IP Explosion: Crews Continue To Scrub Neighborhoods

January 27, 2017

The cleanup continued Thursday in neighborhoods impacted by the Sunday night explosion at International Paper in Cantonment.

For the fourth day, IP representatives and cleanup crews were in the Woodbury neighborhood — including Woodbury Lane, Woodbury Drive and Woodbury Circle. Remediation teams, made up of more than 100 individuals, are dispersed throughout the surrounding area and remediation efforts are in full operation. The cleanup efforts are expected to take several weeks to complete.

At individual homes, teams are cleaning roofs, gutters, windows and exterior surfaces along with driveways, yards and other exposed surfaces.

When the teams clean black liquor and other material expelled during the incident from household roofs, they use low-pressure, high volume water before capturing the runoff to keep it out of the soil.

IP teams are continuing to visit with residents to answer questions and get signatures on a required access agreement to allow private property cleanup. Anyone needing additional information should contact the Joint Information Center at (850) 968-4208. Since Monday, over 170 calls have been processed.

Environmental monitoring and sampling is being conducted and will continue until cleanup is complete.

According to Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health Senior Toxicologist Dr. Paul Nony, who is onsite as part of the remediation team, the material released as a result of the explosion has no way to get into the drinking water system, and any overnight rain was prevented from accessing storm drains.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


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