Middle School Teacher Busted For Marijuana Found Under Her Desk

February 25, 2017

An Atmore middle school teacher was arrested Friday morning after marijuana was found under her classroom desk, according to the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office.

Kimberly McKay Downey, 49, was charged with second-degree possession of marijuana. She was booked into the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton and was later released on a $6,000 bond.

Authorities responded to a call at the Escambia County Middle School after the principal reported that there was a strong odor of what she believed to be marijuana coming from a specific area inside the school. As deputies entered the school, they also detected an  odor that they believed to be marijuana in the hallway of the school.

A K-9 began to search the school and alerted on Downey’s classroom. The students were removed from the classroom and a search was done of the room.

The K-9 alerted on a bag that was located under Downey’s desk. When questioned about the ownership of the bag, deputies reported Downey claimed ownership..  Deputies searched the bag and located a plastic bag containing three  partially burned-hand rolled cigarettes believed to be marijuana.


13 Responses to “Middle School Teacher Busted For Marijuana Found Under Her Desk”

  1. 429SCJ on February 27th, 2017 7:01 am

    I do not have a problem with people smoking pot, but if you choose to do so, do it on your property, not the public domain of a middle school.

  2. Janie Anderson on February 26th, 2017 11:54 pm

    So let me get this straight… She was a teacher… who smokes marijuana? I thought marijuana made people violent and turned them into hardcore drug users? Or did we get lied to in the DARE program to keep law enforcement jobs and prisons up and running? Proof that marijuana isn’t the enemy ladies and gentleman, she was a teacher who is only guilty of bringing it to school. She didn’t harm anyone.

  3. Andrew Remmers on February 26th, 2017 1:41 pm

    Oh no, not Marijuana! The kids learned in the DARE program that it’s the devils lettuce! Obviously smoking marijuana turns you into a teacher! THINK OF THE CHILDREN! We can’t have them turning into teachers! We need to let them get hooked on opiates because the doctor said it was okay

  4. Just wondering on February 25th, 2017 9:18 pm

    One of those kiddies that didn’t like her could have set her up. Just trying to give her the benefit of a doubt, if they did, & they found it in her bagi guess she was suppose to say it wasn’t hers? Yeah ok

  5. Another "me" on February 25th, 2017 4:14 pm

    That baggie contained her “safe space” from all those middle schoolers. When I think back at all the nonsense I did in middle school I think my teachers should have been given a daily bag of weed each morning and a bottle of wine every afternoon.

  6. Praying on February 25th, 2017 12:40 pm

    Praying for her and family. She comes from a well respected family ….each one was in education that goes back over fifty years. All were teacher, father that was a principal and coach. They have went thru a lot with the lost of there sister that was a retired teacher by a drink driver a couple years back. They were some of the best teachers and adminstration in Escambia county Flordia and Alabama that a parent could ask for. Pray for them and for there sister.

  7. anne 1of2 on February 25th, 2017 12:20 pm

    These comments are too much entertainment. I have to admire anyone who tries to teach these days. She just didn’t recognize she has burn-out on her career. She didn’t deny the marijuana was hers, that really surprised me.

  8. Greg on February 25th, 2017 9:31 am

    Is this what they mean by “higher” education?

  9. tg on February 25th, 2017 7:52 am

    I guess she could say it was medical marijuana used because these middle school kids are driving me nuts.

  10. Me on February 25th, 2017 7:49 am

    I mean, have you met middle school kids these days? You’d probably need a smoke too. Haha

  11. Well on February 25th, 2017 7:46 am

    Teacher Teacher
    I DECLARE…….

  12. Gary on February 25th, 2017 7:00 am


  13. elmer on February 25th, 2017 6:26 am

    Oh how I long for the good O’l Days when Teachers just drank in the teachers lounge