14-Year Old Arrested For Robbing Woman Outside Cantonment Subway

April 25, 2017

A teenager has been arrested for the April 2 assault and robbery of a woman outside a Highway 29 restaurant.

Eric Lee Moorer, Jr., age 14, is charged with robbery by sudden snatching, wearing a mask during the commission of a felony, battery, grand theft and fraudulent illegal use of a credit card.

The  victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that she was attacked about 9 p.m. as she walked out of the Subway, next to Winn Dixie on Highway 29 at Old Chemstrand Road. The attacker took her purse and later used the debit cards inside to wipe out her bank balance. He also got away with keys and cash.

Witnesses reported that he jumped into the passenger side of an older electric blue Dodge or similar truck with shiny chrome rims. The truck fled the area northbound on Highway 95A.

The woman was not injured.


50 Responses to “14-Year Old Arrested For Robbing Woman Outside Cantonment Subway”

  1. David Huie Green on April 29th, 2017 11:26 pm

    “At FOURTEEN years of age, he is most certainly still a child!”

    But is he a good child or a bad child?
    Or he still such a blank slate that anybody can get him to do anything?

    “Every fourteen-year old that I’ve ever known of has been considered a CHILD by everyone else. Obvious Fact.”

    And yet millions of children have enough humanity to NOT commit violent acts against helpless adults for personal development.

    “At that age, the concept of long-term consequences rarely exists–that part of the brain is not even fully developed. Scientific Fact.”

    Not fully developed is not the same as nonexistent. “Scientific Fact” is testable and proven true in every case. This not proven. You are stating a generality as if it must apply anytime and everytime. The research showing continued brain development up to what? age 24? obviously implies freedom of adults should only begin at 25 or so. Bo driving license. No employment. No vote. No drinking. No marriage — definitely NO sex! No leaving home. No right to bear arms, No military service.

    “This kid did this stupid crime at the urging of–and likely in search of the approval of –someone else, who was probably driving the vehicle they took off in.”

    You are finding someone else guilty without even a trial.

    “Hateful, ignorant people should maybe consider keeping their vicious commentary to themselves,”

    No freedom of speech?

    “those deplorable human traits in their psyche.”

    Deplorables for wanting dangerous people out of reach of their loved ones? For voicing their thoughts and fears?

    David for less hatred

  2. FaithinUS on April 28th, 2017 12:15 pm

    At FOURTEEN years of age, he is most certainly still a child! Every fourteen-year old that I’ve ever known of has been considered a CHILD by everyone else. Obvious Fact.
    At that age, the concept of long-term consequences rarely exists–that part of the brain is not even fully developed. Scientific Fact.
    This kid did this stupid crime at the urging of–and likely in search of the approval of –someone else, who was probably driving the vehicle they took off in. That person is most likely an ADULT. Charge them with Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, Accessory To (every charge this boy got), Conspiring To (every charge this boy got), etc. THIS PERSON is society’s biggest problem in this scenario–leading a youngster down a criminal’s path.
    Hateful, ignorant people should maybe consider keeping their vicious commentary to themselves, so as not to reveal to the entire world (via the internet) the depths of those deplorable human traits in their psyche.

  3. My 3 cents on April 28th, 2017 1:35 am

    “my 2 cents”
    I don’t think the oil money, as you say will go into ..personal 501 c plans..too much room for skimming off the top..they sees rite thru ya..

  4. Calvin qualls on April 27th, 2017 9:24 am

    Look chris i said that for a reason i know that kid i coached him at cantonment ball park and hes not a bad kid you can be influenced at that age you should know that im from cantonment woods

  5. not today on April 26th, 2017 4:43 pm

    to As on April 25th – sorry but the name and picture of a juvenile who commits a felony IS public record.

  6. My2Cents on April 26th, 2017 3:30 pm

    @Rasheed Jackson I do donate and volunteer I just have compassion as well. Should he be punished? HECK YEAH! You do the crime you do the time.

    As far as those who complained about “free programs” think about the NW Florida area. Cantonment doesn’t have a library. There isn’t, to my knowledge, a community center. Why couldn’t the oil monies be used to better these areas?

    Someone commented church or school as the program. What if they aren’t near a church? Or, CLUTCH THE PEARLS, they are an atheist? The schools have been a joke since No Child Left Behind started. There are activities there but what if his family is not financially able to have him participate or get him to and/or from functions?

  7. john on April 26th, 2017 6:47 am

    We reap what we sow “Always” it can usually take a little time but like sedition said “He will end up on a coroner’s slab eventually” he most likely won’t get rehab in juvy or prison. If that were the case why to criminals has long rap-sheets? Jesus is the only rehab that will help this you boy at this point. If he doesn’t receive Jesus, then somebody will probably give him Mr. Glock.

