FWC Conducting Deer Hunting Survey
March 31, 2017
The Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has contracted with Responsive Management, a survey research firm specializing in natural resource and outdoor recreation issues, to conduct studies on Florida hunters’ participation in deer hunting.
During April and May, you may receive a phone call from Responsive Management asking you to participate in a survey about your deer hunting experiences. Licensed hunters will be randomly selected to participate in the study to ensure it is scientifically valid. The FWC saidt is important that all hunters respond because this information will help them better understand hunters’ participation, harvest, preferences, opportunities, needs, and opinions.
Depending on which phone carrier you use, the call will display as coming from “Responsive Management”, area code 540, or unknown. You also may receive an email from Responsive Management requesting your participation in the survey.
2 Responses to “FWC Conducting Deer Hunting Survey”
I too question the accuracy and validity of this survey. How many “hunter’s” are going to admit to night-hunting, poaching, trespassing etc that seems to happen way too much down here. (OK folks don’t get your panties in a knot, not all are illegal hunters, I know that…however a much larger percentage of illegal hunters here than anywhere else I’ve lived)
With the number of incoming calls soliciting various things even when on the no call list, I do not answer calls unless caller ID shows it from someone that I know.
I question the results of this survey.