Telemarketer Gets 90 Months Federal Prison For Fraud

January 21, 2017

Gary R. Tomey II, 47, of Pace, was sentenced Friday to 90 months in prison after he was found guilty of conspiracy and mail fraud during a two-week jury trial. He was also ordered to pay a $1,219,129.46 forfeiture money judgment and $6,677 in restitution.

Tomey owned and operated Children and Family Services Inc. (later called Children’s Charitable Services Inc.), which fraudulently solicited charitable donations by calling donors in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee. Tomey instructed his employees  to falsely tell donors that 100% of their donation went to the charity and that they were volunteers. They were also told to say the charity was located in and only helped the donor’s home state. However, the employees were paid a commission-based hourly wage and worked  from a call center in Milton, Florida. Of the more than $1.2 million raised in donations, only 1.5% actually went to a charitable cause. The rest paid wages, business expenses, and Tomey’s own personal expenses.

Tomey’s sentence was enhanced because he committed his fraud through telemarketing and because he victimized more than 10 people over the age of 55.

This case resulted from an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Assistant United States Attorney Alicia H. Kim prosecuted the case.
“Fraudsters who exploit the charitable spirit of the American people, and especially those who prey upon the generosity of our seniors, can count on a thorough scrutiny and aggressive prosecution by this office,” said United States Attorney Canova.

“When individuals misuse funds intended for a charitable purpose, it harms all donors and honest non-profit organizations,” said Charles P. Spencer, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Jacksonville Division. “The FBI is committed to investigating and rooting out this type of  corruption, whether it happens in a public office or a non-profit organization.”


5 Responses to “Telemarketer Gets 90 Months Federal Prison For Fraud”

  1. Jim on January 24th, 2017 10:41 am

    “Do Not Call” programs are pointless. Telemarketers ignore them, and it’s up to the consumer to gather all the info about the callers to submit a complaint that results in a slap on the hand for those companies.
    I’ve had all my numbers listed on both State and Federal lists for years, and still get those annoying calls. I simply ignore every number I don’t recognize. If it’s important, they’ll leave a message; if not, oh well!

  2. BG on January 24th, 2017 12:43 am

    You can call or go on there web site and get on the no call list 888-382-1222 or 866-290-4236

  3. Mike J. on January 22nd, 2017 2:30 am

    All telemarketing should be illegal. When companies have television, newspapers, magazines, billboards, internet ads, and even ads on taxis, then they sure don’t need to call me on my phone and interrupt my dinner or family time, etc. I think calling cell phones is illegal yet telemarketing companies still do it and they don’t care if you are driving then they call you.

  4. Ru on January 21st, 2017 5:26 pm

    I would also like to know the answer to Ms. Karen’s question above.

  5. Karen on January 21st, 2017 9:14 am

    So what happened to the employees who willingly went along with this fraud? If they knowingly went along with his scam then they need to be punished also.