Escambia Man Gets Life For Robbery

April 4, 2017

An Escambia County man will spend the rest of his life in prison for an armed robbery.

Jarrell Blackmon to lifeĀ  in state prison as a prison releasee reoffender by Circuit Judge Jennie Kinsey. T

Jarrell Blackmon was convicted by an Escambia County Jury of robbery with a firearm while wearing a mask, grand theft and resisting an officer without violence.

On February 6, 2016, a masked gunman entered a Beacon Store in Pensacola and pointed a handgun at the clerk while demanding money from theĀ  cash register. The clerk gave the masked gunman $500. During the robbery, the mask fell off of the gunman’s face and the clerk was able to identify Blackmon. The clerk then shot Blackmon as he was fleeing the store.

Blackmon was located within two city blocks of the Beacon Store. DNA evidence was presented at trial which further identified Blackmon as the masked gunman.


3 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets Life For Robbery”

  1. Nod on April 4th, 2017 12:15 pm

    There should not be repeat offenders. When these people get out the first time we should have a program in place to support and train them until they can become useful members of society without having to resort to crime. Shame on society.

  2. Bravo on April 4th, 2017 11:45 am

    Thank you to whatever prosecutor is responsible for giving this man the appropriate sentence! Do the crime, do the time!


  3. Mick on April 4th, 2017 8:55 am

    Store clerk should be given a bonus , your aim could have been a bit better, but over all great job!