Boyette 911 Tipster To Receive $16,000 Reward

February 15, 2017

The Georgia  caller that reported the whereabouts of killer William “Billy” Boyette and accomplice Mary Rice will now receive a majority of the reward cash that was offered.

The person that spotted their stolen car in the parking lot of a West Point, GA, hotel called 911, which officials first said made them ineligible for over $20,000 in reward cash since they did not call Crime Stoppers.

A portion of the reward is not legally available due to the manner in which the call was received, Crime Stoppers said in a statement Tuesday. But, The Santa Rosa County Crime Stoppers program did not stop there. The program has been actively coordinating and facilitating the large payment of up to $16,000 of the total reward.

“Boyette and Rice remained elusive throughout the fugitive investigation. Their violent and cowardly crimes were abruptly ended because of an alert citizen and the cooperation between all investigative agencies and the success of the Crime Stoppers program,” stated Dominic Guadagnoli, Inspector for the US Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force in Pensacola.

“The pattern of Boyette and Rice on the run made it clear there were likely to be additional murders. We are very grateful that they were apprehended due to the awareness and dedication of a citizen who spotted them and took immediate action to report it. FDLE was informed on February 10 of a person wishing to claim the reward, and we are confident awarding this individual is the right thing to do.  This timely tip saved innocent lives,” said Jack Massey special agent in charge at FDLE’s Pensacola Regional Operations Center. $10,000 of the reward money is being provided by FDLE.

“The Santa Rosa Crime Stopper has been facilitating and coordination the payment of the reward dollars from these organizations. We certainly believe the individual who called 911 saved lives and needs to be rewarded for their efforts,” the group said.


18 Responses to “Boyette 911 Tipster To Receive $16,000 Reward”

  1. Brooke on February 17th, 2017 11:38 pm

    I understand the premise of CrimeStoppers reward requirement, however, as a 911 operator, asking a person to contact an outside agency puts that individual in a dangerous situation.

    I propose CrimeStoppers modifies their requirements to allow 911 callers to first, at the beginning of the call, state they would like to remain anonymous and collect the CrimeStoppers reward. If the caller doesn’t make that statement at the beginning of the call then they’re forever ineligible from collecting a reward. Their information can always be redacted from any released 911 recordings to help keep their identity anonymous.

  2. David Huie Green on February 15th, 2017 7:05 pm

    It depends on what you want.
    If you want to catch criminals and stop crimes, reward those who report them.
    The benefit of getting more involved is worth much.
    Yes, many will help for free but more will help for hope of reward.

    David for stimulus plans that work

  3. Disbelief on February 15th, 2017 12:32 pm

    “Wait, let me look up the phone number to Crimestoppers when I get home to report a KILLER on the run!” It is unreal to think that the reporting individual was not going to receive any funds due to the initial number called to report these two monsters. I’m thankful that the individual is receiving some of the funds now. Hopefully they pay it forward to the innocent families involved to assist with the offset of costs.

  4. EMD on February 15th, 2017 12:04 pm

    I have called Crime Stoppers twice in the forty + years I’ve lived in the Florida Pan Handle. They were NOT AT ALL helpful. Also were quite rude and abrupt. I would not call them again. I think of them as Crime Helpers. Don’t know how they are now, but I do not want to chance it with them again. Very very very frustrating, especially the last call. It would be hard to forget THAT one. What a waste. I do hope that whoever answers there now, likes their job and does it.

  5. jb on February 15th, 2017 11:51 am

    A crime stoppers call would have meant a longer response time. Give that man the $$ that you advertised or gulf coast crime stoppers loses all credibility.

  6. Trish on February 15th, 2017 11:30 am

    I think it is insane that the full amount of the reward is not being given. Over and over again I heard about the reward and not once did anyone say “By the way, in order to collect the full amount you have to call Crime Stoppers and not 911″. Yet another loop hole to help an organization get out of doing something they said they were doing. No you should not need a reward to report a sighting, but if offered then stand by what you say.

  7. Barry on February 15th, 2017 11:18 am

    Crime Stoppers, I can not believe you!!! Do you know how this makes you look? How many more lives could have been taken if this Georgia citizen would have not made that 911 call? The reward was over $20,000, you should give it all to the caller and then some. A drop in the bucket to save a Loved One. I can not believe this.

  8. David on February 15th, 2017 10:48 am

    @ molinioman…thats right on ..always help but dont do it for the $ in your pocket
    When we have to resort to paying a person to do the right thing in my opinion…we are lost as a human race
    But…like everyone else..its an opinion

  9. Patti on February 15th, 2017 9:55 am

    Thank god for this person and their unselfish willingness to put themselves in potential harm to follow these people and call the police.. We as a community are forever grateful.

  10. Jim on February 15th, 2017 9:34 am

    @Randy: Law Enforcement isn’t necessarily the deciding factor. Some comes from a fund that is used to pay all tipsters that participate in the Crimestoppers initiatives.
    The fact that Crimestoppers worked with other agencies to get this person a big reward will encourage others to come forward when the situation warrants.

  11. A Alex on February 15th, 2017 8:10 am

    Is not one life and countles more leo hours of searching worth the full $21,000. I THINK SO

  12. Lou on February 15th, 2017 7:42 am

    So glad they will reward this citizen for helping! I would have to give it to the victims families.

  13. molinoman on February 15th, 2017 7:37 am

    If it were me getting this reward I would donate it back to the families of the victims to help off set funeral expenses and/or a trust for the children.

  14. randy on February 15th, 2017 7:34 am

    How wrong of law enforcement not to give the full amount ..

  15. anne 1of2 on February 15th, 2017 7:31 am

    I couldn’t believe it when they first said he wouldn’t be paid. As long as those two were caught, who cared which phone # was called. I can see they did some quick thinking to fix this public relations mistake. I mean really, 911 I can remember, but I’d be lying if I said I have Crime Stoppers phone # in my head. Thanks to whomever straightened this out. I was embarrassed for the state of FL. A reward should be exactly that. Thanks to the GA citizen. for helping us sleep better at night.

  16. tg on February 15th, 2017 7:12 am

    There is a living person out there that dont know it but can thank this tipster.

  17. Big red on February 15th, 2017 6:29 am

    What a great payday for being alert.

  18. Willene Bryan on February 15th, 2017 6:26 am

    Yes indeed he or she deserve the reward.