Woman Indicted For Stabbing Death Of Son

February 17, 2017

An Escambia County grand jury has indicted an Escambia County woman for the murder of her son.

Janel Charlene Francis was indicted for first degree premeditated murder in the stabbing death of 18-year old Devan Francis and attempted premeditated murder with a weapon for the stabbing of her 24-year old daughter, Gabrielle Torrence.

Francis allegedly stabbed her children at her home in the Heritage Oaks Mobile Park.

Francis will be arraigned February 23.


7 Responses to “Woman Indicted For Stabbing Death Of Son”

  1. Prayers4family on February 20th, 2017 2:28 pm

    …it doesn’t matter if its more to the story or not. You killed a child of God. All the good she has done for her family has now been erased and this one thing she will be remembered by. No matter what you had going on in your life, no one should lose their life behind it. Prayers for the family. I hope the daughter can pull through this.

  2. Alex on February 20th, 2017 1:20 pm

    Good mothers do not kill their children

  3. buckaroo on February 19th, 2017 9:34 am

    +bill – right on, unless you can get Al Sharpton with you (which costs a ton of money) or get a group together like women who Trump (and really all men). Then you behave and say just whatever you want you see.

    as for “nonjudgemental” on here…….um, wow. I know there is a reason or situation in which it is right and proper or at least acceptable to kill your children but could you please refresh my memory on when that is? Now I’m not talking about abortion, The U.S. Supreme court already states that God has been overruled on that one and murdering your baby in the womb is fine and they will be sure to pass the law on to God so that he can take it under advisement on judgment day. That way God is aware that the woman had a choice but the baby didn’t. Hey maybe that’s it…..bingo….. this woman just took 18 years to decide on abortion. Sure it’s a little longer than most but why split hairs on a little thing like a few years. There was really no murder here, just an ultra late term abortion.

  4. billy on February 18th, 2017 12:44 am

    contrary to popular belief , you are responsible for your own actions

  5. Nonjudgemental on February 17th, 2017 11:53 pm

    There have been so many comments about how she was/is a bad mother but many do not know her or the background to the incident.
    She has gone through a lot and has done a lot for her family. Please know there is more to the story than what has been released.
    Most families have troubles/conflicts/ disagreements that are not known unless you are close to the family.

  6. nod on February 17th, 2017 4:23 pm

    Is she a nut or what. Wow what a story. Feel sorry for the whole family.

  7. Mom on February 17th, 2017 8:21 am

    Mother of the year award right there! What in God’s name is wrong with people today?
    She killed her son (with premeditation) and tried to kill her daughter. WOW! Just can’t even wrap my head around that.
    Well you enjoy the rest of your life behind bars Ms Francis.
    Hopefully these kids had a decent father in their lives. I can only imagine what it was like growing up with that as a mother (and I use that term loosely!). Hopefully the daughter has enough wits about her to cut all ties with this low life.
    I do pray that the daughter can heal physically & emotionally from her ordeal.
    God will take care of the rest.