IP Explosion: Open House Addresses Concerns

January 29, 2017

International Paper held a community open house Saturday afternoon for a residents and businesses in the area impacted by an explosion last Sunday night at the Cantonment facility.

Over 225 people exchanged information with experts from federal, state and local environmental and health agencies.  Local residents and business owners interacted with representatives of the mill, along with officials from the EPA, Florida DEP and Escambia County Emergency Management and Public Safety.

About 100 homes and businesses have experience varying degrees of impact from the black liquor and pulp material expelled from the mill. Cleanup is underway at about 20 of the properties. Nearly 200 people on remediation teams are working in the impacted area, including spot cleaning of roadways in residential areas.

Full scale cleanup will continue on Sunday.

NorthEscambia.com photos.


5 Responses to “IP Explosion: Open House Addresses Concerns”

  1. MargieLu on January 30th, 2017 1:16 pm

    The venue was NOT handicap accessible (a cold open tent on wet grass in the winter? Why not Tate High Gymn at least so that wheelchair users can be welcome to attend?)

    Still, not a single answer to one question: What is the granulated stuff that blew northeast all over Cottage Hill north of Muscogee that covered all our horse pastures, homes, vehicles and farm equipment, our livestock, our poultry, and our rescued horses?

    No flyers were distributed here until three days after the incident, and only stuffed in our mailbox AFTER we called again on 1/26 to ask the above question.

    We’ve tolerated a week of silence, no calls returned, no Facebook posts answered, etc. so here’s going to be the new question soon:

    IP, Why aren’t you telling us what that gritty substance was, and why is your silence starting to become so deafening?

  2. Pcola Dad on January 29th, 2017 2:27 pm

    Mr. Coe you commented on the article posted Jan 28th that contained the information about the open house

  3. William on January 29th, 2017 2:09 pm

    >>It would have been nice to had been informed about this gathering.

    It was on NorthEscambia.com and pretty much every other media outlet once it was confirmed Friday afternoon. There was very little lead time given.

  4. Henry W Coe on January 29th, 2017 12:34 pm

    A problem with this contaminate is that the chemicals are/were washed from what looks like wood pulp and is now in the soil. The tan looking stuff on peoples roof tops is the wood pulp.
    I have a picture of the pool from 140 Countri Ln that shows what is now in the soil. NE, I will upload this pool pic to your Facebook page.

  5. Henry W Coe on January 29th, 2017 12:29 pm

    It would have been nice to had been informed about this gathering.