Century To Recognize Employees Of The Month

March 9, 2017

Outgoing Century council member Kevin Stead has proposed that the town honor an “employee of the month”.

The proposal comes on the heels of a 53-cent per hour pay raise for all employees given by the mayor but rescinded by the council (read recent story).

Under Stead’s plan, which was approved by the full council, town employees would vote to choose one person as employee of the month. The award winner will be honored by the town with a public proclamation and received four paid hours off during that month.

Employees will not be able to vote for themselves, and they can only be employee of the month once per calendar year.

Stead was temporarily appointed to the council to replace Annie Savage who passed away in late October. Stead lost a recent special election to Luis Gomez, Jr.,  to fill the seat until January 2021.


3 Responses to “Century To Recognize Employees Of The Month”

  1. My53cent on March 9th, 2017 8:43 pm

    Thank you Kevin Stead for leaving your seat on a positive note! Incentive and recognition for employees, just as for anyone, with ANY company, helps production. When one has a goal in mind, its mentally appealing for them to produce better outcomes.

  2. Trisha on March 9th, 2017 3:12 pm

    Employees are the heart of a town. Any management program will tell you that if employees are happy then they work harder. Employees should be recognized for doing a good job, smart move for the town. You get two thumbs up for this.

  3. chris on March 9th, 2017 7:16 am

    Sure is great to see how the important issues in Century are being dealt with.