IP Explosion: Command Team Cuts Daily Oversight

February 8, 2017

Since the day after the January 22 explosion at International Paper in Cantonment, a Unified Command team as met onsite at IP multiple times per day to develop, review and implement action plans. But those daily meetings are coming to an end.

The Unified Command Team has developed and approved the remediation plans that are currently being implemented by cleanup teams and have finalized the long-term monitoring plan that will continue for the next six months once active cleanup is complete.

Now, the team has implemented a 15-day plan with agency representatives transitioning back their normal jobs. The Unified Command Team is comprised of International Paper, Escambia County EMA/Public Safety, Florida Department of Health, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The Unified Command Team will continue their collaborative oversight of remediation efforts and continue to provide guidance and technical expertise through daily communications and data reviews.

“International Paper remains committed to completing the remediation effort. We are not going anywhere. We are going to be here,”Mill Manager Brett DeJong said.

The next in-person Unified Command Team meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22. The team is also ending daily updates provided to the media.

The Unified Command’s Joint Information Center (1-850-968-4208) will continue to be available for residents in the affected areas. Due to a progressive decrease in call volume, beginning today, live operators will now be available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with voicemail available. Voicemail messages will be returned the next business day.

Of the approximately 150 homes identified as potentially being impacted by the uncident, about 90 percent have been partially or fully remediated.
All residents in the area impacted incident have been contacted or have had access forms left on the front door. A drop box has been left to receive the signed forms and a sign posted at the community entrance with an information phone number and location of the drop box.

Pictured top: The boots of cleanup team members are pressure washed as they leave Woodbury Circle in Cantonment. Pictured inset: A drop box on Woodbury Circle for providing signed forms to IP. Pictured below:  Members of the Unified Command Team hold a press conference days after the Cantonment International Paper explosion. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


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