  8. T on April 26th, 2017 1:13 am

    My heart goes out to the victim here. But I was thinking the other day we always ask ourselves why why do meet people make the choices they do. Why is there not a mandatory class in Middle School Across the Nation that goes over what could be the actual consequences for breaking the law ie you commit a crime what time and Punishment and money cost of the crime they commit

  9. lee on April 25th, 2017 10:21 pm

    I agree with Bill , nothing wrong by trying to defuse to the problem. But I am a man. OK we assets things differntly ! So if you want it , you will have to earn it. ..But rest assured it will be the hardest money you ever thought you would get!! Its not the fact that it means that much to me. Its the fact that its not yours and and you cannot have it. . IT is mine. You have No Right to take it! Basic Human Respect.

  10. Bill on April 25th, 2017 8:42 pm

    This would have been a perfect time for me to try and stop this young man from making his life worse I would have tried to talk to him and comfort him explain to him not to do these things and that probably would not work so then I literally would beat him within one inch of his life !!!!!

  11. As on April 25th, 2017 8:38 pm

    Thought you wasn’t suppose to post minors being arrested.

  12. anne 1of2 on April 25th, 2017 8:01 pm

    I felt the comments when this happened were very sympathetic to the victim. But this story was about catching the person who robbed her and I sure never expected it to be a 14 yr old.

  13. Lee on April 25th, 2017 7:12 pm

    I wonder why know one ever interview the victim, and ask her how she felt? How would you have felt? It all happens in seconds ! Its dark, it is totally unexpected, Put your self in her place! Had he been shot( CWP) who would have blamed her? Sorry I would side with her. If I think my life is endanger I would responed to counter the threat! What I feel is that the youth need to understand this is not a game, this is real. But not only the youth but any one who thinks that breaking the law shouldl suffer! We started losing this war when the ( so called higher intellects said( no dicipline for students, you will damage their self image) fast forward , so now it is ok for college student to set the norm of who is to speak or not ! REALLY ! Since when do the student tell the college what to do? Example: The zoo keepers do not let the aniamils set the rules! Example: no you can not roam free at night! no we can not let people just come in and pet you! No you cannot eat the visiters LIFE HAS RULES! GET USE TO IT!

  14. Jllee on April 25th, 2017 6:38 pm

    Let’s all do this, let’s pray for this young man that he realize what he did was wrong and deter from any more wrong doings. Also to the victim I pray that God will give you the strength and courage to get through this ordeal and be free of fear.

  15. Jllee on April 25th, 2017 6:27 pm

    Let’s all do this, pray that this young man realize what he did was wrong and deter from any more wrong doings. Also, we need to continue to pray that God keep all of our children covered with the blood of his son Jesus Christ that no harm shall come to them. To the victim I pray that God will give you the strength and courage to move past this inciden, and that no harm come to you as well.

  16. Tasha on April 25th, 2017 6:13 pm

    His father always in his life and it’s something he didn’t have to do he have great family in his and Iam one of them

  17. My 3 cents on April 25th, 2017 4:57 pm

    To my
    “My2 cents”

    This type of attitude that the government need to provide a program so he has some thing to do besides rob some one is totally a lot of what is wrong in this country.

    The government does have a program it is called school.
    The community does have a program it is called church.
    Life has one it’s called family
    Each person has one it is call responsibility
    This type of mentality sound like the one that thinks society owes people.


    It don’t.

  18. Don Neese on April 25th, 2017 4:33 pm

    Something happens to a child when they turn 13…..THEY GO COMPLETELY INSANE!!!!

    I’m glad I was never a teenager :)

    The good news….sometimes, they actually get their brain back.

  19. nod on April 25th, 2017 4:13 pm

    He dosen’t care. His parent(s) don’t care. We spend money for school and many do not go. They get in trouble and some say let us spend more money on the bad kids and do nothing for the good kids. I say Put him in jail, but I know that will not happen. He will be back on the streets and his peers will call him a hero.

  20. Trish on April 25th, 2017 2:53 pm

    Very sad, but this young man knew what he was doing. I also don’t think he had to be coached. No you can’t blame the parents because no matter how well brought up kids are, there are some that will get in trouble. Church, Sunday School, rules at home, two parents, it does not matter. Once a child gets to a certain age they make choices and not all are good. We can pray that he will learn his lesson but odds are against him. The victim will live with this the rest of her life. She may never go anywhere alone again. So how about we hear more compassion for her instead of the “poor young man who made a bad choice in life”.

  21. jllee on April 25th, 2017 2:52 pm

    Yes I said what I said about this young man, and I’ll say it again I’m sure he was coached into doing this. He’s at an age now where he can be reformed and be a better person in society. It don’t take all of this to make a point about the situation, he’s not trash, he’s human and classifying him as that shows the ignorance of the one’s making the comments. To Janet thank God it wasn’t me that he robbed and to the elderly lady that it did happen too, I’m apologizing for him.

