Jay Woman Sentenced To Prison For Sex With Underage Boy

January 18, 2017

A Jay woman is headed to prison for sex with an underage boy.

Kimberly Ann Seevers  pleaded no contest to having sex with a minor and was sentenced Tuesday  to 38 months in state prison. She will be on probation for 36 months once released and will be required to register as a sex offender for life.

Seevers, 46,  still faces a separate sexual battery charge  involving another teenager. She is due back in court in that case on January 24.

Her attorney, Barry Beroset, asked Circuit Court Judge Ross Goodman to depart from minimum sentencing guidelines and sentence her to just probation because the underage boy was about one month shy of his 18th birthday when the incident occurred.

The attorney cited a Florida Supreme Court decision from 2001 in which the minor victim was a willing participant was a mitigating factor in supporting download departure from the sentencing guidelines.

The Jay High School student stated that when he arrived at Seevers’ home, she was drinking more than a small quantity of wine.

“Seevers wasn’t super drunk, but she was becoming intoxicated. He described Ms. Seevers as being kind of tipsy and flirty,” Beroset wrote in a letter to the court. The victim said he could have initiated the encounter and that he was willing participant, the lawyer said.


36 Responses to “Jay Woman Sentenced To Prison For Sex With Underage Boy”

  1. Sensible Teen on January 23rd, 2017 9:03 pm

    A lot of the comments are saying that this woman should be let go, but what she did was illegal. She should serve the time for the crime that she committed. Even if the boy consented, she could have refused, but instead, she let the act happen. So don’t say “Oh she should be let go because he was almost 18.” It doesn’t matter. She deserves her prison time.

  2. David Huie Green on January 21st, 2017 6:43 pm

    “Count your blessings David and give thanks for tender mercies, that you were passed over regarding that cup.”

    The Good Lord knew I was weak in the face of temptation so He blessed me with this personality and these looks and temptation fled from me.

    David for counting blessings

  3. 429SCJ on January 21st, 2017 7:54 am

    @David for “keeping assorted women straight in our mind”.

    Count your blessings David and give thanks for tender mercies, that you were passed over regarding that cup.

    Mary Magdelene “She had evil spirits, infirmities and seven devils” My point exactly!

  4. David Huie Green on January 21st, 2017 1:13 am

    “Let us not forget Mary Magdalene and let us not cast stones.”

    Luke 8:2 describes the history of Mary Magdalene without saying she was either an adulteress or a prostitute, rather that she had evil spirits and infirmities and seven devils:
    “And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,”

    John 8:1-11 describes the folks trying to get Jesus to declare an adulteress should be stoned in accordance with the Law of Moses.
    Instead he pointed out their personal sins without naming them, just inviting the one without sin to throw the first rock at her. He could have done so, but instead opted to tell her to cut it out.
    It did not give her name and there is no reason to assume she was Mary Magdalene.
    Last I heard, there is often more than one adulteress per town.
    Declaring Mary Magdalene to be the one described is to add to the bible what it does not say.
    (This is a no-no.)

    Luke 7:36-50 describes Jesus’ encounter with a woman who was known to be a prostitute.
    Her name was not given, so for others to decide she was Mary Magdalene is to add to the bible.
    (Not that that happened here, but is commonly done. This is a no-no.)

    I’m not griping about the spirit of the comment, just pointing out that the example given is one not so mentioned by the people keeping records of the events.
    Some people keep thinking every Mary mentioned — or not mentioned — was the same woman.
    They weren’t.

    David for keeping our assorted women straight in our minds

  5. John Doe on January 20th, 2017 9:31 am

    This lady was not a teacher.

  6. Mary on January 20th, 2017 1:45 am

    36 months? Is that all she got? There’s others here thats done a lot worse and/or the same act on kids. She should have gottan 10 years or more. But then again y’all do a search on sexual offenders here in Jay and see how many lives here. It appears Jay has become a home town for these sickos. If this would have happened to my kids at Jay school the offender wouldn’t have made it to court. Its plain out chicken and to the one that said ” poor lady” what about the young man??? With has this world come too???

  7. aubrey jerkins on January 19th, 2017 8:54 pm

    Regardless of age or gender, there was a union of to beings that had a relationship. They are both guilty despite their age because they both threw caution and consequence to the wind. I am sure they both were aware of the possible outcome upon discovery. Due to his age, though a minor, he knew exactly what he was doing, and to her, the younger the more virile and strong. Her desire for boys was overwhelming leading her to have multiple affairs.
    The moral of this story is the boy SCORED and the girl paid the price for being human.

