Welfare Drug Tests Proposed For Drug Offenders

March 2, 2017

Senate Appropriations Chairman Jack Latvala and his son, Rep. Chris Latvala, proposed measures Wednesday that would require drug tests for public-assistance applicants who have drug-related criminal records.

The similar bills (SB 1392 and HB 1117) focus on people applying for benefits in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, program. They would require drug tests for applicants who have previous felony convictions for drug crimes or who have a “documented history of multiple arrests” for drug use or possession with the past 10 years.

Such applicants who test positive for drugs would be ineligible for TANF benefits for two years, though they could reapply after six months if they receive substance-abuse treatment. Also, the bills would allow the applicants’ children to receive TANF benefits.

The proposals, filed for the legislative session that starts Tuesday, came more than two years after a federal appeals court rejected Gov. Rick Scott’s attempt to require broader drug testing of TANF applicants. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in December 2014 that Scott’s proposal violated Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.

by The News Service of Florida


18 Responses to “Welfare Drug Tests Proposed For Drug Offenders”

  1. Robinhood on March 6th, 2017 7:59 am

    I have said for a long time now that those who receive benefits should be handed a listing of “Volunteer Work” at those facilities that depend on Federal dollars to pay those who chose to work at a facility that depends on Volunteers. Let them pick which Volunteer work they want to do. With that said, The Federal Government then would be paying those people to actually work and earn that FREE Check that will no longer be a FREE Check since they will be expected to work for the hand out they receive. That would then make them either go find work they really want to do OR they can keep Volunteering and receive a check that they actually worked for and will make them feel better about themselves as well. I was always told and raised up by my Parents that NOTHING IS FREE and YOU must work for it.

  2. David Huie Green on March 6th, 2017 7:55 am

    “I don’t like the tax dollars that I donate being spent to build aircraft carriers but, what say do I have, none.”

    Sure you do. You can refuse to pay and before you know it, you will be receiving free room and board in federal housing paid for by other people’s taxes.

    Or you could avoid prison and find a more acceptable country elsewhere.

    David for choices

  3. Ben on March 5th, 2017 7:36 pm

    it’s overwhelming it should be federal drug testing for any assistance. it’s not a right, it’s a gift. that’s abused.

  4. ROBERT on March 3rd, 2017 6:39 am

    I think we need not just drug testing but work for freebies too..there are plenty of roadways ,parks etc that need to be cleaned…If the bums had to work to get that welfare check a lot less would want it…

  5. Melodies4us on March 2nd, 2017 6:09 pm

    Booo—- . Our tax dollars will pay for this nonsense.

  6. mike on March 2nd, 2017 5:08 pm

    How about no assistance for druggies? Their kids taken from them ? Druggies just use kids to get a bigger check, these parasites need to be neutered like they do some sex offenders.

  7. Larry on March 2nd, 2017 5:01 pm

    Nothing wrong with this as I far as I can see, However Does this save money for our state or cost more in doing this test? I have read in to this and it appears to add more cost than take away. And It would be very nice if our law makers who pass and benefit from these laws are also required drug screening. Missouri spent $336,297 to test 40,000 Ebt holders and came up with 38 positive results. Mississippi spent about $6,000 to test 3,500 Ebt holders and got 2 positive results…

  8. Susan on March 2nd, 2017 3:13 pm

    Anyone on ANY kind of government handouts should be drug tested regularly. The fraud waste and abuse in ALL programs from food stamps to disability are sickening. I have to tinkle in a cup to EARN the money I am forced to hand over to others. Too many people keep having babies they can’t pay for, refuse to work one job much less two or three. Working a 40 hr week anymore doesn’t cut it in most circumstances. You got to live within your means and get off your butt and WORK. Hard working law abiding people who sacrifice and do without are SICK off supporting those who don’t.

  9. Nod on March 2nd, 2017 2:49 pm

    But the children would be eligible for TNAF benefits… and who would oversee these benefits.? The doper parent?

  10. anne 1of2 on March 2nd, 2017 2:33 pm

    This is a tuff one since there are usually children involved who need to eat. The problem is the children don’t get fed, as the food cards are traded for drugs. I know this from personal experience while managing rental properties. I’m more for getting rid of food cards and feeding only the children at school and on the weekends too. These parents need to take responsibility for at least feeding themselves.

  11. mel on March 2nd, 2017 2:20 pm

    Its about time for this to happen,I think this is great!

  12. Luis on March 2nd, 2017 2:19 pm

    The people who need to be drug tested are the ones that come up with these stupid ideas, I get drug tested all the time, they show up, we give a urine and hair sample and an alcohol swab or breath test. I did a breath test yesterday morning and I wasn’t at work yet, blow above a .00 and you’re fired. People say because of my tax dollars, once the government has the tax dollars it ceases to be your tax dollars, I don’t like the tax dollars that I donate being spent to build aircraft carriers but, what say do I have, none.Drug testing is stupid, Hell, I was siting in my apartment, on my day off, got called to submit an alcohol test,

  13. Pat on March 2nd, 2017 12:39 pm

    Please start with drug testing elected officials. Their salary is taxpayer money also and I’m more worried about if their 6-figure salary is going towards drugs.

  14. ProudArmyParent on March 2nd, 2017 11:33 am

    Line them up and make them pee in a cup. If those that actually have jobs have to do it to keep their jobs, then those that don’t have jobs should have to do it to get free money! (Which isn’t free, because others work to make sure they get those handouts.)

  15. One day on March 2nd, 2017 9:42 am

    About time. A great idea that needs to be implemented. The money saved will be greater than that to conduct the program. The next step is to remind people of the first word in the acronym “temporary”. Stricter reporting on attempts to better one’s situation needs to executed. There is no excuse, the market has screamed forward since the election, and still continuing, with jobs to be had. I know three, 18 year olds that received work upon a week of applying. You can’t tell me a 40 year old with experience in some kind of field can’t get at least a minimum wage job to help subsidize him. If somebody doesn’t have the internal drive to feed/take care of oneself, I certainly will not help them

  16. mel on March 2nd, 2017 8:56 am

    let me see I have to take a drug test to get a job and pay taxes for people on welfare to do drugs . makes no since to me . where will it end ?

  17. willy on March 2nd, 2017 7:52 am

    YES, YES, YES!!!!!!! ANYONE on subsisted living should be required to do this. If your finances dictate that you need help to pay rent or buy food you sure as heck don’t have the funds for dope, alcohol or smokes!!!! Priority time

  18. jay on March 2nd, 2017 6:09 am

    and for welfare and food stamp recipients also,, we already know drug users use them