  22. Avis on April 25th, 2017 2:43 pm

    Wow, lots of creative speculation coming from the comments section. I can’t tell much about this boy from his photo or the story. What I do know is, at 14 years old it’s too late to start fretting over trying to make a good boy out of a bad boy. It’s several years too late. Any redeeming characteristics that he “might” develop would have to be so off-the-scale impressive that it’s just not going to happen. Now multiply this one by millions and you see the world we live in. His future is mapped out and he will join those other millions in a system designed to deal with them, complaining all the way how society wronged him. It’s a fact. It also sheds light onto the value of law enforcement and law-abiding teenagers. Its not for me or you to condemn this boy but I will not be so naive as to think he will change.

  23. Progression on April 25th, 2017 2:36 pm

    First off I’d like to note i agree with Chris and thats how it should be… And secondly before some of you break out your whipping canes i fully concede that this young man should face a stiff punishment for his actions… But the fact is the finger of blame can probably be pointed in many directions in not only this incident but in most unacceptable behavior in our society… People please dont be soooo shallow… Our youth are constructed, formed, molded by all surroundings…Importance of healthy Culture, moral, sense of self pride,family,love, strong work ethic ect ect should all be revived and implemented back into our youth.. Or else expect more of the same…

  24. tg on April 25th, 2017 2:29 pm

    Put his DNA on file . You will need it later.

  25. Dave on April 25th, 2017 1:45 pm

    Such rationalization and name calling here.He committed a crime and hopefully will do the time. Glad no one was hurt..Like one comment said,with good people carrying weapons now and not afraid of getting involved,these crimes will have different outcomes for the bad guys.

  26. Chris in Molino on April 25th, 2017 1:34 pm

    @Calvin Qualls—- I can call him trash and say I would’ve beaten him had I witnessed the incident. Had it been my son I would say the very same thing because its black and white. There are no shades of gray. He may be a good hearted sweet boy who can’t appreciate the seriousness of what he did because of his young mind. However, that changes nothing. I can say all this because that was me many years ago. Difference being I picked up a gun and robbed numerous businesses. I came from a great upper middle class family, parents around, not abused. Just being a stupid kid. But I changed my life and realize how dangerous those actions can be. I just hope this young fella can do the same.

  27. Justtobad on April 25th, 2017 12:32 pm

    You think this is child ? A fourteen year old is more likely to murder you to get what you have than work for it.
    You can put all the free programs out there you like. They’re not playing games or wanting to better themselves. Fourteen now is not the fourteen you remember. These are dangerous criminal minded people who know the system.

  28. chris on April 25th, 2017 12:10 pm

    ” sombody had to put him up to that he is not a bad kid he probably don’t know the seriousness of the crime he committed” lol for real? What vacuum do you live in?

  29. RASHEED jACKSON on April 25th, 2017 11:41 am

    Sorry, My2cents but “aint nuttin for free!! “Someone pays for it and that someone is me, and the rest of the contributing deplorables that get up and go to work every day. And guess what, we are tired of the “free stuff” our politicians throw around to get votes, and I think our voices were heard this past November. But if you think there needs to be free programs then by all means jump out there and get busy volunteering and donating your time and money to these programs you think we need. This kid made a choice and it was the wrong one, and now he will have to pay.

  30. Lee on April 25th, 2017 11:18 am

    May its time to bring in a hard core style youth military type school run by seasoned vets. Yes and make it part of the DOJ divert funds from the social services to pay for it. They do not need to be pampered,babied, or told the are just misunderstood! They need to learn respect, disipiline , They are still young enough to learn. If this fails, and they repeat their failures , then maxium sentences . They stopped being children, when they start commiting crimes.

  31. fred on April 25th, 2017 11:08 am

    Of all the comments on here, only Chris has gotten even close to any concern for the victim, who was violently shoved to the ground, her personal property stolen, identity compromised (the thugs now have her name and address, which may cause her concern when testifying at trial), and her bank account emptied. It’s nice that some of you are worried about this young man getting help, but by my estimation, he’s already helped himself to another person’s property and dignity. I can only imagine what he was prepared to do if she had resisted. Chris is right on point, we do need to pay attention, report suspicious activity, and get involved. Only when society pushes back can we end the “open season” that these thugs have been enjoying.

  32. paul on April 25th, 2017 9:57 am

    We’ll be hearing about him again..

  33. anne 1of2 on April 25th, 2017 9:56 am

    Sounds like he wanted to be a gang member to me. He had to prove he was big and bad. But he is still a child by my standards. He wanted to belong like any teenager. This kid has so many problems now it is breath-taking. Now he will have plenty of people around him day and night. I hope someone on the inside of the prison system will be able to help him see the light and he will understand what a true friend is .His bravado has to go.

