New Year Begins With Lower Gulf Power Rates

January 1, 2017

Beginning today, Gulf Power customers will see their prices drop 3 percent thanks to lower fuel costs used in energy production. But there’s also a price increase on the table for July.

In November, the Florida Public Service Commission approved Gulf Power’s request to decrease customer’s bills by $4.63, from $148.64 to $144.01 for the average residential customer. This is the second year in a row Gulf Power customers have seen a decrease in energy prices brought about by careful planning and management of the natural gas and cleaner-than-ever coal the energy provider uses to generate electricity. Last January, residential energy bills decreased 5 percent.

“Gulf Power employees have worked hard to manage costs to benefit our customers directly, especially as we head into the cold winter months,” said Rick DelaHaya, Gulf Power spokesperson. “And because Gulf Power employees have been working hard toward a more balanced energy mix, our customers can take advantage of lower fuel prices now, and into the future.”

Every year, the Florida Public Service Commission adjusts Gulf Power’s prices to reflect cost changes in fuel, environmental controls and energy conservation programs. Fuel cost savings are passed through directly to Gulf Power customers, with no profit to the company.

This decrease comes on the heels of a price increase request to continue to invest in the reliability of Northwest Florida’s energy infrastructure. In October, Gulf Power requested that the Florida Public Service Commission conduct a public review  of their prices and a proposed increase that would begin in July 2017. The last time customers saw a price increase was in January 2015, and when compared to those prices, the average residential customer’s monthly bill in July 2017 after PSC approval would increase by only $2.50 per month or less than 2 percent.
“If approved, that requested investment would help secure long-term reliability, continue smart grid improvements, and bolster our goal of achieving a balanced energy mix,” added DelaHaya. “A balanced energy mix helps keep customers’ costs stable and insulates customers from price fluctuations that can be caused by price volatility in the fuel we use to generate electricity.”

Along with that request, the energy company has asked for approval of new customer rate options designed to make bills more predictable, and has instituted new initiatives designed for greater customer conveniences ncluding an improved online experience, additional payment locations at popular stores and payment kiosks in business offices.


6 Responses to “New Year Begins With Lower Gulf Power Rates”

  1. But Wait! There More! on January 2nd, 2017 2:56 pm

    How nice of them to push the 3% decrease in costs since fuel is cheaper, they mentioned that fact in the letter I received explaining that it was going up 7% due to extra costs in maintenance and upgrades if they get the commission to approve it (which, I am sure they will).

  2. Nod on January 2nd, 2017 12:38 pm

    Can you say “THANK YOU GULF POWER”, WE’LL I CAN’T. The big raise in rates is coming. If they plan so well why do they lower rates and them raise them? Confused in Pensacola.

  3. mick on January 2nd, 2017 11:24 am

    This is just a downshift so to speak before they accelerate into higher rates…higher costs to stay on the grid is coming folks…oh yea and Gulp Power that’s funny! as the lights grow dim and our wallets empty.

  4. anne 1of2 on January 1st, 2017 4:38 pm

    The trick is to rent a center apartment. Notice how most are four to each building? Each with a great leaky patio door? All with outside walls? Well,some people rent center unit and let the neighbors run their units while keeping cool enough or warm enough for $60.00. They rely heavily on the consumers not paying attention to what they are doing.

  5. tg on January 1st, 2017 2:44 pm

    Bob C this is a Gulp Power Smoke Screen it wont last 30 seconds.

  6. Bob C. on January 1st, 2017 8:15 am

    Boy Oh Boy, now I’m as confused as a termite in a yo-yo.

    Wasn’t Gulf Power just whining about needing more of our money?
    Scheduling and sending out letters about public meetings to discuss the “issues”?
    Now they dangle a rate decrease in front of us?

    Feel like we’re caught in one of those revolving doors at a fancy store in a big city.

    Lord, Please Bless we the consumers of Gulf Power for a less confusing 2017.