Florida House Seeks Online Registry For Animal Abusers

February 20, 2017

Names and mug shots of individuals convicted of animal abuse would have their names published online by the state, under a proposal filed Friday in the Florida House.

The measure, sponsored by Spring Hill Republican Rep. Blaise Ingoglia, would require the Department of Law Enforcement to post in an online registry information about people convicted of felony animal cruelty, animal fighting or sexual activities involving animals.

Each individual’s information would remain on the site for two years, unless they are convicted of another instance of animal abuse. The names would be kept on the site for five years for any secondary conviction of animal abuse.

The proposal would also require the Florida Department of State to send letters to breeders’ associations urging members not to provide animals to people on the list. The measure also includes sanctions for pet dealers that sell to individuals on the registry. Pet dealers would face a second-degree misdemeanor for selling to an individual on the list. The charge would be increased to a first-degree misdemeanor on the second sale, and a third conviction would net the pet dealer three days in jail along with a $2,500 fine.

by The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Florida House Seeks Online Registry For Animal Abusers”

  1. Karen Sindel on February 21st, 2017 12:09 pm

    We need this NOW. Escambia County has a significant animal abuse problem. Abusers should be on a PERMANENT list and that list should prevent them from EVER adopting or buying other animals.

  2. Kimchi on February 21st, 2017 11:46 am

    This woud be a great thing!! The only thing i believe should be implemented is that instead of 2yrs on the list, it should be a permanent thing. People that commit these crimes do not change! They only find ways to not get caught. Especially the ones that commit sex crimes with animals! They should be permantly labeled as sex predators! So many people have pets that are considered a part of their family. They would not want those people around their pet relatves as well as their human relatives. The community should be notified as well! They should be treated no different than someone that commits sex crimes against another person!

  3. Sidney on February 21st, 2017 2:51 am

    YES !

  4. Elmo on February 20th, 2017 4:53 pm

    This is a good thing if it passes. Don’t feel sorry for the violators of animals because many times the same ones carries this behavior on to abuse innocent people!

  5. Crystal Weber on February 20th, 2017 3:56 pm

    This is absolutely a step in the right direction. Questions I would have…..Does the bill allow average citizens to access the site or will it be only certain individuals or offices? If not an average citizen, would registered animal welfare 5013C groups be allow to access information? This is a much needed resource in our area, along with thousands of other animal welfare individuals would love to see this happen.