IP Explosion: Paper Mill Reaches Out To Neighborhood Hit Hardest By Black Liquor

January 24, 2017

International Paper started an outreach program Monday afternoon  in the Woodbury neighborhood, one of the areas hardest hit by a chemical mix in a Sunday night mill explosion.

Homes, cars, the roadway, trees — everything in the Woodbury area was covered by mixture of f wood fiber, water and pulping liquor — a black, sticky goo.

IP representatives went door to door to address residents’ concerns, passing out a letter that began with a friendly “Dear Neighbor” salutation.  The letter described the powerful explosion as a “manufacturing process incident” that caused the release. (Click the letter image to enlarge.)

The letter explained that anyone having contact with the black liquor should wash the area for 15 minutes with soap and water, and to see a doctor for skin irritation or respiratory issues.

The IP letter also advised residents seeking more information to call (850) 968-4208.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “IP Explosion: Paper Mill Reaches Out To Neighborhood Hit Hardest By Black Liquor”

  1. James Broel on January 25th, 2017 8:57 am

    429SCJ, just because your health and financial well being isn’t tied to a job at the IP plant doesn’t mean you should quietly lay down and not express your opinion. Everyone should know the facts about this dangerous incident. And IP shouldn’t be allowed to poison the area without people speaking out on the atrocities.

  2. Allen Lowery on January 25th, 2017 8:18 am

    James Broel, making a false statement. Trump has been in office 5 days and you already know what he is going to do. Please pick my Powerball numbers for me since you can see into the future. He appointed a Director of the EPA, so not sure how that eliminates it. During the multiple Industrial Factory explosions or incidents during the Obama years, did you ever once ask what he was going to do about it? Probably not. Since the toxic fumes are such a troubling situation for you, you may need to relocate just to be safe.

  3. 429SCJ on January 25th, 2017 6:30 am

    It is not difficult to see that there are those whose income is tied to the mill, and those whose income is not.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding” Upton Sinclair, author of “The Jungle”.

    Muckraking? Literally!

  4. James Broel on January 24th, 2017 11:12 pm

    Resident, I should said I was also at Ransom right near the Piggy Wiggly in Cantonment when the smell and fog was terrible caused directly by St. Regis now known as International Paper. We have a President who wants to bring in cabinet members pro-industry and actively seeking to abolish the EPA. We may have laws to protect people right this moment but those elites in office would like to eliminate evironmental agencies that help promote clean air, clean water and protection of irresponsible industry to safety. I’m not so sure IP will do what’s right unless people demand it. Other posters have already posted toxins used in this manufacturing process. This just doesn’t add up as safe to be near.

  5. Jane on January 24th, 2017 9:59 pm

    Anyone know if the water (Farm Hill Utilities) will be impacted by this?

  6. Resident on January 24th, 2017 9:00 pm

    James broel @Ann, I remember the cloud of toxic fumes while attending two terrible years at Ransom Middle School. You couldn’t breathe and being outdoors was terrible during P.E. class. We may never know the health impacts to the community from the paper mill. Or the long term effects on the environment.
    Sir: that mill has been there since the 50’s and btw ransom middle school used to be on muscoggee rd right behind the mill not miles from the mill. I went there n the 80’s and I am perfectly fine and I know people in their 70′ and 80’s that grew up around there also and they are fine. So go figure. Just throwing my thoughts out there. So everybody quit bashing the mill. If they done something wrong they will make it right. They have laws in place for industries to follow.

  7. old man on January 24th, 2017 8:29 pm

    the white suits the clean up crew are wearing are basic hazmat suits it probley is made of paper and is disposable saw the crew on 29 and that is what they were wearing theywould be wearing rubber suits and air packs if it were dangerous to humans the offer of motel rooms was probley a way i p saying sorry

  8. Lewis on January 24th, 2017 8:07 pm

    Look up MSDS sheet on Intentional Paper Black Liquor

  9. jeeperman on January 24th, 2017 5:21 pm

    Maybe, just maybe it is easier and cheaper to throw away a white paper suit versus washing down and washing the clothes in the laundry several times.
    If they are wearing gas masks with air tanks, then get worried.

  10. Joan F on January 24th, 2017 3:33 pm

    Why is the clean up crew on Woodbury cir in white suits, basically hazmat suits if the material isn’t hazardous? Secondly, why are all the residents of Woodbury offered a hotel if this area is deemed safe? Something isn’t adding up….

  11. Rachel on January 24th, 2017 1:59 pm

    I am sure when you moved into the area the Mill was there.. It was your choice to live so close.. So everyone just needs to come together as a community and do what needs to be done.. If it wasn’t for that mill ANY of these hard works would not have a job living on the government.. SO LETS JUST BE THANKFUL NO FAMILIES ARE PLANNING FUNERALS THIS WEEK!!

  12. James Broel on January 24th, 2017 1:20 pm

    Ann, I remember the cloud of toxic fumes while attending two terrible years at Ransom Middle School. You couldn’t breathe and being outdoors was terrible during P.E. class. We may never know the health impacts to the community from the paper mill. Or the long term effects on the environment.

  13. molino jim on January 24th, 2017 12:57 pm

    I recall a few years ago there was talk about closing the plant and moving the operation to Ala. There was such yelling and carrying on then, But IP did the “right thing” and dumped a lot of money into the plant doing upgrades and a lot of jobs were saved. Cost wise it would have been easy to close down and take a tax write off– they didn’t do that. As several people have said “GIVE THEM A CHANCE”,

  14. Fred on January 24th, 2017 9:00 am

    The whole area has been inundated with toxic chemicals. It is getting scraped off and washed into the drains and gutters and going out to the bay. Our seafood will be ingesting this, causing even more damage to the ecosystem.

  15. Ann on January 24th, 2017 8:53 am

    The paper mill supplies many jobs in this area and
    Has been in the same place all of my life. I pray
    They can get it fixed and back up and running fast.
    I live close to the mill and yes sometimes the noise
    And smell can be a nuisance and this incident is
    Definitely inconvenient and nasty to everyone but
    We all need to stop and think of the employees that
    Are worried about how long they will be out of work.

  16. James Broel on January 24th, 2017 8:28 am

    Imagine what would happen if the Trump cabinet eliminates the EPA. No oversight on disasters like this. Big businesses could pollute and poison and little people would have no ability to do anything. See why we need an Environmental Protection Agency?

  17. Debbie on January 24th, 2017 8:05 am

    People for the love of God please give this company a chance to make things right before you start bad mouthing them. They did not want this any more than you or I. They have always been good neighbors to us now it is our turn. Give them a chance and TIME. Then if they don’t do things right , then say something.

  18. Duke of Wawbeek on January 24th, 2017 6:16 am

    “Salutations”, “manufacturing process incident”

    This was an industrial explosion that contaminated a community with toxic waste!