IP Releases Preliminary Findings From Explosion Investigation

March 9, 2017

International Paper has released their preliminary findings on the cause of the January 22 explosion at their Cantonment mill.

“The findings indicate that an explosive atmosphere was created by a combination of off-gasses normally produced in the pulping process and air introduced to maintain pressure while the vessel was not in operation. The explosive nature of the off-gasses and air combination was likely related to the extended period of mill down time prior to the incident where no chips and liquor were flowing into the digester,” a statement from Tom Ryan, director of IP’s corporate communications, said.

“The gas mixture, combined with one of several possible ignition sources, provided the necessary components for the incident. The unusual set of circumstances set in motion a chain of events unlike any that International Paper had ever seen or heard of. The company has implemented enhanced procedures and protections across the entire mill system and has also taken the step to share this information industry-wide, to ensure enhanced safety measures are in place across the entire industry,” he said.

Ryan said all IP employees are back to work and have been for some time, and a portion of mill has been restarted.

“We continue to dedicate all resources to a safe return to full operations, but it is important we follow all responsible steps to do so. Hundreds of mill team members are working safely and diligently to get the facility fully operational,” Ryan said.

“International Paper remains committed to the entire remediation effort. We are not going anywhere. We are going to be here,” Cantonment Mill Manager Brett DeJong said.

IP said cleanup of homes is now complete. A citizen’s information line remains in place at (850) 968-4208.

Pictured top: Emergency crews on the scene following an explosion January 22 at International Paper in Cantonment. Pictured below: First responders coordinate their response efforts from a command post at IP shortly after the explosion. Pictured bottom: A vehicle that was passing the mill at the time of the explosion covered in black liquor from the explosion. NorthEscambia.com file photos.


3 Responses to “IP Releases Preliminary Findings From Explosion Investigation”

  1. Shay on March 10th, 2017 8:05 am


    If this company is considered to be “one of the best in the world” then I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to go over safety procedures over and over and over. Lots of things happen in personnel during a companies history. People come and go. Also people get laxed, as they do in a lot of businesses, there wouldn’t be anything wrong with going over it again. After all, it is their employees lives and their livelihood.

    I’ve been at my job for a number of years and occasionally I find myself forgetting skills,pediatric drug dosages,location of streets,etc because they are things/places I don’t use a lot so I have to pull out my cell phone and apps to refresh my memory. IP might only get one chance to get it right and not knowing it now might cost lives not just at the company but in the community. I’m not sure why the first comment got under your skin but I’d say, no! We aren’t joking! It pays to be overly cautious.

  2. GAM on March 10th, 2017 4:20 am

    Do you really think that hasn’t been done? This company is not considered one of the best in the world because they look over the most simplest and obvious things. You’ve got to be joking.

  3. SW on March 9th, 2017 3:34 pm

    Maybe examine the process safety procedures to ensure personnel were correctly following?