No Serious Injuries In McBride Road Rollover Crash

April 24, 2017

One person escaped serious injury in a single vehicle rollover crash Monday afternoon on McBride Road, between Bratt and Byrneville Roads, outside Century Monday afternoon. The roadway was temporarily blocked by the wreck. The accident remains under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “No Serious Injuries In McBride Road Rollover Crash”

  1. David Huie Green on April 28th, 2017 7:10 pm

    To those bad-mouthing Concerned:

    Concerned was proving the point with an example. The fact that people give less weight to those who don’t spell common words properly is obvious even if we don’t usually point it out.

    Concerned’s point was accurate as well regarding responsibility.

    David for safer drivers

  2. PJ on April 26th, 2017 9:15 pm

    I too witnessed this driver’s recklessness. She nearly hit me head on in Atmore when she bypassed the stop sign at Ridgley and Presley street. She would have also hit the vehicle behind me had that driver not swerved completely off of the road. She could have easily killed someone or herself.

  3. Concerned on April 26th, 2017 12:11 pm

    in reply to “My thoughts”, you are absolutely correct! Thank you! :)

  4. C. on April 26th, 2017 12:07 am

    @ My thoughts … funny :)

    How is the weather? And has the man decided whether to sell the wether? Lol..

  5. My thoughts on April 25th, 2017 9:30 pm

    To concerned: While your playing the spelling/grammar police, its whether not weather like rain or storms. FYI. thank you.

  6. Gary on April 25th, 2017 2:47 pm

    The driver of that vehicle has no regard for the lives of other people. Had she killed an innocent person, she would probably have said, “I’m sorry.” but that doesn’t get it. Jail time seems apprpriate, but will never happen.

  7. Susan on April 25th, 2017 2:03 pm

    Brittanie I saw this truck going south on Hwy 21 at 11:55am. They were driving at a high rate of speed without regard for their life, or anyone else’s. I watched them drift into the oncoming traffic. If that oncoming car had been in the inside lane, the would have hit head on. I watched this truck go through the red light by churches chicken in the turning lane. I don’t care what the “situation” was. This person did not belong behind the wheel. Your aunt is blessed she didn’t kill herself or someone else. I do not know you or your aunt, and I have no reason to lie. If you care about your aunt, I suggest you get her some help.

  8. Gary on April 25th, 2017 1:52 pm

    In a lot of one car wrecks, especially on 97, do not result in tickets. I don’t understand that.

  9. Concerned on April 25th, 2017 11:25 am

    I understand you are upset, but there are many things to learn from this.

    1) People will always talk, no matter what the situation is. Weather your aunt was intoxicated or driving carelessly, the fault is hers and hers alone. She will have to live with what could have happened to HER and to anyone else that could have been involved.

    2) People can not take you seriously when you try to complain about someone else voicing their mind and you, yourself can not even spell things correctly, let alone use the proper form of “your and you’re”.

    PS. Its spelled Niece & Sherriff. Just FYI.

  10. anne 1of2 on April 25th, 2017 10:19 am

    Just reading the comments suggests this is a young driver who thinks she owns the road. We’ve all been there. Most of us are lucky enough to live. She will be a better driver from now on. Peace!

  11. Brittanie on April 25th, 2017 8:17 am

    This is THE OH SO TERRIBLE PERSON THAT WAS DRIVING THIS TRUCK NEICE! Explain to me if she was so messed up how come when THE SHERRIF you are speaking of came & talked to her AT MY HOUSE DIDNT ARREST HER? How come when she crashed & was taken by ambulance to the hospital she didn’t go to jail? Things that make you go mhmmmm. People always talking crap stirring a pot when they don’t even know the situation. I’m sorry you was “ran off the road” or whatever your claiming but I also find it hard to believe anything coming out your mouth with the fact I know the rest of what you said was lies. Your laughing at the fact she crashed & could of died ? How heartless could you be? Do you know if she has children? Do you know she has a family at home who loves her regardless & your laughing at the fact she could be dead? I guess that means it is okay for me to laugh if you have a family and kids at home who would be hurt if something happened to you when it does because newsflash sweetie things like this happen everyday.

  12. Willis on April 24th, 2017 9:51 pm

    Well obviously they just wanted to check and grease the undercarriage.

    May want to fix the broken muffler while you have it right there.
    Lucky they weren’t hurt worse.

  13. Elizabeth on April 24th, 2017 7:30 pm

    Well I think she got what she DESERVED!!! She ran my mom and her husband off the road doing 80 and she was laughing about it. Well I am laughing at you now

  14. Concerned citizen on April 24th, 2017 7:20 pm

    This was the same vehicle that ran my sister and brother law off the road earlier today driving 80 miles an hour. She was visited by the sheriff but I guess it didn’t do much good. Just glad her driving didn’t kill innocent people. P.S. if you’re messed up, don’t drive!!

  15. Shaun on April 24th, 2017 3:47 pm

    Im glad you are ok God was with u Cindy Thank him im praying u will be ok