  34. John on April 25th, 2017 9:42 am

    Let the punishment fall where the blame lies. Looking for excuses for when someone does wrong is not the answer. If I get caught speeding, I pay the ticket. I don’t blame the car, the road , the weather or anything like that. And I certainly don’t blame my parents. The Golden Rule works, if applied.

  35. Phyllis Blazier on April 25th, 2017 9:36 am

    This culture of entitlement, hate, etc is taught in some way by parents, and friends. It has to stop. There is no fear of God taught.

  36. Calvin qualls on April 25th, 2017 9:25 am

    Look all you talking about killing him and calling him trash remember. this could be your child and i know sombody had to put him up to that he is not a bad kid he probably don’t know the seriousness of the crime he committed don’t be so quick to gudge. Because someone might. Do your love one that way

  37. My2Cents on April 25th, 2017 9:10 am

    There should be more free programs that cater to young people so they will have something to do other than rob others. I see it every day. Young teens hanging around with nothing to do. Sometimes parents don’t have the resources to get them into activities.

    I’m surprised they showed his face considering his age. I wonder if there is a program for him to be in instead of having a bad record.

  38. Dee on April 25th, 2017 8:43 am

    I have 1 question, where is his father? Because if my dad would have caught me doing anything remotely close to what this punk did, the least of my worries would have been the police catching me. And I knew that. Therefore I didn’t do stuff that I knew would get me taken to the shed for a beating. So I bet his father is nowhere around. Which is the case for the majority of kids like this.

  39. Marilyn on April 25th, 2017 8:29 am

    Thanks for publishing his mugshot. He should be embarrassed by this. As for his parents, they are responsible for him and his behavior, until he’s an adult…..if he lives that long! And who wants to shop at dark in this area now?

  40. Chris in Molino on April 25th, 2017 8:23 am

    @Bama boy—-You speak ignorant and foolish. It really doesn’t matter what color someone is. If anyone commits a crime like this they are trash in my book until they clean their life up and prove over an extended amount of time, they will remain trash.

  41. Chris in Molino on April 25th, 2017 8:11 am

    He should be thankful I was not one of the witnesses. For I would’ve gotten involved and he would have a permanent injury at the very least. I don’t understand why someone didn’t do anything. This is your community. Pay attention to your surroundings ladies.

  42. Sherrie on April 25th, 2017 8:09 am

    Sad that this young man is throwing his life away. Praying this has taught him a lesson. Also Praying he gets some help. It used to be a stigma that it was the parents fault. That is not always the case. Sometimes good people get in with the wrong crowd. ie; one bad apple…One problem is we choose to punish with no help. I believe if you do wrong, then you should pay the consequences. But if there were more resources to help these young people (& more caring not just programs), it would be of great help. No, you won’t have 100% change. But I guarantee the % of effectiveness would be greater than the % of not being effective.

  43. Sedition on April 25th, 2017 8:03 am

    He’s lucky he didn’t get a .45 slug in his head for his deeds. Unless he learns his lesson in prison, he will end up on a coroner’s slab eventually.

  44. tg on April 25th, 2017 7:50 am

    Did he learn this at home or on video games. Give him a free tour of a prison.

  45. Janet on April 25th, 2017 7:49 am

    @Jllee… At the age of 14, this boy knew right from wrong. If he’s not forced to face the music of his crime, he’ll be a lifetime felon. Let’s hope he learns crime doesn’t pay unless you are in the law and judicial system. As a woman, how would you feel if you had been the victim?

  46. Jllee on April 25th, 2017 7:01 am

    What happened to the thinking pattern of this young man? Was he coached into doing this? Where’s the driver of that vehicle, arrest him as well. The word trash used to describe him in the previous comment was very vile. I really don’t believe he would have done this without the assistance of someone older pushing him to doing it. That’s what’s wrong with society now, always want to label before you know the facts.

  47. Hudson on April 25th, 2017 6:58 am

    Why should the parents get in trouble or have to pay? Unless they were directly involved, then that’s a different story. This child knew exactly what he was doing, and I’m sure he knew it was wrong. HE needs to suffer the consequences for his actions. Had he been 16, or even 18 would you say his parents should have to pay or be punished?

  48. Anne on April 25th, 2017 6:39 am

    Is this photo showing him still wearing the mask?

  49. Jennifer gaugler on April 25th, 2017 5:37 am

    I think his parents should have to pay or get in trouble.

  50. bama on April 25th, 2017 5:18 am

    most times they never post the name due to age and being a minor,, I believe this needs to change and thank you for also posting this piece of trashes face. just throw his in jail avoid it again