Jim Allen’s Brown A Finalist For Escambia Teacher Of The Year

January 26, 2017

Lacey Brown of Jim Allen Elementary School is the only North Escambia (District 5) teacher named a finalist for Escambia County’s Teacher of the Year. The winner will be announced Friday during the Escambia County Public Schools Foundation’s Golden Apple Dinner.

Brown teaches third grade at Jim Allen Elementary School and is in her third year of teaching.

Name: Lacey Brown
School: Jim Allen Elementary
Grade: 3
Years of Teaching: 3

Professional credentials: Certified to teach Prekindergarten and ESOL (English as a second language)

Quote from Principal Rachel Watts, “Ms. Lacey Brown has been involved in many leadership roles at our school. For example, she began our Friday Shout-Outs to recognize and praise our teachers and staff. She is an integral part of our faculty who goes above and beyond her required duties and she is willing to help any student, teacher, support staff or parent any time.”

Who is the teacher you remember most from your years as a student and what was special about that person? The teacher that I remember the most is Mr. Rob Doss.  He was my teacher for several social studies classes during my time at West Florida High School.  His varied experiences in life made him a captivating storyteller.  He cared about what he taught, and he was able to make it applicable to my life.  I was not excited about taking economics my senior year, but I soon found that it was one of my favorite classes.  I learned, from him, that a great teacher can make any content engaging.  Mr. Doss praised my hard work and determination more than any teacher I had ever had; I felt like I was more than a name on a roster.  He was caring, compassionate, and kind.  I always knew that he wanted to see me succeed in whatever challenges I faced.  I hope that I am a “Mr. Doss” for my own students.
What do you hope your students will take away from their time in your classroom? I hope that my students will come away from my classroom with two things.  First, I want them to know how valuable they are and how much they have to offer the world.  My goal is to have encouraged them so much throughout the year that when they leave my classroom they know that they are important and that they have contributions to make to society.  Secondly, I hope that my students leave my classroom with a love of learning.  Everything that I do in my classroom, from engaging technology to flexible seating, is designed to make students enjoy the learning process.  If they come away from my classroom knowing they are valued deeply, realizing they are important, and looking to their future with excitement, then I know I have done my job well.

What is the best or funniest thing you ever learned from one of your students? The funniest thing I have ever learned from my students is that I cannot dance.  Okay, maybe I already knew that!  I like to be silly and fun with my students, and I enjoy learning about the things they like.  Last year, a group of my girls tried to teach me a popular dance at recess.  I tried my best, but despite their best teaching efforts, I was informed that my technique was not correct.  I learned, or was reminded, that I cannot dance, but I was also reminded how important it is to connect to your students!  I have learned that when students know that you care about them and their interests, they are more willing to give you their attention and hard work in the classroom.


3 Responses to “Jim Allen’s Brown A Finalist For Escambia Teacher Of The Year”

  1. BONNIE EXNER on January 27th, 2017 2:34 pm

    Congratulations, Lacey, on being one of 5 finalists for Escambia County Teacher of the Year.!! Keep up the GREAT WORK..from another LIFE-LONG LEARNER AND 2002 ESCAMBIA COUNTY TEACHER OF THE YEAR FINALIST☺

  2. Just saying on January 26th, 2017 9:50 pm

    Congratulations. What an achievement. You make us proud in the north end. I will however have to differ on the comment about Rob Doss. He is actually the worst boss I have ever had. He is the reason everyone keeps leaving Transportation. Route Managers never left before he became the director. They would retire in the position. I really feel sorry for the people who work for him. Glad it’s not me anymore!

  3. Mrs. Ellis on January 26th, 2017 11:04 am

    Congratulations Lacey! We are so proud for the recognition of you and your love for educating children. We have been blessed to watch you grow into the special lady you are now from the the moment your parents announced the great news they were expecting…. and it was YOU!!!
    We love you always.