  8. cd on January 19th, 2017 8:33 pm

    Oh come on people! School-age boys look at this conduct a lot different than girls. Most of my male classmates had the hots for one female teacher or the other. And yes that includes me. A few of the guys were successful and I almost was….twice! There IS a difference!

  9. Lynn on January 19th, 2017 1:50 pm

    It is a shame that we cannot send our children to school without worrying the teachers are trying to have sex with them. You can’t trust anyone any more.

  10. BB on January 19th, 2017 11:25 am

    Must be pretty lonely up on the hill? Whatever happened to that other Jay woman(en) / teacher(s) that the same thing happened too?

  11. SANDY GRAY on January 19th, 2017 8:24 am

    I know one thing, if she would have entered my home trying to drink and have sex with my son, I’m not really sure she would have been Teaching our kids, I do know I would have a good time with her freckin face!!! What is wrong With these so called Lady’s, can’t They get a man, and not a child. She’s very lucky it wasn’t my son. She wouldn’t even seen a Court Room

  12. 429SCJ on January 19th, 2017 7:09 am

    @Bill Warner, Amen!

    Let us not forget Mary Magdalene and let us not cast stones.

    A testosterone charged, virile young man, a lonely and intoxicated older woman? You do the math.

  13. KK on January 19th, 2017 7:00 am

    According to a sheriff’s deputy I know, the actual age of consent in Florida is 16 as long as the other party involved is 23 and under. Her age was the reason she is where she is.

  14. Upset teen on January 18th, 2017 11:59 pm

    First off, the age of consent in Florida is 18, regardless of gender. Everyone knows that, so it doesn’t matter if it happened a day before he turned 18, it is still illegal. Second, the woman and boy planned the meeting (proof is in the text messages). There is also two boys sexually involved with this woman, so it’s not like this was a one-time thing. Third, I understand that alcohol impairs someone’s judgement, but she knew what was right and why was wrong. Fourth, the whole problem with this is so many people saying this is the new “normal.” At no point in time should this be “normal.” Forget about genders for a minute – a legal adult and a child having sex is illegal! What if you found out that your underage son or daughter was having sex with an adult? This is rape according to the law and she should’ve gotten it way worse. Also, think about the young boy that lost his life leaving this woman’s home after she gave him alcohol. Can you imagine the pain that his family has to endure EVERY DAY now. This boy was a senior at Jay High School. Now because of her, he left behind his family and many friends. He is never going to be able to walk across the stage at graduation, attend college, find the love of his life, start a family, have kids, or grow old, all because he was influenced by an adult. Now, I’m not saying the boys have no fault here, they were old enough and should’ve known better, but adults are supposed to look after and help protect kids, not put them in more danger. My prayers go out to the boys, their families, this woman, and also the family of the offender.

  15. Just saying on January 18th, 2017 11:59 pm

    Some are distracted by the ages of the parties. The age of consent isn’t important. The “special” relationship a teacher has over a student is the relevant factor.

  16. Becky on January 18th, 2017 8:25 pm

    Poor lady.

  17. willy on January 18th, 2017 6:03 pm

    “Yes with repentance it’s called salvation. Worry about your own workload” Gee, if THAT’S not hypocrisy at work. Do as you say, not as you do is how that works? Here’s one from Willy’s book of good deeds……”correct not, lest ye be corrected” Call it salvation, call it repentance, if it was your kid I bet you’d be the first in line to condemn her unless she’s a relative. Then it’s okay right? WRONG

  18. bill warner on January 18th, 2017 5:39 pm


  19. chris on January 18th, 2017 1:24 pm

    “I think God has a special place waiting for these folks.” Yes with repentance it’s called salvation. Worry about your own workload.

  20. anne 1of2 on January 18th, 2017 1:17 pm

    Just shows how bad the men her age are. Men always seem to seek out the younger women, only to pretend they are still young, but let a woman do the same and watch the people complain. Yes, this is a messed up world.

  21. JHC on January 18th, 2017 12:59 pm

    This has been happening at Jay for long as I can remember from the early 80’s till now. Some were caught and slapped on the hand or transfered but several were not? The only big difference is more people are paying attention to the kids loose lip rumors that get out around schools today and having to doing something about it.

  22. Henry Coe on January 18th, 2017 12:38 pm

    Alcohol bad.

    This is a stupid ruling with no victim but everyone gets punished and tax dollars get wasted.
    I don’t know any of these folks but they were doing what comes naturally. If there was a problem here, it’s from alcohol. Alcohol leads to people making bad choices that they would not otherwise make.
    I don’t know if this gal is an alcoholic or was just having a bad day but our laws were set up to catch and punish predators in order to protect society. I don’t think having this gal going to jail is protecting society.

