stop wasting our tax
    Dollars on your frivolous lawsuits and stop using our tax dollars to
    Settle lawsuits against you for breaking the Florida Sunshine law for
    Open Government. You just agreed to settle with a Tallahassee attorney
    That sued you for using private e-mails to conduct state business for
    700 thousand dollars. Scott agreed to settle case over the ouster of
    Gerald Bailey head of FDLE for 55 Thousand dollars. And the state
    Has paid 200 thousand dollars in legal fees and settlements for other
    State officials. This is a million taxpayer dollars wasted. This money could
    Have been spent better to help the citizens of Florida. Gov Scott Vetoes
    A $ 2000 a year pay raise for the State Forestry Firefighters that have
    To support their families on a base salary of 24 thousand dollars a year.
    And then turns around and approves 2 million dollars for a sea wall
    Around a golf course in orange county in south Florida.
    I am Appalled that my tax dollars are being used to settle lawsuits
    Against Gov Scott for violating Florida Sunshine open government
    Laws . The Gov office has now revealed the total has reached
    1.3 Million dollars. .

  3. Retired on April 8th, 2017 3:18 pm

    The move to eliminate Enterprise Florida and several other economic development programs, led by House Speaker Richard Corcoran, has garnered fierce opposition

    But Gov. Rick Scott has been its most vocal critic, using his political committee to air attack ads against Corcoran and House members who voted for the bill. Scott wants to spend $76 million on Visit Florida and $85 million on Enterprise Florida and believes the programs are essential to boosting the state economy. Corcoran thinks spending on both groups amounts to “corporate welfare.”
    The Senate has been supportive of the programs as well.

    Corcoran said that, after looking into Visit Florida’s finances, “What we’ve found is $1 million for a rapper, $2 million to wrap a race car.”

  4. Citizen on April 8th, 2017 2:04 pm

    Interesting to see how elected official figure how to funnel tax dollars into their pockets via 501c organizations, appoint themselves to the boards and pay themselves bonuses, Brilliant.
    Public Servants.
    Google Enterprise Florida I
    or others who eyes have seen the glory of the 501
    You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool ALL of the people ALL the time.

  5. Melodies4us on April 8th, 2017 9:34 am

    There he is, once again taking credit for new jobs that he had absolutely nothing to do with.