Brick Sale Continues For Century High School Monument

February 7, 2017

Despite lackluster sales so far, plans are moving forward for a brick monument at the site of the old Century High School.

Engraved bricks are being sold at $50 each to be placed around a 1936 monument and flagpole salvaged from the former school, which was demolished due to tornado damage. In total, about 3,o00 bricks were saved from the school building for the project. The $50 covers the cost of engraving the brick and construction of the monument; there is no profit made.

Century Bricks and Monument Committee member Regi Burkett told members of the Century Town Council that final drawings depicting the monument are almost ready, and he said he expects brick sales to soar once the plans are available.

The committee is also applying for a historical grant to help fund the project, which Burkett said he hopes to see completed within two years.

Each brick can be engraved with up to three lines of text with up to 20 characters per lineĀ  To print an order form, visit or pick up an order form at the Century Town Hall.

Pictured top: A sample engraved Century High School brick. Pictured inset: A 1936 monument salvaged from the former school will be in the center of the monument. Pictured below: A conceptual drawing of the monument. photos/images, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Brick Sale Continues For Century High School Monument”

  1. Sara on February 8th, 2017 6:24 pm

    Well, I really think that the Century Historical Society could have stopped the demolition of this landmark. I don’t know who the official owner of this building was; but, it seemed as if everything happened so quickly, after the tornado & that the Century community was too shell-shocked to take the proper measures, that would have prevented such a tragedy for this old building to be demolished. Even the federal government has provisions to protect historic buildings, such as the old Century High School. I’m certain that with the proper paperwork filed, we could have saved this beautiful old building. And now, with the sale of these bricks for $50. it seems disrespectful to all of the Black Cats that graduated, from this wonderful place. It could have been preserved & revitalized, with just a little help from the Historical Society or maybe from a Federal grant to preserve this historical building. It really is sad. At the very least, there should have been a chance to tour the school & take some photos. I realize that this part of the county does not receive the respect & taxes that the South end of the county receives. But, I think that if given the chance, all of the previous Black Cats could have gotten together & raised enough money to bring the old school back to it’s glory years & use it as a place for community activities or reunions.

  2. Rich Manry on February 7th, 2017 3:06 pm

    Growing up as a player and fan of Century Blackcats’ biggest rival, Flomaton High School, I could not have been more envious of “Blackcat Pride” and Century’s winning tradition. Maybe it was a mystique, but there was something about the Century Blackcats, winning and their fanbase that I respected and admired. Century knew how to win and their fanbase and support was second to none! I developed many friendships growing up playing football and baseball against and on the same team with several Century boys and coaches and you won’t find better people anywhere!

    My athletic career spanned into college at Auburn University but there will never be a sports moment that exceeds that Friday night on Oct 31, 1980, 13-12 Century/Flomaton football game. It is a tremendous compliment to Century that the Flomaton players’ and fans’ celebration post-game was ecstatic! Flomaton beat a dynasty that night and a dynasty that, to this day, still demands respect, certainly from me! My hat’s off and enormous respect to the Town of Century, CHS’s former players, fans and alumni of CHS! As Mr. Kayo Stanton used to say: Heeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeeeee Come The Blackcats!!!! Well said, Mr. Kayo. They did come and they won! And, with Blackcat Pride, Century had something to be proud of!!! I know that Blackcat Pride still lives today and I salute it.

  3. Well on February 7th, 2017 12:05 pm

    Might want to put a contact on there that will contact you back.
    Emailed the listed person last time this story ran and never got a response.