Century Faces ‘Failing” Wastewater System; Water And Sewer Rate Increase

February 9, 2017

After the mayor called for water and sewer rates to be increased in Century to stop financial losses, the town is looking at what needs to be done, at what cost, to improving a “failing” system.

Alicia Jernigan, Century’s certified wastewater operator, said the town’s wastewater “is failing”, comprised of aging equipment that has not been properly maintained, is wearing out, or is now functionally obsolete.

“There have been a lot of failures, a lot of sewage spills,” Jernigan told the Century Town Council.

Bob Mearns of the Florida Rural Water Association said the town is applying for $60,000 in grant funding from the Florida legislature for preliminary engineering reports for the potable water and wastewater systems. These reports will identify the deficiencies in each system, allowing the town to seek funding and make the necessary improvements.

“This is the beginning of a grand plan for Century,” Mearns said. He termed the water system’s condition as “marginal”, but said the town’s wastewater system is “problematic”.

Part of the grand plan will be rate increase for water and wastewater customers. At $13 for 6,000 gallons, Mearns said Century has the lowest water rates he has seen. The town has not raised water rates since August 2012.

At no cost to the town, the Florida Rural Water Association will conduct a rate study to determine just how much rates should increase.

The Town of Century has scheduled a special meeting to discuss water, wastewater and natural gas rates on Monday, March 20 at 6 p.m.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection records only show one reported sewage spill in Century this year. On January 12, about 100 gallons of wastewater spilled into a ditch at 7730 Dogwood Drive after Gulf Power placed a power pole through a sewer pipe.

Pictured: Century’s water, wastewater and natural gas franchise also serves the Century Correctional Institution. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Century Faces ‘Failing” Wastewater System; Water And Sewer Rate Increase”

  1. Msjohnson on February 13th, 2017 6:20 pm

    I think there is a misunderstanding about whom the new Mayor wants to pay for the upgrades. He wants to get a legislative appropriation. This means the government will foot the bill (not the customers) however, until the rates are brought into line with others in the area the government will not consider paying for upgrades because the town will be unable to sustain them.

  2. Save environment on February 10th, 2017 9:21 pm

    If the sewer system is failing and the water lines need replaced (which they do and nit repeatedly patched) then how can Century put a new apartment complex on the out if date systems?

  3. Sam on February 10th, 2017 8:02 pm

    Seems odd that the towns water, sewage, and gas has passed the required tests as postted in the local paper. Then we a new mayor and everything is falling apart and the tax payer has fork it over. Something just ain’t right.

  4. Wally on February 10th, 2017 2:42 pm

    Interestingly enough, I just read of a similar report on the Jay utility department. Both articles mentioned that a lack of maintenance was a key issue. Now that the towns have failed to maintain the equipment, the citizens are going to have to ante up to fix the problem. Where is the corrective action in maintenance of theses facilities? What good is it to upgrade the equipment if you haven’t turned the corner on improper maintenance?

  5. citizen on February 9th, 2017 10:21 pm

    If Jernigan says there are a lot of spills and DEP shows only one, why is that?

  6. Environment Concern on February 9th, 2017 10:06 pm

    I find these reports of sewage overflow significant. They need to be reported by who ever sees them. Who should it be reported to?

  7. John on February 9th, 2017 9:41 pm

    Consolidation has worked in Jacksonville and it could work here, but consolidation would mean that someone would have to step down and oh no we can’t have that in Escambia County. Keep the same old tired system.

  8. Question on February 9th, 2017 8:03 pm

    >>>>>Century’s water, wastewater and natural gas franchise also serves the Century Correctional Institution.

    But it is not inside the City Limits, wonder why they don’t annex it.

  9. William on February 9th, 2017 7:06 pm

    >>Is the prison on Century utility or ECUA?

    Century’s water, wastewater and natural gas franchise also serves the Century Correctional Institution.

  10. Question on February 9th, 2017 7:04 pm

    Is the prison on Century utility or ECUA?

  11. Nicholas Arthur on February 9th, 2017 4:18 pm

    I find it interesting that the prison collection systems overflow every day but this is not reported. But hey who is going to watch The Watchmen

  12. Information on February 9th, 2017 4:11 pm

    A little off topic but :
    As far as Restore
    There are several Restore Project going forward in the BOCC Agenda.
    I see none that Century applied for. There is a huge political process with this from what I gather:
    Jan. 12 – Staff received final project nominations from the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners.

    Carpenter Creek & Bayou Texar Economic & Environmental Revitalization Plan
    Eleven Mile Creek Basin
    Eleven Mile Creek Stream Restoration
    Hollice T. Williams Park – Stormwater Management/Recreational Facilities Project
    OLF8 Commerce Park Improvements
    Perdido Key Gulf of Mexico Beach Access
    Perdido Key Multi-Use Path
    Project Universal Access
    South Dogtrack Drainage – Coral Creek, Hampton Lake, Three Waters Green (aka, Mariner Village), Liberty Church


    Century is slated to get a portion of the Triump funds, it is earmarked for Economic Development but I believe it can be used for infrastructure or even schools.

    I do not see a project nominated.

    Some people are interested in the elected officials in Century take on this. Are members of the town council working these projects for the citizen in Century?

    Perhaps North Escambia can publish that for the people in the area especially with an upcoming vote, Be nice to see who may be qualified or not.

    Thank you for this information with support for all involved. I am not sure why these links do not appear to be working, even so passing the info along, perhaps it can be useful.

  13. Retired on February 9th, 2017 2:11 pm

    Do you know how to apply and make that happen?
    the process. I agree with your advice

  14. Pete on February 9th, 2017 8:22 am

    The sewer water from the prison overflows almost daily at the prison and runs right down Tedder road into a ditch that runs to a creek nobody seems to care

  15. Felicia marsh on February 9th, 2017 8:20 am

    This mayor fooled everyone he is make ng living hard by raising the water bill he definitely getting voted out next term.

  16. Bob C. on February 9th, 2017 8:17 am

    This sounds like a Very Good Use for the B.P. / Deep Horizon monies to rework the infrastructure in Century.

  17. SW on February 9th, 2017 7:02 am

    I have a suggestion: sell it to a private entity. While you’re at it, sell off all town assets, disband, and shut it down.