Prom Night Heroes Save Woman From Burning Home

March 28, 2017

Three young Escambia County, AL, residents are being called heroes after saving a woman from a burning home on their way back from a high school prom Saturday night.

They were on their way back from the W.S. Neal High School Prom when they noticed the fire. It was prom night for senior Ryley Fore, 18. He attended prom with his date, 22-year old Cheyenne Hammond and his cousin Kalanea Fore who was along to see the senior walkout.

The trio spotted the garage fire at a home on Foshee Road about 8:30 p.m.

Cheyenne called 911 for help, while Ryley and Kalanea made their way inside the home to find 63-year old Marilyn Mize alone and asleep on the couch. She has limited mobility, relying on a walker and wheelchair.  Ryley and Kalanea helped her out of the house using her walker, then went back to get the wheelchair to roll her to safety.

Ryley called his dad and grandfather; together they used a hose to knock down the fire in the garage.

“I was just so thankful for those kids,” Marilyn said. “God put those kids at the right place at the right time because I would have been gone. I believe that with all my heart.”

“The kids were amazing. They are heroes,” she said.

Pictured top: “Prom Heroes” Kalanea Fore, Ryley Fore and Cheyenne Hammond posed for pictured Saturday afternoon, just a few hours before saving a woman from a burning home. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Prom Night Heroes Save Woman From Burning Home”

  1. Jennifer on March 29th, 2017 3:59 pm

    Was just wondering if she lost anything in the fire? Mainly clothing…..we have some clothing that was my grandmother’s. She passed away in November and we are thinking about taking them to a mission store and donating them

  2. Michael cosey on March 28th, 2017 2:38 pm

    Proud to say Kalena and Riley are my cousins not sure which but glad they could save a life God bless u…

  3. just sayin on March 28th, 2017 2:31 pm

    The term “hero” is often used to describe the most mundane instance’s. But in this case it is spot on. What these young adults did for this woman is worthy of the term. God bless you all.

  4. Donna Bell on March 28th, 2017 11:24 am

    It took me a minute to get a clue, but then I realized this is my niece and nephew, Kalanea and Riley. I’m not in the least surprised to hear they saved someone’s life. That’s just who they are, both of them outstanding, compassionate people that I am very proud to call my relatives. I don’t know Cheyenne, but if Riley is hanging out with her then she’s got to be a winner!

    It was just a couple weeks ago my granddaughter was on North Escambia, because she won a bicycle by entering an essay contest. Now more of my relatives are here and it’s not because they got arrested. Wow!! When I think what some of my relatives have done to make the news, it makes me very thankful for these kids!

  5. Willene Bryan on March 28th, 2017 7:45 am

    Love this story. These young people are awesome. God bless you in all you do.

  6. Mike on March 28th, 2017 7:30 am

    Heroes in my book. What a great thing these young people did for that person. I don’t know you but it is great to know there are great you people like you still out there. May you continue to enjoy life and live the dream.

  7. Chris in Molino on March 28th, 2017 5:00 am

    Now that is a great story about some great kids. Thanks to those kids who kept their cool, used their head, and did what’s right, someone has their life. That is bravery, thoughtfulness, and just a plain out plan of God’s to have those kids there at that time.
    Thank the Lord and those children to have the foresight to do what needed to be done. Amen to you all.