Century Delays Garbage Rate Increase, Moves Toward Water, Sewer Rate Hike

April 4, 2017

The Century Town Council has delayed action on raising garbage fees, while taking a required first-stop toward raising water and sewer rates.

Century’s 545 garbage customers currently pay $16.98 to per month. In order to stop financial losses in the garbage department, Hawkins is proposing a 36 percent increase of $6.21 per month, for a total bill of $23.19. The increase will allow the town to continue to collect bulk items such as furniture and appliances and vegetative waste.

Monday night, the council tabled the resolution in order to clarify language and add a discount for low income senior citizens. The discount was suggested by council President Ann Brooks, who noted that ECUA offers a similar senior discount to their customers in Escambia County.

The council also approved the first reading of an ordinance allowing the council to set water and sewer rates by future ordinance. The second reading of the ordinance and public hearing will be held on April 17 during a 7 p.m. council meeting. Once approved, the council is expected to approve water and wastewater rate increases.

A Florida Rural Water Association rate study has recommended water and sewer rate increases that would increase the average customer’s bill by nearly 60 percent.

The average family of four customer using 5,000 gallons of water per month currently pays $18.65 for water and $13.00 for wastewater, for a total bill of $31.65. The rate study recommends three-year incremental rate increases totaling a 59 percent ($18.59) increase  for the average user….$21.27 for 5,000 gallons of water and $27.58 for wastewater.

Pictured: The Century Town Council meets Monday night. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Century Delays Garbage Rate Increase, Moves Toward Water, Sewer Rate Hike”

  1. Do the Math on April 4th, 2017 2:15 pm

    Wastewater $ 13.00 to $27.58
    That is more than a 100 % increase.

    What changed? Are there capital improvements, no..did the tornado wipe out anything? no.

    Town Council, You have a say in this.
    Residents contact your council person.

    If all the infrastructure is needed at the prison have them pay for it, Or the out of town father reaching customers pay for it
    Increase their rates.
    Increase the business rates.
    Not have the residents to pay for that folly. No fair, we have no choice and have to pay the rates, then to suggest to pass an ordinance saying you can raise the rates any time? Is that legal for a public utility?

    Better check on that before you vote.

    If all this is about being able to run the lines to the prison, bow out give it to ECUA.

  2. Citizen on April 4th, 2017 1:05 pm

    Clean fresh running water, one flush, quick running drains, no trash, debris and garbage are extremely important to the health and well being of the citizens of any town.
    I am actually encouraged that this non profit http://www.frwa.net/about-frwa1.html is involved.

    Florida Rural Water Association
    At least Century has professional input.
    Although FRWA is encouraging Century to raise the rates, apply for a grant then will perhaps bid on a job to pay themselves raises my eyebrows and made me wonder if Century were expert they probably wouldn’t need them but it seems they do. That’s OK.

    The fact that the council is comparing themselves to ECUA http://www.ecua.fl.gov/is a great sign. The facts they now have tablets to use google and educate themselves is a very valuable. I hope they are up to date and educating themselves.

    Do not leave it up to the Mayor, The Council needs to be knowing what is going on and how things work. If this increase is not necessary, vote it down.

    We expect this extra revenue to be put to use and used wisely and for the entire Council, Mayor, employees to be mindful, professional and expert in carrying out their duties and services in this endeavor.

    We are also responsible to the environment and regulations and compliance and safety. Run the business well.

    It is also the responsibility of the ones who use and pay for these services. Educate us about FOG and other things it takes to let us enjoy these services and develop a real and continuing appreciation for the Town of Century and what it takes to provide this to the end users

    Make the CCR reflect other parameters that are tested. Hope to see the website.
    We want to know.
    Thank you all for your efforts.