County To Re-do New Highway 97, 95 Intersection In Molino

February 6, 2017

Escambia County plans to try again on recent changes to a Molino intersection after public complaints about the design.

The county recently removed the “Y” intersection at Highway 95A and Highway 97 in Molino. A curve was added to Highway 95A to slow traffic and aid in the enforcement of a “No Truck” zone on Highway 95A from Highway 97 to Highway 29.

Late this week, weather permitting, the county plans to remove the asphalt and reduce the angles of the curves. photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “County To Re-do New Highway 97, 95 Intersection In Molino”

  1. Christopher Viar on February 8th, 2017 9:14 pm

    If the residents and the county does not want that section of road as a thru-road, then why not close it off completely where 95A intersects 29, making that little section of 95A a Dead End?

  2. p on Feb. 7, 2017 1:05 pm on February 7th, 2017 2:12 pm

    What makes the people on that section of 95A so special that they can dictate no trucks allowed, when the rest of us living on this road deal with them all day, everyday? Somebody has got to have a lot of pull or money and connections with the powers that be. Just seems a bit of favoritism going on here.

  3. Jacqueline Freisinger on February 6th, 2017 10:52 pm

    Hwy. 95A should have been left alone and a wider turn-lane added for 97
    intersecting 95A even if only a small widening on either side would
    have been needed and hardly noticed.
    When resurfacing is needed for 95A and federal funds are received it
    would revert to a federal road as in the past. Hwy 95A
    was and is a main thoroughfare and should be regarded as so.
    It is like the boat ramp that had to be re-designed. If at first you don’t
    succeed, try, try again!

  4. RJC on February 6th, 2017 10:38 pm

    Doesn’t matter if it was once a truck route. It hasn’t been for a long time and that was a decision made by and posted by the county. Yet many truck drivers still chose to ignore nose signs and the posted speed limit. Now you want to complain and be a “cry baby” about being forced to obey the traffic laws.

  5. RJC on February 6th, 2017 10:26 pm

    I agree the curve is a bit sharp. But something has to be done about the big trucks that have been flying down the part of 95A that is cleary posted no big trucks. There also need to be inforcment on the speed limit. One mistake by one of these fools and they’ll be in my yard. I would like to feel my children are safe in my front yard. It’s scary to to go check my mail when they won’t even bother to slow down. As far as hurricane access, use 97 to 29. That part of 95A is residential not a hurricane evacuation route.

  6. What on February 6th, 2017 9:26 pm

    This is what you get when 2 – 3 people push their personal agenda and noone else chimes in.

  7. bisquit on February 6th, 2017 9:11 pm

    It cost owner operators alot of money every year to detour off what you call “your” road, which was a truck through-route long before your birth. If you want a quiet, traffic-less road infront of your home, move into a residential hood. That was the only road for years before you got there. Quit whining and gripeing or move!!!!! YOU BUNCH OF BABIES!!!!!! Next time you want a truckload of dirt or gravel delivered to your house, go get it in your own vehicle…….BABIES!!!!!

  8. bisquit on February 6th, 2017 9:00 pm

    You crybabies on 95a complained about the trucks, the same trucks that has hauled everything you own in & around your house…….now, deal with it. I personally think that the way the road dept has fixed it is very, very good!!!!!!

  9. old man on February 6th, 2017 8:06 pm

    look at what they did with 95a and 29 made it much better drove thur the 97 and 05 intersection last week it is a lot better for people coming down 95 slow down at this intersection will help with the curve i think it is much better and about the trucks what about the people on the south end of 95a we may not have nice home but we still pay our taxes

  10. chris in Molino on February 6th, 2017 4:42 pm

    @Phil— Gov’t isn’t the problem though. The problem is all these yankees & yuppies with money moving out here but then wanting more “convenience”, “safety”, when really they want it a little bit more how it was where they came from.
    I’ve never had a problem driving around here. My grandmother is 83, lived here all her life, never had a wreck and her first ticket after moving into Pensacola a couple years ago. People complain how dangerous hwy 29 is. It’s not the hwy thats dangerous, it’s the people. Theres too much crap in peoples car nowdays that cause your attention not to be on the road. Weather it’s your car talking to you, freakbooking on your phone, or putting something on tv for kids who demand it cause their not afraid of a backhand.
    When banks crash or power grid goes down and the yuppies up the road come calling because they see my vegetables and me skinning meat when they drive by, gonna tell em i have prepared for my family, go ask your phone what to do.

  11. Resident on February 6th, 2017 2:32 pm

    Speed needs to be addressed ASAP..a dump truck passed the school bus in the curve last week. The speed was reduced to 35 MPH and not one vehicle has remotely done anything close to 45 coming through here.

  12. Phil on February 6th, 2017 1:22 pm

    Phil thinks that whatever they do to it, there will always be someone complaining. The road was fine before government “fixed” it. Anytime someone from the government says they are here to help, or to fix, run as fast as you can away.

  13. Norah on February 6th, 2017 12:54 pm

    I don’t understand why they changed it in the first place. What a mess we have now.

  14. Mary Ann Long on February 6th, 2017 12:08 pm

    The way it is now someone is going to get run over trying to turn on 95A . I agree they should have straighten 97 , put a stop sign there and left 95A alone. Did they even have anyone look at this before making such a mess?

  15. Joe on February 6th, 2017 11:19 am

    I liked it. Cut thru traffic way down on 95A north of 97 through the residential section.
    Thru traffic should just hit 97 to 29

  16. From molino on February 6th, 2017 9:34 am

    They should have curved 97 into 95A with a stopsign.

  17. BB on February 6th, 2017 9:31 am

    A waste of taxpayers money right here. What are you going to do about access when a hurricane hits? Should’ve placed a stop sign on 97, not 95A. 95A (the old highway) has been around for years and years. You guys shouldn’t have jacked it up…fix it!