  23. Deb in Alabama on January 18th, 2017 12:11 pm

    I am a Christian and I believe in waiting until you are married to have sex. BUT, I learned a long time ago, that you NEVER should be alone with the opposite sex because if you are seen doing so, people can talk and ruin your reputation. And when you are alone you can always be tempted. Just don’t do it !! It is so sad when underage kids are in this situation whether with consent or not ! WHAT HAPPENED TO MORALS !

  24. Nod on January 18th, 2017 11:48 am

    49scj, right on. Poor guy.

  25. Nip it in the bud on January 18th, 2017 11:44 am

    This seems to be the norm, when a middle aged woman see’s a young teenage boy that is flirting with her, it takes her back to her younger years, and she loves the attention. This is going on more and more especially in the Gonzales, Cantonment area. It is only a matter of time before more women are caught. And if the ones I’m referring to is reading this you better wake up

  26. bartender on January 18th, 2017 10:06 am

    maybe its wrong but have you seen teenagers these days.im sorry but they should let this woman go.ive seen girls 13 that are playing the streets. it takes 2 to tango. this boy im sure didnot fight back.alot of boys that age are after older women.its going on ever day.i dont call this rape.why not lock molesters and drug people thats selling drugs to kids. why not give animals abusers more time than they giving this woman.and why is she a sex offender.he was almost 18 so what. i bet hes still bragging about it.so kids to

  27. rick on January 18th, 2017 9:56 am

    I don’t understand this. If you want her not to face punishment for what she did, then what would you say when a 46 yr old man gets a 17 yr old girl drunk and assaults her? There has to be a finite line to protect children and she crossed it. Also, as has been reported by numerous media outlets, she had contact via text with an underage male promising him alcohol. He died that night in an auto accident while intoxicated. She is awaiting trial for yet another underage male. I am all for second chances but at some point punishment is just…..and for whatever reason she put herself over that line

  28. paul on January 18th, 2017 8:39 am

    She should have gone to Alabama. The age of consent is 16 there.. :/

  29. 429SCJ on January 18th, 2017 8:00 am

    Again; “where were these women when I was in high school”.

    I think that I would have kept my mouth shut, and endured the mental anguish that she inflicted on me, and often.

  30. willy on January 18th, 2017 7:40 am

    wth is WRONG with people?! Women sleeping with kids, guys screwing around with their pit bulls? I’m sorry but I can’t understand the mental process behind this kind of twisted behavior. I think God has a special place waiting for these folks.

  31. Justin J on January 18th, 2017 6:49 am

    Stories like these are the ones to launch at the social justice and equal rights whiners when prison sentences are definitely lower for women than men. As several others have commented; I agree with equal sentences as well. I’m not saying this woman should’ve received more or less time but there’s a significant imbalance between prison sentences of the opposing gender. If this occurred In Alabama this woman would be walking the streets. May GOD be our final Judge and determine who has eternal life or death.

  32. mike on January 18th, 2017 6:39 am

    This is absolute nonsense, they should let this woman go. I’m sure the tender little tyke is emotionally scarred for life. “Cue eye roll” :(

  33. jay on January 18th, 2017 6:12 am

    RE Chris
    Had it been reversed you’d be screaming for the electric chair, What’s’ wrong for one is wrong for all.. I don’t care what the boys intent was,, Even though sometimes I find these cases stupid she broke the law,, Now kids have a escape goat every time they dislike someone, whether it’s true of false the adult has to prove innocence after being judged by the newspaper

  34. Good grief on January 18th, 2017 5:45 am

    Hope it was worth it! Sad when a woman wants a boy.

  35. molinoman on January 18th, 2017 3:52 am

    Had this been a 40+ year old male teacher and a 17 year old teenage girl the male would have gotten 10+ years if the female admittedly initiated it or not. She got off light and should be thankful. That is justice and the social view of sexism for you.

    1 Corinthians 6:18

  36. chris in Molino on January 18th, 2017 1:56 am

    Amazing. The boy was almost 18, was a willing participant, and admittedly initiated the sexual contact. Judge Goodman has repeatedly given criminals convicted of possesion of a controlled substance with intent to distribute (who were already on probation for the same exact thing) less severe of a sentance. Some even had the probation reinstated. The criminals call him the “sweet” judge because he had a child die from drugs. And i’m sorry but possesion with intent when already on probation for same is much more serious than what this woman did. Oh well, that’s the system i guess. It’s do what you want not fairness, justice, or truth.