Gulf Power Warns Of Continuing Scam Against Customers

February 27, 2017

Scammers continue to target Gulf Power customers in a scheme where business owners and residential customers receive calls from a person claiming to represent Gulf Power and demanding payment — or their electric service will be cut off.

Gulf Power continues to work with law enforcement in reporting these incidents, but the company has received an escalated amount of calls from customers reporting fraudulent calls in recent months. Customers are being told their electric bill is past due and that their electricity will be cut off if the customer does not provide a credit card payment or other forms of immediate payment.

Gulf Power advises customers that:

• Gulf Power employees will never call a customer at home seeking any personal information, including credit card numbers.
• Gulf Power representatives will never ask a customer for money when they visit a residence.
• All Gulf Power representatives carry badges with picture identification that includes the employee’s name and the company’s name and logo.

Customers should call Gulf Power at 1-800-225-5797 if they have any questions about the identity of anyone representing Gulf Power.

Gulf Power is working with local law enforcement agencies to identify the perpetrators. If anyone has been victimized by one of these schemes, or has any information about suspects, they are asked to call local law enforcement and to contact Gulf Power at 1-800-225-5797.


5 Responses to “Gulf Power Warns Of Continuing Scam Against Customers”

  1. Susan on March 1st, 2017 12:50 pm

    Got to agree with Bob C. All of us need to call/write our state legislator and state senator to let them know that this hike increase in base rate is not in the best interest of their constituents. No one will want to insulate their homes, keep room temperature steady, chalk windows, etc. if they can’t save money by reducing kilowatt usage. If this goes through, it will be a matter of time and we will be back to kilowatt price increasing again along with the base rate increase being proposed. Study up on it and contact the state legislature.

  2. nod on February 27th, 2017 3:53 pm

    So I guess the $200.00 I paid over the phone was not really gulf power threatening to cut off my electricity? Next time I ‘ll know better.I

  3. Randy on February 27th, 2017 11:22 am

    Totally agree with Bob C. on this one. It’s a kin to letting the fox in the hen house. Gulf power proposes to raise your base rate and lower your K rate to minimize the increase. What happens next year when they decide to raise the K rate usuage to satisfy their shareholders. Hhhhmmmmmm.

  4. bewildered on February 27th, 2017 10:28 am

    Utilities have a monopoly, but I rather deal with their consistency than all the providers that scam people with their “bundles” of internet, cable and land line telephones. One example of a popular provider: $89.95 for a year after you pay for the installation, etc. – nowhere in their contract states that your bill will go up a WHOPPING 33% in 11 months. Yes, ;you can switch again if you like playing musical chairs to save money.

  5. Bob C. on February 27th, 2017 6:30 am

    “Gulf Power warns of continuing SCAM…”
    Headline made me laugh out loud very early in the morning making my bride of many decades sleepily ask, “What’s so funny this time of morning?”

    With their monopoly in our area and basic stronghold on any electrical consumer in home or business my feeling is that our Greatest Scammer IS Gulf Power.

    Their increase in the Basic Rate which we ALL must pay no matter how conservative we might try to be they have augered down into our pocketbooks all under the guise of trying to help us consumers.

    Not fussing about the GP line workers or those who toil at their daily jobs, you folks are GREAT and we depend upon you. Am fussing at the Corporate types.

    GOD Bless the USA.