Bond Denied For Former Coach Accused Of Sex Crimes

April 8, 2017

A former Tate High School football coach and church youth leader facing 42 sexual assault charge has been denied bond during a hearing Friday. He is due back in court next week for an arraignment hearing.

Charlie Hamrick, 54, is charged with abusing four victims. He faces a total of 42 counts of sexual abuse, including 36 counts of capital sexual battery. Upon conviction, each capital count carries a minimum mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole.

Eight additional people have come forward as possible victims in the case. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is investigating those claims. So far, no additional charges have been filed.

Those new allegations include claims that Hamrick gave unlicensed physical exams to athletes at Tate High School during is 2012-2015 tenure there as a supplemental football coach. Those physicals, it is alleged, may not have been limited to just football players.  The physicals included genitalia exams.

Hamrick was paid a supplement as a football coach at Tate High School from August 1, 2012, to September 14, 2015. He was not a teacher and did not have students under his watch in a classroom. He passed all of the background checks at the time.

For a previous story, click here.


7 Responses to “Bond Denied For Former Coach Accused Of Sex Crimes”

  1. Julie on April 11th, 2017 3:18 pm

    I will never ever understand adults want to abuse children. My mind won’t even go there! I would like to know if the physical exam paperwork was ever filed in the Principles office, or just Hamrick’s coach files. If the school was allowing him to sign exam paperwork, they need to be held accountable as well. This could have been headed off at the school, if regulations had been monitored. If I had a son that played football under this man, I would be wanting some answers too!

  2. Bob on April 10th, 2017 1:57 pm

    Where was the oversight? Who at the School District Office “signed off” or just missed the fact this guy was not a qualified medical practitioner? How long did it go on? Who should have been watching the fort? The ECSD can’t hide behind “he was not an employee, just a volunteer (or contractor)” and pretend they have no liability. The school system is ultimately responsible for student safety on campus.

  3. Concerned parent on April 9th, 2017 7:45 pm

    So did Noone find it off he was doing physicals? My son played football for years then one day just stoped for no reason it really makes me wonder why parents of players have not been able to ask simple questions. But I guess no one does that since no one noticed the physicals for how long.

  4. Denise on April 8th, 2017 10:53 pm

    Wonder how Hamrick would feel about a few of the “unlicensed physical exams” while living behind bars. A SICKO INDIVIDUAL ! !

  5. Howie on April 8th, 2017 10:26 pm

    Performing “Unlicensed physical exams including gentalia area”. Hamrick’s way of thinking he could get away with fondling the students. What a creepy dude ! God has plans for you.

  6. Melinda on April 8th, 2017 8:02 pm

    He deserves nothing but jail time for the rest of his life. I know thIs man personally. He is not only a sexual predator, but he will rip you off as well. He borrowed a large sum of money from me and I never heard from him again. Well I may never see my money again, But that’s ok , he can sit in prison and look at those 4 walls for many years or hopefully for the rest of his life. Now I know why my son didn’t like being around him … my son would always say … he’s weird mom !! Now I know why.

  7. Fr÷da on April 8th, 2017 4:16 pm

    Wow…And still nothing said to any of the players or graduated players parents.