Molino Woman Kills Dog To Stop Attack

March 4, 2017

A Molino woman won’t be charged with a crime after she shot and killed her neighbor’s dog Friday morning.

The incident occurred about 9 a.m. in the 5700 block of Cedartown road.

The woman tried to stop a dog from attacking one of her puppies. The dog turned an the woman and she shot and killed it, according to county officials.  The dog did not bite her.

The owner of the dog had previously been cited numerous times by Escambia County Animal Control, officials said.


19 Responses to “Molino Woman Kills Dog To Stop Attack”

  1. Animal lover on March 6th, 2017 8:36 pm

    EMD…. I agree. Animals do suffer more at the hands of humans!!!

  2. My2Cents on March 6th, 2017 12:43 pm

    “The owner of the dog had previously been cited numerous times by Escambia County Animal Control, officials said.”

    How many times can a person be cited before the dog is taken? Citations don’t work with some people.

  3. Responsible parenting. on March 5th, 2017 7:22 pm

    Our fence is electric. It took maybe 2 times for each pit to understand the consequences. Now if I want I can leave the gate open. Best thing we ever did to control our escape artist.

  4. Mary on March 5th, 2017 2:17 am

    the same thing is going to happen here in Jay with a dog name binky he is very aggressive he has no backup in him Animal Control has come. Out numerous times they’ve been cited numerous times. Animal control came out once and he wouldn’t allow her out of I say to protect your property to protect your children and grandchildren and your animals and you are being approached by a aggressive animal do what you gotta do because I can assure you I will I’m a animal lover but I’m not going to allow a dog or cat that may or may not have rabies bite my furbabies or myself I’m not risking that I’m not do what you gotta do to protect your own

  5. Steph on March 4th, 2017 9:07 pm

    The owner should have put the dog down a long time ago. Dogs are dogs….get over it everybody. At least theirs no chance of this dog hurting an innocent child.

  6. northendbratt on March 4th, 2017 7:12 pm

    Does anyone remember a few years ago the woman in Nokomis Fl.who was tending to dogs a neighbor left behind? She went to feed them,they attacked and killed her dog,turned on her,and she lost an arm? How often are these incidents going to be reported with children being hurt? A ccild doesn’t stand a chance. And person with the Daucshun I had one we called two inch because of his legs, he weighed 7 pounds, when he passed on that was it!,,,,

  7. Retired on March 4th, 2017 3:19 pm

    “Life begins when the dog dies and the children move out”

    I do not know all the details here, of course most jump to conclusions as I did but I remember a dachshund, wiener dog I had years ago who was petted, loved, cuddled, spoiled, snuggled on the sofa and even in the bed yet left in a fenced in yard during the day when we went to work.
    We had to bury chicken wire under the ground all around the fence to prevent him digging out. He would anyway, and dig a near nine foot tunnel and pull the wire back and went about a mile a way and killed neighbors chickens not once but twice.

    They would return him and tie him to a tree in the yard…I was surprised they did not shoot him. What a pain he was. Once I left him inside he completely tore the stuffing out of the sofa–registered paid 300 dollars, Barnabus Von Ralphus Barphus..Sometime a dog will be a dog. He is in doggie heaven now and my neighbors seemed to be understanding thank goodness.
    Everytime I get the urge to get another, I am glad my maternal instinct in in the past.
    A simple bird feeder does the trick now.

  8. Kane on March 4th, 2017 3:15 pm

    @anne Where do you think dogs live in the wild???? In a 3 bedroom single family dwelling with attached garage? They don’t “suffer” outside as long as the have shelter from the elements, food, water. No I don’t have outside dogs mine are inside but if they preferred to be outdoors that’s where they would be.

  9. anne 1of2 on March 4th, 2017 12:29 pm

    I think there are 2 kinds of dog owners. One set loves them and considers them a member of the family. Others think dogs are meant to keep their property safe while they are left out in the yard and never given any attention.. They whine and cry and suffer in the cold and heat. I am sorry that dog had that kind of owner.

  10. Dennis on March 4th, 2017 12:10 pm

    Dogs are like children most of the time. They are a product of the environment they are raised in. Too bad we can’t do humans like they do dogs at the shelters and observe them for a couple of weeks for behavior before allowing them to adopt a dog.

  11. Annie Oakley on March 4th, 2017 12:05 pm

    The owner failed to comply with what animal control had probably advised them to do. Keep the animal restrained. Post Beware of Dog signs. They give the owner a chance to do the right thing, I suppose.

    I believe the owner should still be held accountable AGAIN.

    It may not have turned out so well but so glad the woman had the fortitude and ability to do what it seems others are unwilling or unable to do.

    Sometimes, it finally takes a woman, protecting her own, to say enough is enough.

    In nature, SHE is the most ferocious. I love it.

    Now this is a true lady and a fine example to follow.

  12. Roll tide rebel on March 4th, 2017 11:16 am

    Anybody else find that bleeding-heart, animal rights activists are not only unrealistic but unfathomably annoying? A woman saved her dog and herself: END OF STORY.

  13. Grandma on March 4th, 2017 11:12 am

    Our 2nd Amendment at work, protecting and defending, because 911 cannot be everywhere.

  14. Kathy on March 4th, 2017 9:49 am

    People that choose to have these vicious animals should be help accountable.
    If they kill someone then let them go to prison for life.

  15. Just Saying on March 4th, 2017 8:36 am

    Yes, animals do suffer at the hands of humans. Animals are not a necessity they are a luxury, we choose to have them. Therefore, we need to take care of them: feed them, house them, keep them home, and keep them healthy and most of all love them! If you can’t do this, don’t get one!

  16. Pam on March 4th, 2017 8:10 am

    Way to shoot and kill and menace dog! Would rather read about this than hear that a child was attacked, killed or scarred for life. I hope the puppy is ok.

  17. Duh on March 4th, 2017 8:01 am

    The genius that commented before me thinks animals suffer more at the hands of humans than the other way around. U THINK?!? The human race is doomed. U can’t put so much ignorance onto such a tiny sphere. Its like Moore’s law it will have to plateau and breakdow eventually. None of u know what Moore’s law is anyway…look it up learn something today!

  18. What on March 4th, 2017 7:49 am

    Clearly EMD
    The woman should have let it kill her dog and bite her too if it so chose.

  19. EMD on March 4th, 2017 6:40 am

    What a shame this had to happen. Methinks that dogs and animals in general suffer more at the hands of humans, than the other way around.