Gaetz Introduces Legislation To Reschedule Marijuana

April 7, 2017

Northwest Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz has introduced legislation on the House floor that would remove marijuana from the list of Schedule I controlled substances.

Gaetz joined Democratic Congressman Darren Soto on the bipartisan bill, which hd said would make it easier for ill-patients and scientific and medical researchers to obtain marijuana.

The proposed legislation, “to provide for the rescheduling of marijuana into schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act”, is aimed at rescheduling marijuana from a Schedule I drug, on par with heroin and LSD, to a Schedule III drug, on par with anabolic steroids.

The majority of states have already taken steps towards marijuana legalization.  Currently, 28 states including Guam, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, have all passed laws legalizing marijuana to some extent under broad support.  Recent polling suggest 93% of Americans support legalizing doctor-prescribed medical marijuana.  Rescheduling makes it easier to conduct research into marijuana’s medical uses with lighter regulation.  The benefits of rescheduling marijuana would benefit local economies.  Small businesses in the marijuana industry would finally have the legal ability to meet the needs of patients.  Legal status would lead to more businesses receiving loans and banking services from financial institutions.

“This drug should not be in the same category as heroin and LSD, and we do not need to continue with a policy that turns thousands of young people into felons every year.  Nor do we need to punish the millions of people who are sick and seeking medical help – from pain, from muscle wasting, from chemotherapy-induced nausea” said Gaetz.

“Floridians have spoken and Medical Marijuana is the law of the land.  It’s now time for the federal government to recognize this emerging law and the well-known medical benefits of marijuana” said  Soto.

Pictured: Northwest Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz on the floor of the house on Thursday. Image courtesy CSPAN for, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Gaetz Introduces Legislation To Reschedule Marijuana”

  1. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2017 10:42 am

    “when you see more DUI’s and highway deaths and accidents you will see that it is just as dangerous as alcohol and texting. ”

    There are exceptions, but generally potheads are more cautious drivers.


    Nah, worse. Pole cats aren’t really all that bad.

    Regardless, stink is not justification to forbid consumption unless it personally affects you.

    David for skunks

  2. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2017 10:36 am

    “Seems your history of the subject is not up to par. If not for two wealthy pine plantation owners with numerous friends in legislative branch of government, we’d have hemp mills instead of pulp mills and marijuana would’ve never been illegal. ”


    If hemp were economically superior, it would be used in the countries where hemp has remained legal. Potheads tell each other your story to support their paranoia.

    David for Hearst

  3. Chris in Molino on April 9th, 2017 9:25 pm

    @Nod– Oh I agree it will get abused. Folks who don’t really need it probably already can get it and eventually will mess things up for everyone. However, don’t get me wrong, if it were never illegal to start with there would be a whole different mentality about it. But since it is illegal, I’m against it solely for the message it sends to our children. It’s definitely a gateway drug. It leads you to meet people who are into other things. The teenage/young adult mind cannot comprehend all the variables behind their actions and are susceptible to make poor choices. We’ll see how it turns out.

  4. Nod on April 9th, 2017 1:12 pm

    Chris, when you see more DUI’s and highway deaths and accidents you will see tha it is just as dangerous as alcohol and texting. But i guess the more impaired/distracted drivers the better. Also if it was just for the ones that need it for real, OK. But every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes along will lie to get legal dope.

  5. Chris in Molino on April 9th, 2017 8:22 am

    @JJ—100% right on. We need a man/woman with character who has the peoples best interest at heart.
    @Nod— Really ? Seems your history of the subject is not up to par. If not for two wealthy pine plantation owners with numerous friends in legislative branch of government, we’d have hemp mills instead of pulp mills and marijuana would’ve never been illegal. As it stands now, the government has spent so many billions telling us how bad pot is that they have to save face by letting states do all the work then come out with some stupid study “marijuana not as harmful as once thought.”

  6. Lu on April 8th, 2017 3:20 pm

    I just buried my mother Tuesday from Stage 4 Brain Cancer. Until you Witness the Struggles this and orther Disease cause and how much it could have help my mom with the Monsters Headaches she had on a Daily and sometimes hourly. I would have done ANYTHING to help my mothers Pain! This should have been changed years ago! My Prayer NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO WITNESS THERE LOVES SUFFER LIKE THIS!
    Time for Updating the Laws that can help patients and families.

  7. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2017 2:44 pm

    “We are not moving fwd with pot we are going back into the stone ages when there was no law.”

    There was no law regarding marijuana 150 years ago. The Stone Age ended much earlier.

    David for clarity

  8. nod on April 8th, 2017 11:23 am

    We are not moving fwd with pot we are going back into the stone ages when there was no law.

  9. JJ on April 8th, 2017 9:56 am

    I am a LEO and I feel it needs to be done. Good move. However, on a separate note, Matt is not the right man for the job he is doing! He has a criminal history and has received special treatment that others can not get, such as getting his DL suspension reversed for refusing to blow on a DUI arrest. Spoiled, privileged and arrogant is Not what we need representing our district. How about electing a real man/woman of true American character, next time, people; not daddy’s boy Matty!

  10. lone chief on April 7th, 2017 7:28 pm

    GOOD! I didn’t waste my vote. I can’t believe this has taken so long to correct. It has been an illegal law since it’s inception.

  11. Alex on April 7th, 2017 3:40 pm

    It is just going to be abused legally. If we make herion and lsd legal along with all drugs it would cut crime and that is a benifit to all not just a few.

  12. Joannie Marie Parks on April 7th, 2017 3:20 pm

    TY Matt Gaetz !!! I am quick to slam you when I believe you are way off base…and just as quick to lift you up when you have done the right thing !! Good move and well done. TY for bringing us out of the 1950’s and into t2017 in district 1 and all of Florida. Keep on this course Mr Gaetz. Good job sir !!

  13. David Huie Green on April 7th, 2017 1:47 pm

    As it stands, marijuana is illegal at the federal level in all states and US territories. The laws are simply not being enforced where it has been legalized at the state level. The justification for the classification is that marijuana has no medical value whatsoever. This is obviously false even if there are some dangers of use.
    Making laws conform with reality is an improvement.

    David for honesty

  14. FaithinUS on April 7th, 2017 11:27 am

    It’s really too bad that this sensible piece of legislation will never make it to the floor for a vote. We could absolutely use some common sense in government about now.

  15. Lou on April 7th, 2017 9:33 am

    So far I like everything Matt is doing for us.

  16. paul on April 7th, 2017 8:02 am

    That’s a good move..

  17. Matchbox on April 7th, 2017 6:54 am

    Finally people are seeing the light

  18. chris in brandon on April 7th, 2017 5:45 am

    First smart thing this guy has ever done. Normally what he does is destructive.