Century Names New Gas Superintendent, Gives A Few Employee Raises

March 21, 2017

The Century Town Council voted Monday night promote an employee from within as their new gas superintendent and also handed out a few employee raises.

The council promoted Kim Godwin, former deputy town clerk, to gas department superintendent to replace an employee that recently stepped down from the responsibilities.  The council also increased her salary by $5 per hour to $18.26 to cover her new responsibilities as gas superintendent plus upcoming work on the town’s stagnant website.

The council also voted to provide $2,930 for Godwin to attend two upcoming educational workshops. The funds were already budgeted for gas department operating supplies.

Godwin has been employed by the town since May 2012.

Also Monday night, the council voted to increase the salary of a window clerk from $8.21 to $9.50 per hour and an administrative assistant from $9.68 to $10.50. Both employees have taken on additional responsibilities to justify their pay increases, according to Mayor Henry Hawkins.

Pictured: Kim Godwin, Century’s new gas superintendent. NorthEscambia.com photo.


8 Responses to “Century Names New Gas Superintendent, Gives A Few Employee Raises”

  1. Kathy on March 23rd, 2017 7:35 pm

    Giving raises to century employee s, I guess that’s why the increase on water,gas,trash it’s a shame, people’s already struggle and now we have to pay for employee s raises.

  2. nod on March 21st, 2017 3:05 pm

    The town of century is going to price themselves out of existence.

  3. Notice things on March 21st, 2017 1:53 pm

    The employees in the office at Town hall or the most polite ladies you will ever run across. You hear the smile on their face over the phone and feel “hugged” after you talk with them. They seem genuinely sincere and hardworking.

    As far as the new wastewater superintendent, she seems on top of the ball, calling it like she sees it–get er done..Girl power!!

    I am not sure about all the guys, well Joe Brown was great above and beyond, but others, I question, how can you weed eat around a car bumper and trash, ride by and leave a grocery cart on site, not report abandoned buildings and notice broken signs and such as you are out maintaining the “outside” tighten up or a girl may come take your place!!

  4. E Burnett on March 21st, 2017 10:44 am

    Congratulations, Kim!!! Blessings.

  5. E Davis on March 21st, 2017 9:55 am

    Congrats! Kimmy well deserved. Every since I semi retired and moved back to Century, you and the staff have made my transition smooth as butter. As you go forward I know you would do forward as you have done in the past and continue to provide what I call…….Legendary Service!

  6. Rodger on March 21st, 2017 8:14 am

    Congratulations Kim ! Having previously dealt with you over the phone it’s nice to match a lovely face to a lovely personality…Best of Luck !

  7. Kevin Merchant on March 21st, 2017 7:36 am

    Congratulations Kim you deserve it,although the town won’t pay the men in the field what they deserve at least you are now getting what you deserve. Maybe all the women should move to the field and the men should move to the city hall and the council will give everyone a raise

  8. Willene Bryan on March 21st, 2017 7:30 am

    Congratulations Kim and to all the rest.