Century Takes Over Hwy 29, Hwy 4 Mowing

March 7, 2017

The Century Town Council voted Monday night to take over the mowing and edging along Highway 29 and State Road 4 within the town limits.

The town will take care of the upkeep of 3.075 miles of Highway 29 and 1.2 miles of State Road 4,. including the edging of 5.954 miles of sidewalk. Broadspectrum, the current Florida Department of Transportation contract holder, will pay the town $18,327.61 annually for the work.

Broadspectrum will continue to provide herbicide services and will maintain palm trees and other landscaping at the town gateways on Highway 29, and the company will continue to mow and trim large ditches along Highway 29 that fall under FDOT right of way.

Last summer, the town expressed displeasure with the mowing frequency of BroadSpectrum after weeks along Century sidewalks reached several feet high. The day after a NorthEscambia.com story, BroadSpectrum descended on the town to correct the problem. That started discussions about the town taking over mowing of state right of ways in Century.

Pictuerd: Weeds along the right of way in Century last July. NorthEscambia.com file photos.


8 Responses to “Century Takes Over Hwy 29, Hwy 4 Mowing”

  1. David Huie Green on March 10th, 2017 7:50 am

    Avis may have mistaken 5.954 for 5,954. It isn’t an unreasonable error.
    In Europe, they use commas and decimal points the opposite of how we Americans do.

    0.001 miles is 5.28 feet and the precision seems excessive. “Nearly 6 miles” would be within 243′ of 5.954 miles.

    David for dots and commas and foots

  2. Adopt-A-Mile on March 9th, 2017 4:41 pm

    What ever happened to the “Adopt-A-Mile” program? I live in Alabama on a country road and the things people will through out of their vehicle windows is ridiculous, however, I walk along the side of the road without side walks and pick up other peoples trash and when I’m mowing my yard I mow the R-O-W too. Maybe if the citizens of Century (which by the way I love that little town) instead of complaining get out and help your community. An afternoon with a push mower or weed eater will do a lot of good for you and the area. It’s called partnership, community involvement, caring about something….don’t wait for someone else to do the work that’s needed DO IT YOURSELF. Have pride! When I leave Alabama and cross that bridge into Century Florida…make me smile:-)

  3. mt on March 7th, 2017 11:22 pm

    Is there any citizens that would like to help to make their area look nice. Spring coming up and time change people are ready to get out and have something to do.

  4. Retired on March 7th, 2017 1:21 pm

    I think making the Gateway through here presentable is important. I believe they should pressure wash all six miles of sidewalk to make it clean and even looking plus the Post Office. I think this is a good move to keep it local.

  5. William on March 7th, 2017 9:50 am

    >>That’s a lot of sidewalk. Are you sure about that number?

    That’s the number from the engineering folks. If there’s 3.075 miles of Hwy 29, and sidewalk on both sides, that would be 6.15 miles of sidewalk. So 5.95 sounds about right.

  6. MIKE C on March 7th, 2017 9:48 am

    Avis, both sides of highway 29 have sidewalks…wonder if 6 miles is an underestimate of the sidewalks in town.

  7. sam on March 7th, 2017 9:34 am

    would rather they be using these folks to work on the water, gas, and sewage problem.

  8. Avis on March 7th, 2017 9:20 am

    That’s a lot of sidewalk. Are you sure about that number?