B-I-N-G-O! Century Approves Bingo Hall Operation
April 18, 2017
Monday night, the Century Town Council gave the approval needed for a bingo hall to open.
Within a few weeks, Larry Segebarth plans to open “Century Bingo” in a leased 5,000 square foot building at 9420 North Century Boulevard, the former location of the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store.
The Century Town Council was not tasked with approving any issue regarding bingo games, but rather with determining if a bingo facility was allowable under the general use categories of the town’s Land Development Code. With their vote, the council determined that bingo games met the criteria as an “indoor recreation center”.
The bingo games are regulated by the state. All games will be played under the name of a legal Florida charity, with the charity receiving proceeds minus expenses. The games will be staffed by volunteers paid by tips only with the bingo hall hiring local employees for jobs such as maintenance.
The council approval did not come without opposition from at least one local citizen.
“Do you think Century will benefit from local income residents spending at a bingo hall,” asked Mary Bourgeois. “Gambling is a problem.”
File photo.
14 Responses to “B-I-N-G-O! Century Approves Bingo Hall Operation”
What next? A legal Medical Marijuana dispensary and a legal grow operation at the old mill site?
A perfect spot at the state line for people to come from different states? Plenty of water from the Escambia River.
A bustling economy. Into the next Century.
Good thing the mayor, chamber of commerce and town council realize that they do not own the town nor control exactly who does what where. They can wash their hands of it and stay in their lane.
Laws are Laws
And opinions are like what?? Everybody has one.
Bingo is just far too stressful to/for me.
All things taken into account, what harm could come of this; little.
I’m so glad to see something coming closer than Pensacola or Mobile. While a lot of people are opposed to this, it will bring tax revenue and entertainment to the area. Love to play Bingo and I’m looking forward to going! B I N G O
NO NO NO!!! Not BINGO! It’s the end of the world as we know it!!!
I can see it now. All the chain smoking senior citizens wasting their retirements on 25 cent bingo games while the pickits are waving their anti gambling signs while singing “The battle hymn of the republic”
It’s the end of the world
Century attracts a new Industry.
great idea.i don’t gamble , but what other people do with their money is their business. if it will bring some tax revenue into the town, have at it. i’m guessing it gets robbed within a week.
Oh how our Morals have failed us, a Fool and his Money are soon parted …
I am excited to see something for us to do in Century, instead of driving to Pensacola or Atmore. Thank you bingo!
I’m excited to see this. No I’m not on any state assistance, I work hard for my money. But I’m tired of driving to Milton to play bingo. I’d rather support one of our local charities then give it to Milton softball or which ever group it may be. Plus you spend 20 for 3 hrs sessions or drive to Atmore spend 20 at the casino and you’re heading home in 10 minutes.
Wonder how Ramani feels about all this? (Pictured above)
He could open his business in another location or not tried to open a liquor store one week after the tornado when everyone was shaking in their shoes and having a revival.
Not sure if this is a boondoogle or not but I think it is worth a try. I believe neither the town, nor the owner of the building is responsible for whether the owner runs this business above board, that is on them.
That would be over reach, in my opinion, It’s a free country
Florida law is very strict on how these are operated and there are consequences for fraud as I am sure the people who are are going to run these games are and they must know that they are being watched.
Bingo can be a way to raise money for sports teams, non profits, and charitable organizations.
It can be cheap entertainment and whether some one can afford to play is also up to them.
I mean who hasn’t bought a raffle ticket or participated in a cake walk as a fund raiser?
The building looks much better than that picture now also. It has had a lot of work and a facade improvement.
Bring it on B-I-N-G-O!
Any person receiving government tax payer assistance should be ineligible to gamble and receive winnings. Be it a game of chance or skill. Including the Lottery. If you are on assistance and have $1 to gamble. Then apparently thats $1 too much you are receiving in assistance.
sound good rather play bingo thaN SLOT ANY DAY
I see a bunch of welfare money going down the drain, Century needs more than a Bingo Hall It needs real government , Dead town , every time I pass through I just see a lost area , So no I can see no help ,but I see more of a way to loose your money , I do believe in gambling ,but Century has a very low economically stable town, It needs to find REAL business and jobs for the people