More Movie Money Surfaces In Local Area

March 22, 2017

More motion picture “funny money”  has surfaced in the North Escambia area.

The Flomaton Police Department reports coming into contact recently with a juvenile who had 15 “For Motion Picture Use Only” $100 bills in his possession.

“These Motion Picture Use Only (bills) are not illegal to have but they are illegal to use as real currency. If you have some, we suggest that you destroy them,” Flomaton police said.

At first glance, the fake $100 bills look almost exactly like real money — that’s why they are used in movies and TV shows.

However, the fake bills have the words “FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY” clearly printed on the bill along with the statement “This note is not legal. It is to be used for motion pictures”. The security ribbon is fake, and picture of Ben Franklin is slightly different.

Back in December, the Flomaton Police Department reported that two of the bills had been used at local merchants. One woman told police she had no idea that she had spent a fake $100 — she said she received the bill when she cashed in a winning scratch off lottery ticket in Florida.

Authorities say the fake cash — which can be in any denomination — does not feel like real currency. It does not pass a currency pen test designed to detect counterfeit bills. The fake bills are legal to purchase and posses, but it is a felony offense to use the bills in any financial transaction.

Anyone that suspects a fake bill is asked to contact their local law enforcement agency.

Pictured top: Fifteen “For Motion Pictured Use Only” $100 bills recently surfaced in Flomaton. Pictured below: Close-ups of movie money used in Flomaton last December.


3 Responses to “More Movie Money Surfaces In Local Area”

  1. FaithinUS on March 24th, 2017 10:50 am

    So there are illiterate folks walking around with $100 bills? Forsooth!
    (they cannot read those big capital letters “FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY” printed on the front and back? ). The education system in America has certainly gone downhill!

  2. Curious george on March 22nd, 2017 11:29 am

    Just curious to know if the “movie money” the man had was seized? If so why ? It’s not illegal and no mention of him trying to use it as real money.. so why destroy it?

  3. Curious on March 22nd, 2017 10:32 am

    I wonder if there is any connection to the filming of the new Jean-Claude VanDam movie “Blackwater” in Mobile.

    Is this considered a federal crime like counterfeit money? Just curious