Today Is Not A School Holiday; Printed Calendar Is Wrong

February 13, 2017

This Monday, February 13, is not a school holiday in Escambia County as listed on a printed school district calendar that was distributed early in the school year.

The printed calendar indicates that there are two student holidays in the month of February, but this is incorrect, said Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.

“The only school holiday in February occurs on Monday, February 20, which is also President’s Day,” Thomas said. photo, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Today Is Not A School Holiday; Printed Calendar Is Wrong”

  1. Hugh on February 13th, 2017 5:53 pm

    A little to late to be telling parents there is an error. Give those that are out today all excused absences. Hire a responsible proof reader.

  2. Anne on February 12th, 2017 9:57 pm

    Thanks to Supt. Thomas for the calls that went out to student homes.
    Just a reminder of how very important it is for parents to keep their contact information up to date for their kids.
    If you move or change phone numbers let your kids school know about it.

  3. Anne on February 12th, 2017 9:55 pm

    Heh…thinking back to the time when February 29th was printed on the school calendar for two consecutive years…Just ain’t so.

    Oh well, send those young’uns on to the schoolhouse so they can get all learned up.

  4. Sage2 on February 12th, 2017 7:31 pm

    Opps! Hey, Mom no school tomorrow! Says so on the calendar.

    Who proofs these calendars prior to printing? Please apply @ ECSD for new proof reader…if interested. :-) )